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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 2,345.0 hrs on record (337.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: Oct 2, 2016 @ 1:29am
Updated: Sep 7, 2021 @ 7:36pm

If you like Turn Based Strategy games Buy this game and all its DLC ull be doing yourself a solid.
Why? Because this game has so many mods you can play the game your own way.

This is a rant
Long version: new vs old game
With mods this game is pretty good considering only 1 of the DLC's (Shen's Gift) is any good. if only they would add secondwave options, and somehow get the enemy within stuff with a third faction and gene mods while increasing the turns allowed in turn attack missions. The soldiers and abilities in this game are not as strong as in the old game (dont listen to totalbiscut) while the enemies are much stronger. they have removed key things in this game, such as proper base building like in the first one, Rockets are gon unless you use a heavy or power weapon with the powered armor. snapshot for snipers is gone (but they do start off with squad sight(and mods bring back snapshot)) SHIV's are gone (though they really werent vital in anyway) they completely removed air combat and medals are gone too. you dont even need to get psi troops to finish the game. this game is more cinamatic then the old one, more story driven. bradford gets facial hair and is much more annoying in this game. Terror missions are harder because you must save atleast 6/14 people or fail. the maps are much more diverse. and the game is buggy (say if you want a soldier to move right there behind cover the game might make a snap second option to send them right into the middle of an enemy group out of spite, because you are doing well)

short version: new game vs old one
weapons - weaker
abilities - weaker or equal to
enemies - stronger
gameplay options - way less
DLC 3 of 4 are bad
Mods-INSANELY AWESOME THERE ARE SO MANY!!!!!!!(they make up for the lack luster dlc)
how attached can you get to a soldier?-Very. you can write their own epitaph
customization - A LOT
voices-missing a few different countries but mods can bring you voices like deadpool, Lara Croft, Lana Kane, Homer, or even Duke Nukem , Ripely, Freemans Mind and much more.
bugs - common
secondwave - No - Added with WotC
medals - No
Shivs - No - default and Alloy added by mods
Weapons can now be upgraded with parts like scopes instead of wasting a rig slot like in EW
Gene mods - No (I miss legs and the camo genemods!)
Mechs - yes added with shens gift dlc
Soundtracks - 3 of them Original, EW, UFO added with tactical legacy.
Being able to capture enemy weapons early game - No
Any non-standard weapons - No just the defaults like EW and their upgraded counter parts.
OP bosses - yes
Weaker starting enemies - yes Advent troopers are weaker then EU sectoids
Stealth enemies - No thank God
Snapshot snipers - no (one weapon from WofC allows just 1 ss sniper)
Archangel armor - no (one boss from rulers dlc drops one set of it)
Air Combat - None
Base build - dumbbed down No bonuses

not considering mods XCOM EW has much much more then this game content and gamplaywise. But XCOM 2 is a decent game so thumbs up for new things!

Second wave options: Yes
New Prolouge Campaign added
Skirmish mode added
Challeneges added and improved

THIS game and its WotC DLC are a MUST buy

Here's my Big F*** Mod Collection youll need all the DLC
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