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Recent reviews by SkipperSoul

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530.3 hrs on record (225.6 hrs at review time)
Turned Draculas castle into a giant pink Barbie house

10/10 would pinkify again
Posted November 25, 2021.
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61.2 hrs on record (5.1 hrs at review time)
Just get Civ 5 for a fraction of the price. Or wait until a complete edition is released at 75% off
Posted November 26, 2020.
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828.4 hrs on record (6.0 hrs at review time)
This years version seems to be a 'marmite' type game. you either love the improvements, or you dislike them. I fall into the latter side of things. The match engine is improved, though not as much as some people are claiming. the additional features and the new matchday UI are good, but the UI for the talks and press conferences arent. I do like the fact you can now show emotion in the game, such as waving arms, throwing bottles etc, but the way it has been implemented just seems unintuitive, and takes too long to get through. Overall I would recommend the game, purely because its FM, and most know what youre getting with it. I however have requested a refund due to not liking the new UI, but it is a personal choice
Posted November 21, 2020.
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1,346.6 hrs on record (139.5 hrs at review time)
Another great addition to the franchise. The development center is the best new feature for a few years. Yes the game still has its bugs, but the devs will sort them out as soon as they can, as they always do
Posted November 26, 2019.
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4 people found this review helpful
0.5 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
The game itself is fine. good graphics etc. but they've ruined it with the amount of DLC and sheer price of it. from what i can tell, theres about 20 rides in the base game, the rest have to be purchased through DLC. not worth buying just the base game, and the price of the DLC isn't worth it either
Posted June 29, 2019.
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1,704.2 hrs on record (883.5 hrs at review time)
still the best civ out there
Posted June 29, 2019.
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1,087.2 hrs on record (251.1 hrs at review time)
Probably the best FM for a few years.
Posted November 24, 2018.
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3.6 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Right at this moment, I can not recommend this game. Do not get me wrong, this game will be fantastic, but there is a lot that needs to be implemented into it before I personally can say 'yes buy it'. Below is a list of what I think needs to be changed or improved to make the game worth the £30.

Everyone has said it before but £30 for a BETA? that is a lot. I had no problem paying that much because I think this game will be worth it on final release, however many people would be hesitant to part with what is essentially a fully finished AAA price, for early access to an unfinished indie game. I would say a price of £20 max would get a lot more people talking about this game.

The graphics are great. they are not up to the standards of say Battlefield 4, but for an indie developed game, they are right up there. The wasteland you travel is strangely beautiful and you could spend hours just looking around it. It could use a few tweaks, such as putting a bit more detail into the buildings, other than that they are fine.

This is where the game looses me. I am all for PvP games, I play TF2 on occasions and am a big fan of COD/BF etc. However they are mean't to be that type of game. Nether actually has environmental enimies which can get quite difficult to beat (finding one is easy, but finding a hoard of them sometimes hitting double figures can make it nearly impossible), what I do not need whilst trying to kill these is a douche who insists on sitting atop a building sniping everyone in sight. THIS GAME NEEDS PvE SERVERS ASWELL. It is that simple. You can keep the PvP servers and have groups of douchebags killing each other just for kicks, but I, and many many more people I have spoke to about this game, say they would rather be able to group up and try and beat the Nether surges together, than be shot at from afar because the other guy can not be bothered to go out and find his own items.
Talking about items, they are few and far between. I get that it should be a challenge, having only a kitchen knife to start, trying to find bigger, more powerful weapons, but there are not that many in the map. There are plenty of bullets, walk into almost any building and you will find some. Food is not as rare as you would think. Bandages and pain pills are rare to find, even in the back of abandoned ambulances. Guns and melee weapons are very rare. I think I have found 1 pistol, 1 SMG and a crowbar in all the time I have played Nether. Water is impossible to find, I am not even sure if that has been put into the game as I have never come across it.

You can't. It is that simple. you die you start from scatch, which makes the douches from before even more annoying. It is not a big problem if you are level 1-4, walking around swiping at the enemies and you get killed. It does become a problem however when you hit say level 7, you have leveled up your guy (there is a levelling up system in game) to be better at sneaking and melee, found a great gun and plenty of ammo, food and other supplies to actually be able to survive, then get shot at from someone who can not be bothered to look for stuff, or he just does it for 'a laugh'. This game needs a save mechanic. I don't mean you can save when you like. It needs to be when you hit certain levels. You can still loose all your stuff, you can always find that again, but it is annoying as hell when you have spent HOURS levelling your guy up, for it to be snatched away by douchbags. I would recommend it saving at certain levels (2,5,7,10,15,20,30).

I personally can not recommend this game until a save mechanic and PvE servers are added. Without these I am finding it hard to say why people should pay £30 for early access. Yes the graphics are good, the atmosphere is outstanding, but thats it. It is not worth playing if at the end you loose everything . Why should I plough good money and hours into a game with absolutely zero pay off? Why should I get my friends to buy a game where you can not save your progress like it was a Sega Megadrive game and you had to complete it in one sitting? A save mechanic and PvE servers are the most requested things for this game, Add them and you will make a lot more money to add more detail.

Posted December 20, 2013.
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6.1 hrs on record (2.7 hrs at review time)
Branded as both hero and villain, Deadpool was once a bad ass mercenary named Wade Wilson. After being recruited into the weapon X programme, Wade was subjected to experiments that gave him awesome regenerative powers…….and drove him ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ crazy!
Today the Merc with a mouth travels the globe in search of fortune and CHIMICHANGAS! "
Why does this have such a low Metascore? Gameplay = Awesome, Story = Kick Ass, Cuts scenes = Hillarious. I would recommend this game 20 times over. If you like filthy humour, a LOT of sexual in-your-end-o's, and all round awseome games, get it!
Posted July 21, 2013.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries