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160 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
Ridiculously overpriced for what it is. It feels more like a paid patch with a flavor pack attached rather than an expansion.

The MIO rework and special forces rework should have been part of a patch, yet they are paid. So what does that leave us with? Focus trees and unit models for Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland - certainly something that they could have sold as some kind of flavor pack, but charging 20€ (which is half the price of the main game) for that combined with stuff that should have been part of the patch to also have content behind the paywall that is also of use when playing as another nation is absolutely absurd. This is the same price they sold the last 2 Expansions for (No Step Back and By Blood Alone) and both of these brought major changes with the Tank Designer and Air Designer respectively
Posted October 15, 2023.
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83.0 hrs on record (34.9 hrs at review time)
Soo... Starfield is a bit of a mixed bag. The game itself is really good, lots of interesting locations to explore, lots of quests which are actually interesting and have good writing. Just overall a really good game.

There are a few things however which hold the back the game from achieving greatness. The menus for the most part are a mess, often forcing you to go through submenus and back to get to where you want and unfortunately most of these menus have open and close animations which you cannot skip. Worst offender here is clearly the map. Also the system map can sometimes be a little hard to navigate as you cannot move or rotate it and if the thing you're trying to select is either rather small or something else is in front of it, then tough luck.
Another thing which is just poor design is that carrying capacity is just too low. You pick up a few items and are instantly carrying too much, forcing you to snail your way to the ongoing mission as you have to stop every 3m for a minute to catch your breath. This is even an issue when maxing out weightlifting (the skill which lets you carry more)
Using the ship designer is often quite wonky. There is no list of all modules available at a given vendor. You have to select the "hardpoint" you want to mount that module to first and some modules are only mountable on certain points.

Then there's the technical side of things. While I have not experienced a single crash, performance of the game is absolutely abysmal, at least on nvidia graphics the GPU is not even fully utilized and remains on a fairly low power state due to low utilization. The AMD sponsorship really shows there.

Then there's the thing which for many people is likely gonna be the biggest turn-off. At a price point of 70€ this game comes in 20€ (40%) more expensive than a regular full-price title all while they plan to add paid DLC which is likely gonna cost even more money and will most likely be equally as overpriced. If it would have launched at the usual price point for a game this size (50€), Starfield would have been an instant recommendation, but at a price like this, it is really hard to recommend. I'd say "wait for a sale", but it being reduced to something like 50€ half a year after release isn't really such a great deal either. So unless you really have money to spare, buy this game as soon as it reaches a 50% discount as the game itself is really great for the most part and the things which aren't hopefully will get patched

EDIT: Just editing this review because of that stupid-ass steam awards task
Posted October 9, 2023. Last edited November 23, 2023.
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15 people found this review helpful
20.8 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to like this game, it is a letdown in so many ways and inferior to the original in pretty much every single way.

Where do I start? The original Evil Genius managed to integrate an implicit tutorial into the very early bits of the campaign and there weren't that many room and building options available to you, so everything was learning by doing with the game nudging you in a certain dicrection without limiting the experienced player. This game on the other hand is the exact opposite. When starting the campaign, you can enable or disable a tutorial. The tutorial itself is just poor. It's an hour of "place this room on exactly these tiles. Now build this item exactly this position". It is horrible. Without the tutorial however, you can build all rooms from the get-go with most of them being useless at that stage of the game while also being very expensive. Additionally, you start out with quite little money, which is barely enough for the very minimum you need in order to steal more. The general progression through the game is done very poorly when compared to the original game.

Let's get to the worst part of the game though: The world domination screen. Instead of being able to just send minions anywhere on the world in order to do stuff, you now have to establish a criminal network first. Not a huge fan of that idea, but fair enough. However, once you have the criminal network set up, you can't just freely send minions to that region to do anything, but have to do the very same pre-determined things over and over and over again which fall into one of 2 categories: Gain money or Lose heat in the region. There is no risk to these missions as they cannot fail and there is also no strategy involved to who you send on the mission as it is set by the mission itself. You can't send anyone else. In addition, minions that get sent on a mission will now be "consumed"... Compare that to the first game where each kind of minion had its unique strengths and weaknesses and you could sent minions to just steal from a region, plot to find acts of infamy or items to steal or hide to avoid getting killed and if heat in a region was too high, you could retreat all minions and let heat die down.
Another issue here is the general layout of the globe. Why did they get rid of the pseudo-cold war setting in exchange for a setting that makes no sense? I just don't get it. Why are Britain, Russia and Japan in the same faction in this game?

So let's get to base building: This game allows you to access multiple layers of your evil base, which is a cool idea. What is not a cool idea is that they got rid of the ability to pre-plan rooms, parts of rooms or entire layouts without building them in order to blueprint your base. As soon as you create a plan, you have to immediately build it. Base-building in general feels quite wonky as you cannot remove planned rooms with right-click anymore and have to select the room-type rock instead and place that. Placing items is also a pain where you constantly have to switch back and forth between the room type tab and the items tab. When building bases it feels like the UI is actively working against you. New items get mostly unlocked by research in contrast to the first game where some items got unlocked by research and some by progressing through the game.

Minions now only have 3 stats where I'm just wondering: Why? Why dumb this down?

One of my biggest complains though is the lack of humor and general feeling. Remember these funny radio broadcasts that played every time you completed an act of infamy relating to the country you just did something in and the thing you just did? Yeah, there's none of that anymore... Instead you now have occasional stupid dialogs after every mission which are written in an "everyone is stupid and that's funny" kind of way.
Posted April 1, 2021.
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42.0 hrs on record (34.4 hrs at review time)
First things first: The game isn't bad at all. In fact: It is quite a decent game.

So why the negative review? It pales in comparison to its predecessor which is free at this point in time. Much of CK3 just feels dumbed down with mechanics being less complex for the sake of being more accessible which sadly leads to a more boring game.

In addition, by making everything playable from the start without spending the effort to put distinct mechanics to different governments or regions, they ended up with everything feeling the same. It just feels the same whether I am playing the king of France or some tribal realm in Siberia.

Again: The game itself isn't bad, but it's predecessor is better and free
Posted March 18, 2021.
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14.0 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
I never thought I'd ever write that about a Serious Sam game (proper game, not one of the licensed indie spinoffs), but the game is a serious disappointment.

Worst part is the performance. The game runs like absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ despite not looking that good. Often the performance is so bad, that the game is unplayable. All of that while the game looks worse in most areas than Serious Sam 3.

While this is very subjective, I also don't like the style they went for in this game. It often feels more like a Call of Duty parody than a Duke Nukem parody. This is mostly reflecting in the story, but also the visual design of the world and enemies as well as things like animations for mellee kills (in this game you just stab them with your army knife while in Serious Sam 3 you could rip out hearts and eyeballs and throw them at other enemies).

I really hope the game will be fixed and brought at least on par with Serious Sam 3
Posted September 30, 2020.
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32 people found this review helpful
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0.2 hrs on record
The reason the game gets this negative review is not due to gameplay. In my opinion it's a fairly generic survival game, I personally found it quite boring, but most people seem to quite enjoy it, so if you are into survival games, you might like the game. Read the other reviews then.

No, the reason for this negative review is about the developer pulling off some very scummy stunts. First, they didn't really test game patches before releasing them which often led to game-breaking bugs whch were only fixed later-on. Eventually the developer decided to drop the Linux version alltogether, only offering people a refund who bought the game though the Steam storefront, leaving every Linux user who purchased the game somewhere else (I did on the Humble Store for example) both without a game and without a refund which is just the most scummy move one can imagine. I paid for a game, you took the game from me, I would like to have my money back.
Posted September 11, 2019.
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34 people found this review helpful
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350.8 hrs on record (246.5 hrs at review time)
Deus most definetely Vult
Posted June 30, 2019.
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1 person found this review helpful
326.5 hrs on record (243.3 hrs at review time)
The unity calls...

It is simply one of the best realtime strategy games ever made and a must have if you're even remotely interested in the genre.
Posted November 22, 2018.
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4 people found this review helpful
1.6 hrs on record
Posted March 31, 2018.
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44 people found this review helpful
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0.0 hrs on record
I really like this DLC. Gives you the ability to research adv. Formers when in the 2nd technologic age. Those allow you to finally use the water effectively by placing buildings on water (just like regular formers do that on land) This adds a whole new level to the game. there are also new boni and new aliens which I wuite like. The new faction lacks a malus and also the Spy gameplay is more annoying than funny and I actually want to turn that off. Get this DLC for full price if you enjoy Pandora, but are looking for sth more in the game. If it's 50% (or more) off, then don't wait and get this thing! Together with this DLC Pandora makes a waaaay better game than Civ: Beyond Earth (and has slightly worse graphics, but hey it's way cheaper).
Posted October 25, 2014.
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