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83 people found this review helpful
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13.1 hrs on record (12.9 hrs at review time)
There's more JoJo references in here than sex scenes.

The Arrogant Kaiju Princess and The Detective Servant falls into the common H genre of time-management VNs. Tedious, boring, repetitive and forgettable, but also serviceable in the short term, hard to really ♥♥♥♥ up, and usually cheap. The fast food of H games.

The Detective Servant stands out because of it's high level of polish. Yeah, it's still just a Big Mac, but it's a really well prepared Big Mac, that looks almost like the promotional image, and tastes just as good. Every element has received a high level of attention and polish, which elevates it above other examples of it's genre. I enjoyed the story, the art, even the OST is surprisingly large, and the ED movie slaps. I love the cute dance they do. More of that art style, please.

The only real negative is the translation quality. It's generally good, but has a lot of typos, some words are just missing, and there's inexplicable homophones. And it's not the hard-to-romanize names that have this issue, but regular words in regular sentences.

In summary, it's enjoyable and worth your time, but perhaps more of a "buy on sale" kind of game. I like what the devs are cooking, they clearly have passion for their work, and they deserve a bigger budget for their next title.
Posted January 2.
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33.7 hrs on record (22.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Vampire Survivors gameplay meets Hades upgrade system, with Diablo-style loot for permanent progression.

Everything is pretty good even at such an early stage, and the gameplay is addicting, as expected from the genre. The art in particular is gorgeous. The only complaint is that the muted color palette makes distinguishing your own spell effects and enemy sprites difficult. The music is nice, the progression is solid, the writing strikes a good balance between funny haha references and serious world-building.

For the current price, it's a no-brainer, and it can only get better from here. If you liked Hades or Vampire Survivors, it's a must-have. I want Winter to step on me.
Posted December 27, 2023.
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59.5 hrs on record (23.3 hrs at review time)
Game's fun, but I gotta go with not recommended because of AI voices. If you're not using the tech to generate custom, unique responses on the fly, then just hire real voice actors. You can't even choose your own team name for ranked play - huge missed opportunity.

Once that's sorted out, gonna change to positive. The game is pretty good - a fast-paced, objective-based shooter. The TTK is a bit high, with most weapons using up the entire magazine for a single kill unless you hit >50% headshots, but that means it's very hard to wipe a team on your own, and there's very few frustrating instakills, further reinforcing the teamplay aspect.

Music is good, graphics are good, and the game features an impressive environmental destruction system that forms the core of gameplay. And it's free, with the equipment unlock grind being pretty easy and fast. Nothing to lose in trying it.
Posted December 13, 2023.
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5.5 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Great foundation for a sandbox RPG. Feels like a combination of classic Mount & Blade, with a similar overworld, and a first-person action RPG with freeform builds and interesting movement options.

Unfortunately, at this stage, the game is plagued by technical issues. Primarily, the performance. Turning 360 degrees in any location will have my FPS fluctuate betwen 140 and 40, for seemingly no reason. You might say "but Early Access!", but how many EA games do you know of that have actually improved their performance issues? Because I honestly can't think of a single one. It only ever gets worse, if anything.

And this heavily compounds the next issue - camera. The game is designed for first person with mouselook, which makes it baffling that mouselook simply does not work. There's some sort of negative acceleration that you can't disable, which makes actually looking around with the mouse a torturous and inconsistent experience. This is in addition to random mouse skipping, and the camera just likes to jump to a random direction for no reason. You'll be fighting goblins when suddenly, you're looking at the ceiling and getting shanked from behind.

Fix the mouselook, allow raw input, and improve performance, and this is an easy recommend. For now, I'd say wait a while and see if things improve. The potential is there, but too many Early Access titles never capitalize on this, so I can't give a recommendation this early on.
Posted October 14, 2023.
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50.1 hrs on record
I have a soft spot for lewd 2D action platformers - Eroico, The Lab, Setaria. There's just something charming about these janky, low-budget metroidvanias that resemble mid 2000s Flash games more than commercial products.

Succubus Affection is definitely a title worth your attention, especially if you share this sentiment, as charm is something it has in droves.

The basics are simple. Each enemy you defeat is permanently befriended, and gives you stat upgrades and new abilities. You can slot up to 12 of those, and there's plenty of variety to be found, from sword moves and projectiles to summons and movement skills. The only complaint is there's little nuance to enemy placement and level design, making every encounter feel more or less the same. The bosses are definitely highlights.

The character are fun, and the wholesome atmosphere gets to you. Characters you defeat can be seen hanging around the village later on, the dialogue is nice and cheery, and the whole thing has this cosy vibe to it.

In simple terms, the game is fun and comfy. Absolutely worth it on a sale, I would even recommend full price if you're into these kinds of games already. Just remember to grab the free patch on Kagura Games' website.
Posted June 19, 2023.
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2,850 people found this review helpful
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12.2 hrs on record (8.2 hrs at review time)
So, get this. Instead of hyping up the game for years before launch, making empty promises and dumping millions into marketing, these guys poured the cash into development instead, made a game, and released it. And didn't even tell anyone about it, until it was ready.

And it was ready. None of that "day 1 patch" ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. No Early Access. No "beta". No constant crashes, framerate drops, gamebreaking bugs. This ♥♥♥♥ is polished, and complete.

And, stay with me - it's fun. That's it. It's just FUN. It doesn't have to be anything more - it's not thought-provoking, it won't keep you awake at night, it's not a deep and complex experience. It's just unapologetically fun. You run around a corporate city, and beat the ♥♥♥♥ out of robots to the beat of rock music. What more could you want from a video game?

You've got fun combat, simple, but engaging gimmicks, fantastic art style, great music, and it's 30$. Just get the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game. Unless Bethesda actually learns something from their third-party studios and Starfield is a finished game on launch, this is GOTY.
Posted January 29, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
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86.1 hrs on record (78.0 hrs at review time)
'ate elves
'ate goblins
'ate carp
(not racis just don't loik 'em)

luv Dwarven Ale
luv work
luv me ☼steel battleaxe☼

simple as
Posted December 24, 2022.
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5.0 hrs on record (2.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
From my point of view, the orc should be getting massaged.
Posted December 22, 2022.
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3 people found this review helpful
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4,955.2 hrs on record (2,791.0 hrs at review time)
it's okay
Posted November 1, 2022.
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1.8 hrs on record
yeah that's the ♥♥♥♥ inject those voxels straight into my bloodstream
Posted October 15, 2022.
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