little gamer boy
i put that brack in my brack
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Dracul Gras Oct 8, 2021 @ 9:11pm 
A girl and a boy were driving a car. Suddenly the boy stopped the car and asked the girl to step out of the vehicle, without any explanation. The girl got pissed, removed all her facebooks and ripped all the photos. The next day the girl heard that the boy had died, as he had driven into a wall. The boy noticed that there was a wall in front of them, had stopped the car, and saved the girls life, before he had driven into the wall.
andre Oct 2, 2021 @ 8:22pm 
░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY SKILENTON
Dracul Gras Aug 21, 2021 @ 11:14pm 
to what extent did the assasination of franz ferdinand in 1914, commonly known as the murder in sarajavo, contribute to the outbreak of world war one? when answering this focus question, make sure to referance the 4 causes of world war one started (alliances, imperialism, militarism and nationalism) this will help you structure your response. also be sure to use TEERCL structure when writing your paragraph. this assesment will be crossmarked and based on the ismg given on the back of the test.
Dracul Gras May 27, 2021 @ 11:05pm 
This is a nice old grandma boomer. Bakes me nice sweaters. Knits me cozy cookies. Is also a pro gamer even with arthritis. But sometimes she forgets things. Her Alzheimer's is getting worse everyday. Sometimes I have to assist her in doing simple tasks such as using the bathroom. As I'm helping her, she forgets who I am and starts screaming racial slurs at me and biting me. Grandma has no teeth so she just slobbers over my hand. Grandma also grew up in the south so racial slurs are natural to her. The screaming and biting never really stops until I start crying. She will die very soon.
Dracul Gras Jan 10, 2021 @ 1:22am 
apology for poor english
where were you when man fell into river in LEGO City?
i was sat at home playing lego when tv play
"a man has fallen into the river in LEGO City"
Dracul Gras Jul 10, 2020 @ 2:06am 
~My PC Specs

CASE: RAIDMAX Ninja II ATX-A06WBO Black / Orange Steel / Plastic ATX Tower Computer Case

Unfortunately all I have right now is a case. Im working minimum wage at the moment, and have 3 children to feed, one of which needs money for chemotherapy. Maybe ill be able to afford a graphics card in the future, but it's highly unlikely.

Message me for info on how you can donate money to help my starving wife and children. Only donations greater than $50,000,000 will be accepted. Don't try to give me a pity $500 or some ♥♥♥♥ you stupid ♥♥♥♥s. Anyway, keep in mind that by donating, you are saving the lives of innocent children. Thank you.