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53.6 ч. всего (53.3 ч. в момент написания)
This is a solid JRPG. The story is pretty standard compared with others of the same genre but it is really based around several major plot twists in the late game which you may find amusing or annoying.

The characters are well written and most are interesting but I would say the main characters (Lloyd and Collette) are probably the least interesting of the bunch. The villains are fairly good though their motivations don't always make sense.

The combat is better than average, with a lot of depth to it if you want to spend time learning about combos and maxing stats. It is faux-3D action JRPG type combat with button mashing and combos along with the standard spells and items.

This port ran fairly well on my PC. I did see some slowdown during certain spell animations in combat which was rare. I had to turn off controller rumble because it also seemed to cause slowdown (and it was annoying anyway.)

Overall, 7/10
Опубликовано 7 марта 2017 г..
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13.0 ч. всего
Overall, this is a very good game with several great aspects but the few negatives keep it from being top tier.

The story and pacing are well done and left me wanting more, the music is just about perfect (even the songs with lyrics which I usually find annoying in games), and visually it is distinct and sharp looking.

On the negative side, it is very short (about 5 hours for a playthrough) so the story that is set up ultimately disappoints because it wraps up too quickly. Additionally, the game is quite easy though there is a built-in mechanism to make it more difficult if you like. The combat, while fun for the most part, is a fairly standard ability/cooldown system and doesn't do anything new or exciting.

Overall it's definitely worth your time and your money, though you should not expect a deep RPG experience from it. 8/10
Опубликовано 23 февраля 2017 г..
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188.8 ч. всего (129.7 ч. в момент написания)
Amazing game. Combat is greatly improved from the first entry in the series and the story is still one of the most compelling in the genre. 2 playthroughs are required to experience all story content and character interaction, so it's at least 60 hours of time to invest but it's very much worth it. 10/10
Опубликовано 19 февраля 2017 г..
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