Leopappadodgyonimus Blackuspenismeridious   Batemans Bay, New South Wales, Australia
Want to add me? Don't bother, my friends list is for friends not randoms I played with once in an old game server.
Zurzeit offline
1 Spielausschluss | Informationen
1948 Tag(e) seit dem letzten Ausschluss
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304 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 12. Juni
3,7 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 14. Mai
0,2 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 15. März
Beesley 10. Apr. um 7:02 
Hope ya going well mate,
Just had a game on COD and met your young fella. Small world!

Take care mate :Compy:
kap 13. Juli 2020 um 6:56 
Had The best tf2 server around ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ legend
Kosta 12. Apr. 2020 um 21:35 
RIP ztg that was a legend era
AussieKhunt 2. Feb. 2020 um 19:30 
Hey man, Justin Beaver here. Hope you're well mate! Hopefully we can talk again someday!
tragikomisk 2. Nov. 2019 um 5:10 
was fun
Shannon 20. Feb. 2019 um 7:24 
HELLO Congratulations!
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