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10 people found this review helpful
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50.2 hrs on record
I like the character designs, their personalities, and the story itself is fine.
I'm the kind of person that likes to do all routes & achievements if I like the game.
Over half my playtime was spent trying to get onto Alvin's path. Just that 1 character! I followed every guide I found to a T, still never happened. I cheated to give myself higher stats, still didn't help. So after 20+ hours replaying the game several times to try to get on his path, I decided to just say "screw it" and go on Matthew's. So I loaded up one of the saves with altered stats and started doing the stuff to get on Matthew's path. And you know what? It actually let me get onto Alvin's path... All those FREAKING wasted hours! I'm so pissed >.<
So here's a tip for anyone trying to get Alvin's path: Any guide that says you NEED a 4.0 GPA and/or to spend time with him on Halloween is a LIAR. I did neither of those (my GPA was only like 3.25 by the time the route you're on is established), I never studied, I only saw Alvin for tutoring on Mondays and never dated him on weekends. I think blogging/popularity is more a factor for getting his path (and maybe giving him the Knight Figure and watching the show with him), which none of the guides I followed mentioned and I only was doing since you need to do that for Matthew. Exercising also helps since there is a cutscene of you running into him when you run.

I mentioned that I liked the character designs, and I really do. But the quality of the CG art is so BAD by comparison. Perspectives and proportions are almost always off. Shots of a character that are straight on seem to be *ok*, but if its the character's side/profile, it looks really strange. Lloyd is my favorite character, but ALL of his CGs have him so badly proportioned ;_; Doing a major disservice to my guy.

This is a stat-based game, which isn't TOO bad if you're only doing 1 route/playthrough. But MAN is it really tedious and boring if you're gonna do more than that. Even with skipping read text on, having to pick your activities each week and then going through all the animations (which are still skipped if you have skip turned on currently) is just so monotonous. The game itself takes place over the course of almost a whole year, so thats over 40 weeks of inputting your weekly activities. Per playthrough. It adds up and really makes the game a chore to get through.
To get all of the achievements (or to get an achievement for one of the main guys), you have to do both their friendship route AND romance route. Without following a guide, getting the friendship route can actually be extremely difficult, which you wouldn't normally think so. So if you plan to do all achievements, make sure you're using a guide in order to minimize the amount of times you have to restart or reload a playthrough.
Posted October 27, 2021.
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14 people found this review helpful
11.6 hrs on record
Mixed feelings on this one, which is why I just went with not recommended.
Full disclosure: I got this game in June when it was free for the month.
The game is *fine*, but nothing great or very memorable.
Tyler isn't very likable, and is almost always a grouch to everyone (including his sister). I can understand why he feels that way, but also, he's an adult and needs to stop being an emo baby to everyone.
Even with only 3 chapters, I felt like the story dragged on, and at the same time, didn't move at all. The story is about the twins selling the house they grew up in after 10 years of being apart, as well as finding out the events leading up to their mother's death. And thats it. There is barely anything more than that. So be prepared for lots of drama between the siblings about themselves, their mother, and the town they're in.
The graphics/scenery in this game are VERY nice though. Lots of nice scenic shots if you like taking screenshots of games you're playing. There were a LOT of nice artwork or models of figurines you run into in game that are just part of the environment and don't serve a purpose (you can't even "Look" at them). Major props to all the animators that made those, I always took my time exploring and looking through each place to look at all those details before doing what I was supposed to do.
Posted October 27, 2021.
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18 people found this review helpful
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1.2 hrs on record
"Examine things you've already examined": the game.
Posted August 21, 2021.
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3.4 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Remove headphones before starting the game to prevent hearing loss.
Posted September 30, 2020.
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8 people found this review helpful
19.7 hrs on record
A fun little visual novel about working in a cat cafe. I like the little touch of letting you choose your character's gender and pronoun. While I did enjoy the story and completed all routes, unless you want to 100% the game, I would only do the routes for the characters that you like. Its really only the last 30-40% of the game that changes between routes, so you'll be using that Skip read text feature quite a lot (and because it has to do each of the scene transitions even while you're skipping, it might be awhile). I'm a little disappointed that after completing all routes, some plot points were still too ambiguous to completely figure out without looking at sources outside of the game.

Overall a good game, though not at full price.
Oh and if you're hoping you turn into a cat, you're gonna be disappointed.
Posted June 28, 2019.
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14 people found this review helpful
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68.0 hrs on record (64.1 hrs at review time)
Greatly improved from the first game. More classes, more pet options, more customizing of your character, a long awaited for multiplayer mode. If you're looking for story, I recommend playing that in single player mode first, and then playing in multiplayer mode for sidequests and achievement hunting.
The game is fairly priced at $20 and is a must play for any fans of Diablo II.
Posted November 21, 2018.
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31 people found this review helpful
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3.2 hrs on record
Even though this is an RPG Maker game, I was actually enjoying it until I encountered the game breaking bug that another reviewer mentioned.
On Day 4, your character is automatically walking a girl home. After exiting the subway, the girl walks over to the lamp post, but because there is an NPC near the subway entrance that is in your way, you are stuck. This NPC only turns around and does not move from his spot, and you cannot control your character at this time. I couldn't even open up the menu to save/load/quit. You literally can't do anything.
Until the devs fix this (which isn't likely, since the review pointing this out was made over a year ago and it isn't fixed yet), this game gets a thumbs down from me. Would love to continue it, but at this time that is not possible.
Posted June 30, 2018.
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A developer has responded on May 7, 2021 @ 12:53am (view response)
2 people found this review helpful
4.0 hrs on record
Like others, I am also very inbetween in my feelings, but ultimately I gave it a thumbs down.

The voice acting is good and the concept of the game was interesting, but it was just lacking so much. There was a lot of potential in the plot, but there was no follow through. There are 9 endings, but even the "true" ending is anticlimactic. It is a short VN (2-3 hours), which probably did not help much.
If the game is in [another] bundle, go for it. Otherwise, I would pass.
Posted February 15, 2016.
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10 people found this review helpful
9.4 hrs on record
I really tried to like this game, but I've given up on it.

Battles are pretty unavoidable and very monotonous (I am no stranger to RPGs, but with only 2 kinds of enemies per map, this gets old). Leveling up also doesn't seem to do much for your character except increase HP.
Maps are very mazelike and there will be a LOT of backtracking (especially since there is no map). They can also be hard to maneuver around (a stick in the road that I can't walk over or around? yeah ok, guess I'll go back and look for another way to get over there -.-; ).
Posted January 1, 2016.
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5 people found this review helpful
200.3 hrs on record (56.9 hrs at review time)
Very addicting game. Great as a stress reliever or just to relax. Would only recommend buying it when it is on sale though.
Posted August 15, 2014.
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