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163.3 hrs on record (151.1 hrs at review time)
We made a promise didn't we?
Posted May 4. Last edited May 5.
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5.4 hrs on record (0.9 hrs at review time)
Seems like Payday 3's biggest heist was from our bank accounts.
Posted September 22, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
797.0 hrs on record (446.8 hrs at review time)
If Eurotruck simulator is too boring for you like myself I suggest playing Hell Let Loose.

For over 400 hundred hours I have been driving the supply truck up & down the map and I cannot explain you the pleasure of it.
Building all the Garrisons on the map. A main Garrison, a backup garrison & a back backup garrison.
And of course a attack flanking garrisons. Two of course for the pincer maneuver.
Then to lose all the Garrisons on the map when your team eventually doesn't defend the point on warfare for all your garrison placements to disappear all over again.

Now it's time to rebuild all the garrisons all over again. And let me tell you there is no other pleasure in life.
Posted December 18, 2021.
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49.8 hrs on record (41.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Posted April 4, 2021.
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24.9 hrs on record (4.0 hrs at review time)
Posted December 8, 2019.
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3 people found this review helpful
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10.9 hrs on record (5.6 hrs at review time)
Great game, can we have stockings as a cosmetic option.
Posted June 19, 2019.
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115.1 hrs on record (110.9 hrs at review time)
Tl;dr: If you liked left for dead, buy it, for 30$ it's a steal, oh it's also on sale? Might aswell take the cash register out with you with the entertainment value this game brings.

Anyways to the review

Warning, it's long Tl:dr above



1. Satisfying melee / ranged combat, turning waves of enemies into mush is super satisfying, well until one of your teammates gets hook ratted into the wave.

2. Heros all feel unique and have their own respected playstyles and each hero has three careers to choose from whether you like to be ranged focused with the elfs waystalker career, or more of a melee support role with elfs handmaiden career, you get to choose how you play.

3. So far the community seems laid back and super helpful to newcomers and as with the nature of this game the toxicity seems pretty low from my 100 hours of game time, but you'll run into that one ♥♥♥♥ from time to time like any other game.

4. For the most part the game is pretty fair, if you lose it's because you didnt work well as a team whether that was because of individual skill or your other members skill, or watching your Slayer dwarf jumping into a wave of enemies on legend instantly dying then alt+f4'ing out.

5. Career skills are simmilar to overwatch's ult system for example, and they're extemely satisfying to use, being able to snipe and or save teammates from speicals around corners / across the map with the elfs waystalkers career skill or seeing Kruber push back a wave of enemies while also giving everyone temporary health to resurrect a teammate is satisfying, or watching your Slayer teammate charge into the wave of enemies on legend insantly dying is good fun to.


1. The devs seem to be listening to the community whilst slow weelky patches the game gets better and better each patch, if they do contiune this trend and make this game as polished / balanced as possible, this game will be truly worth more then 30$.

Just as a note I do not have any expience with FatShark other then vermintide 2, but i'm sure they're other reviews that can chime in onto FatSharks devolpment habits side a little better then this one.



1. Pop in. There is way to much of it in my opinion, textures poping in way to close or even enemies spawning ontop of you, but the ladder seems to have been patched today hopefully.

2. Proformance is a hit or miss, during waves it can be buttery smooth, or you'll drop to 20-30 fps with a GTX 1070 for some reason, as they contiune to patch the game we can only hope for better proformance.

3. Tons of bugs make the game feel unfinished, as you contiune to play you'll notice and experience more as in respawning at the end of the level for some reason and or a boss just disapearing into thin air or just falling through a elevator to your death, I mean I guess it still elevated him, but somewhat poorly though.

3. Peer to peer, just why? The difference from playing as host is huge vs not is huge, and if your host is in Russia and you're in the States enjoy flying no clipped enemies while you're all being mauled to death just before the host leaves and the game cancles itself for everyone. Also only the host can do some actions in game, for example placing a barrel near a wall to get to a secret location. The devs seem to be bringing deticated servers, but mean while p2p just sucks and is the cause of death of a lot of games.

4. Spawns are effected by the hosts CPU proformance. From what I heard the amount of waves and specials you face is lowered / highered depending on the hosts CPU proformance, as in people with a higher functioning CPU will face more waves and a person with a lower functioning cpu will face lower amounts.


1. A few careers feel way to untuned and or just bad to be viable in legend, and the worst offender out of all the carrers is Siennas battle wizard carrer path, as a newcommer you need to level up each hero to 6 and 11 to unlock their next respected carrer choice, as Siennas first career is battle wizard it makes her seem like an awful hero and truly is off putting to what she can actually do with the other careers since battle wizard is just bad and unfun to play.

2. The AI director can be super aggressive and just make things as hard as possible for you the higher up you go into the difficulties, as in a wave+speicals+a boss then after killing the boss another wave+speicals come sprinting twoards you it's winnable, but much harder if you're in a Pub setting.

3. Special enemies sounds need to be more noticable and or fixed. The amount of times a hook rat came in a horde with no sound indication he was there and me getting hooked into my death happens way to often.

4. Red items and cosmetics drop rate is way to low, and there is no guarantee you'll open any at all, I would love if they made it so you can do deeds for red items and raised the cosmetic drop rate, because as of right now it's just playing the lottery.

5. Difficulty spike from champion to legend is way to huge, there needs to be a inbetween where people can have a challenge but not legend level challenge, as of right now legend is around three times harder then champion in my opinion.

6. The power level of armored enemies, and not in a hard way, at legend you basically need a weapon that can pierce armor, limiting the choice of weapons, I would love to see armored enemies armor lowered so non-piercing weapons are viable and to rectify this buff the damage and or health pool of armored enemies.


1. As long as they contiune their updates fine tuning this game, even if they're slow it's fine in my opinion.


Is it worth it? Hell yeah, even with all of its bugs it's still addictive as hell, and once the devs hopefully finetune this game more it would be one of the best games on steam in my opinion, if I were to put it, it's like a abusive relationship, it's amazing most of the time, then it smacks you with a game breaking bug or crash that makes you contiplate why you even play this game.

So yes buy it, and if you don't enjoy it just refund it during the two hour time frame.

End of the review portion tips and frustration savers below

Here's a bunch of tips formatted like above that'll just save you time and frustation.

1. Save your commendation chest as you level up until you're power level 200, let me explain it more, as you open loot boxes you gain or lose +10/-10 on your items and once you gain power level it stays there, for example you open a power 78 item, now all the following items you unbox can only be +10/-10 78, as the early difficulty is easier the maximum power level the boxes go to is 100 on recruit then vet to 200 and champ / legend to 300. The grind to 300 power leveled items is a real one, so I would resist the urge to unbox them until you have mostly level 200 power level items.

2. Craft, and keep doing it a lot, as you unbox loot you can disenchant it gaining metal, you can use 10 metal to craft a item that has the same rules as the loot boxes I explained above, so overall it'll make gaining power level much, much easier.

3. Save your green dust and or dont reroll items much until you get power level 300 items, as you get to a higher hero level you'll start opening oranges / blues instead of whites / greens making rerolling tedious due to the lack of green dust, this will be patched is my guess, as if you have all characters at max level farming greens is way to tedious.

All of the possible properties and traits
Posted April 26, 2018. Last edited April 26, 2018.
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