California, United States
Heya! I'm a Dad. I design write play and analyze complex, multifaceted puzzles, am creative and willing to learn and work with people interested to understand ethical frameworks behind decisions and interactions.

I write too, but I like to draw diagrams to communicate because I talk a lot.
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Review Showcase
36 Hours played
This is a towering achievement of game design. The sheer volume of wholly different art styles (I lost count after 7) is bewildering; I've never played through a game with so many different ideas that manages to tell an engaging story of introspection without falling apart. I spent 35 hours playing the game and then watched all of the credits, which takes about 45 minutes or more. The diverse musical styles, sound design, and voice acting are all top notch, while the game mechanics allow for creative exploration and different play styles without any player abilities feeling extraneous.

Not as good as Disco Elysium, but both games are easy 10/10. Totally worth the purchase.
PowerGem3000 Sep 21, 2020 @ 8:30pm 
weird guy
76561199049087574 Sep 13, 2020 @ 8:38am 
ꜧ𝖊ᵧ ꜧᴏ𝖒ὶ𝖊, 𝕴 𝝎𝗮n𝖙 𝖙ᴏ ꜧ𝗮𝛎𝖊 ᵧᴏ𝓤 ...n ᴏ𝓤𝙧 ş𝖊𝖒ὶ-𝖕𝙧ᴏ 𝖌𝗮𝖒ὶn𝖌 ş𝖖𝓤𝗮ď ⲥ𝗮ɭɭ𝖊ď ᴏ𝖋𝖋ş𝖊𝖙, 𝗮ďď 𝖒𝖊 ὶ ⲥ𝗮n'𝖙 𝗮ďď ᵧᴏ𝓤 ὶď🇰 𝝎ꜧᵧ
dpscout96 Dec 31, 2019 @ 10:43am 
Hello! I am interested in your supernatural stalker for 1.1 keys if you are interested still. Feel free to add me if you want to sell still since I can't send a trade offer from
who eats the most pizza Mar 8, 2019 @ 1:01am 
tf u want
Brando Feb 10, 2019 @ 2:33am 
Mad cuz bad
Pugs Bunny Oct 9, 2018 @ 7:50am 
hello dear sir