I'm Nessa. I'm 25. My interests include video games, dungeons & dragons, tabletop games, more video games, fantasy novels, ukulele, and trying to think up suitable ways to describe myself on the internet. Really, it's mostly video games.

I used to play wow. Gave it up for real life. Used to be a 1337 gamer, now I'm just a filthy casual. Favorite games: Sea of Thieves, Monster Hunter: World, The Witcher 3.

I haven't been able to play much lately because of this 'real life.' If you are looking for me, I am probably sitting around doing one of my above interests. I am afraid of tornados, nuclear holocausts, and spiders, and am categorically uninterested in sending you n00d p1cs.

So drop by and say hello!


I have an apron with a cat kneading bread on it. [belarr.com]
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