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1.8 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
17/07/17 - it is now july of 2017. the game is still in early access and is still pvp only. buy in to support developement only. as always if you want a completed game wait for the release; if you want a game you will enjoy, watch someone play the release version of the game on vod or livestream, then decide.

19OCT16: Game is playable as Test Flight or vs AI or PVP. This is still a very PVP oriented game don't get me wrong, it's just that there are some other things to do now. As this is early access do not buy and expect to play the completed game instantly. It is not a completed game. That said if you would like to support the game's development and play some pvp or pvai by all means buy in to it.

game looks good and promotional images are not merely concept art thrown on to the catalog page.

game plays well and smoothly.

as a demo it stands out.

As I have stated I backed this game on Kickstarter in the hopes of getting a single-player campaign. As I have stated, elsewhere and often, I loathe PVP. I do not own a Virtual Reality Device (3D Visor) nor do i plan to acquire one any time soon. For opinions concerning PVP & 3D experience I suggest you read someone else's notes. In my own opinion this game will, upon release, be worth the 30USD asking price.

recommended for pvpers and those wishing to support the development of the game. i was in no way compensated for this review and indeed as shown in the comments I was confronted by the devs to change my original review so I made my review friends only until I could honestly recommend the game.

(edit - pve content added, changed vis to everyone)
(edit - msp KS, changed to friends only)
Posted June 26, 2016. Last edited July 17, 2017.
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2.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
tldr - wait for the dlc unless you want to support frontier developements (who make other games, keep that in mind).

ok kids, here goes. i like the game elite dangerous. i bought it back when they said it would never be on steam or consoles. ive put a hideous amount of time into this game. so yes, this is my kind of game. that said, do not buy this if you already own elite dangerous. the product sold on this page is a complete install of elite dangerous plus the horizons expansion in 64 bit only.

(this section may or may not have been corrected by FD)
and get this - it is already installed on your disk if you own ED. look in folders and you will see elite-dangerous-64 w/ EliteDangerous64.exe in there. run that baby as admin, doing this will not harm your computer or your steam account (nor FD account), it will fail login after shaders load. notice what came up? eh?
(end of parenthetic)

buying this product adds another game to your library, and takes up space already taken up by a folder we cannot use in original ED folders (premium alpha and beta (non steam) owners can use these by executing the launcher w/o steam). for this price and hardware footprint we should get another pilot. that is my opinion only.

my advice is wait for a sale and buy this for a separate account. that way you get two pilots.

keep in mind that FD has more expansions planned. will there be a separate install for each? how will we be able to accumulate expansions if they are not integrated?

we interupt this rant to bring you this breaking news-

HOLD IT! Stop da presses! is this the rebranded package of "season pass?" i ask b/c the descr says "multi-crew" and tho that is not in this expansion it is in planning for future expansion. HS! this is brilliant! this will never exit early access! it will be in permanent beta! they can claim early access/beta protection - forever! genties and ladlemen i present to you the Paid Play Test Universe! FD i salute you.

-we now return to regular programming

as with my review of the base game you, the player, are responsible for making the story. it is not that hard really. give yourself a han solo, boba fett (pre or post retcon), luke (or joker, same bloke) voice and act accordingly. if this sounds like work to you then there is a part of Elite: Dangerous called Close Quarters Combat. this mode is pvp only. is this one mode worth the price of the game? see other reviews re: Horizons subj: content.

vanilla game is on sale for 15USD and was the same price end of November. i _highly_ recommend if you get horrizons that you get vanilla game ON ANOTHER ACCOUNT. buying on same steam account _does not_ give you another pilot, it gives you another install folder and and another launcher for the same pilot.

disclosure: i was not given monetary compensation nor a key for the game for this review. i own the premium beta (after kickstarter before steam) and i purchased another copy of the base game to do the less sensible things (like smuggling on open servers) on my other steam account.

edit = moved tldr
edit = changed to negative w/ same content to see if anyone is reading or if just voting based on pos/neg
edit = added sale price quote for vanilla game
edit = allowed for possibility of FD removing client PUSH. added "paid play test universe" PPTU
Posted December 16, 2015. Last edited January 6, 2016.
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0.0 hrs on record
from section of the page obscured by format:

• Additional Hype Fuel for the Hype Train event – Help the rest of the community gain Hype Fuel by purchashing the OVERKILL Pack. Buy the 4-pack and give the extra copies away to your friends. The Hype Fuel event is a community event between Februrary 5 and March 12 where the community work together in order to unlock free updates for everyone.

• Bonus content with the Spring Break event – When the Hype Train event has concluded, all of the destinations that have been reached will generate free content that will be unlocked during the Spring Break event between 13-21 March.

note that the event is over so you must purchase based on what is _in_ the pack and not by what is promised. also worth noting is that the promises made in this promotion were not kept.

tldr - 5usd for two limited use weapons. recommended -50% sale or better, if then.
Posted December 8, 2015.
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821.2 hrs on record (328.3 hrs at review time)
this is not your daddy's fallout. this is not granpa's fallout. the theme is the same and the lore persists. let go of the the previous meta(s) and you will enjoy the game.

your starting abilities will for the most part be low. pick your starting advantage(s) and proceed. you can get stats w/ perquisite points AND GEAR. yes, gear has stat buffs. look for items and enemies w/ stars in the name (legendary). these _will_ give you buffs and combat advantages. power armor, oddly enough, now needs power. run out of power and you need to go find more so your gear worn under will be the determining survival factor.

item collection and salvage progression - junk matters. you will use junk to build communities. you can advance by collecting junk and loading it into local workbench (general). next point is the workbenches. read which workbench you are currently interfacing b/c though the pile of junk is collective locally the items you can craft are determined by which bench you are addressing (i say the obvious b/c it is not immediately obvious which is which).

as w/ all fallouts specialization is key to success (and replayabilty imo). build on your strengths.

recommended for FPS, role play, crafting, fort building, Fallout Fanatics.

my specs:
32GB ram
win 10 64bit
installed on mechanical hard drive
Posted November 12, 2015. Last edited December 23, 2015.
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0.0 hrs on record
yes. i bought this on sight out of pure nostalgia. sue me.
Posted October 21, 2015.
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0.7 hrs on record
for best value buy the full (goty) on holiday sale. game inexplicably still has GfWL. this can be ignored entirely though if used it will ask for a non existent (if purchased since the discontinued support for GfWL) key leaving us at an impasse. as i said this not required. and now a word about time travel - in 2008, most ppl were still using XP which is largely a DOS Shell OS. i say this to caution buyers to expect certain compatability setting requirements. Micro$oft is not known for its forward thinking backwards compatability.

that said, if we are willing to put up w/ this "stuff" it is a phenomenal gameplay value for $5 (US) which is the seasonal max low price for the goty. even after completing the game it is worth playing once/six months or so. as a routine breaker or a rage reset button. fallout nexus featured mod Tale of Two Wastelands will use the assets from this game to enable playing the Capital Wasteland under the FNV executable (worth the five bucks for this alone IMO).

recommended for SP, Fallout Fanatics, Computer Game Historians, Tale of Two Wastelands.
Posted October 7, 2015.
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25.6 hrs on record
Game is no longer GFWL!

now w/ steam cheevs and no gfwl arbitrary lock outs. more stealth than the latter batmans this first game has a linear mission path with the exception that each objective has more than one path for completion. game is a good introduction to the series, the lore, and the comics.

recommended for SP, stealth, melee fighting, batman/dc fanatics and completionists.
Posted October 6, 2015.
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37.9 hrs on record (36.3 hrs at review time)
John Carpenter's Escape from Arkham City

if that title confuses you, ask your parents or uncle Ambrose. open world in that multiple quests and side missions can be active and completed in various orders. primary combat is melee w/ single action ranged weapons (batarang, bolo, batclaw). a good story imo. a lot to do in a fun place to do it.

recommended for SP, melee fighting games, Batman/DC fanatics, challengers/completionists. if on sale in your price range just buy it, eventually you _will_ play it. controller recommended (very nearly required)
Posted October 6, 2015.
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0.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
i do not recommend this game. it may have been abandoned and steam never bothered to remove it from catalog.

as an aside - am i the only one who believes any game that fails to progress beyond early access should _automatically_ qualify for steam refund? i cant be the only one. united we stand people.

game has the quaint, and highly annoying phenomenon of "local lag." yep, lag in a single player game. reading in game manual (not a pdf) seems required. male voice locked to a female character (no offence to folks who posess this atribute but that was not what i was trying to generate). aside from these things it looked like a potential game. as it stands it is abandonware. dont buy it. if you have bought it, get your money back on the grounds that it was abandoned PRIOR to release. demand a released product for your money kids. keep an eye on Artplant in the future for scams.
Posted August 8, 2015.
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24.2 hrs on record (24.0 hrs at review time)
First off, it's Wolfenstein. For those who don't know the Wolfenstein Series was there at the beginning of the FPS. Over the top weapons and enemies are to be expected. In TNO these exceptations will be met, if not exceeded. This is the game we mean when we say First Person Shooter. Just enough story to give it purpose. All the weapons in the arsenal, some two at a time. Maps with varied objectives. A certain amount of stealth. Gore splatter, blood spatter and amusing rag doll effects. There is even a little sex which i believe is a new addition to the Wolfenstein Series.

Recommended for SP, Speed Runners, Wolfenfanatics
Posted August 3, 2015.
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