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Seneste anmeldelser af MaximeChaos

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Viser 1-10 af 34 forekomster
44 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
271.4 timer registreret i alt (239.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Was fun while it lasted. You could play it as a solid F2P, the cross-compatibility between Steam and the Switch was a very nice touch too. But Gameloft has to do what Gameloft does, meaning that they went the greediest way possible. It started slowly, with unobtainable objectives for free players (even by playing this game every damn day), they added cheating AI in their missions (If you are under the required level, you will see one to three racers being pulled with strings, like 700mph fast, until they have something like half a circuit between you and them, and then they will adopt a "normal" max speed until the end of the mission). It was dumb, and it was ugly, but hey, I still played since the game had its times when it was still fun (to collect, upgrade, play online, etc.).

But now, several characters are behind pure paywalls, the kind of paywalls that state its name, not like before where they were pushing the greed, no, complete assumed greed. You start the new season with "Battlepass now only accepts real money!"; so you had a way as a free player to gain the same tokens that people paid for, of course you would never have anything close to enough to be able to max out more than 3 or 4 racers, but now, you will simply not be able to have several racers, and this, each season. What's the point anymore?

It makes me think of what Blizzard did years ago with Hearthstone, one day they said "Fu*k free players, we are going to make some OP cards that you can only get with real money" (I'm looking at you Reno), and they paid for that dumb decision. Like this game will pay, BUT, Speedstorm is no Hearthstone, this game will certainly die before the end of the year. I'm sorry for anyone who ever gave any kind of money to this thing.
Skrevet: 18. april. Sidst redigeret: 13. maj.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1.4 timer registreret i alt (0.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I wanted to buy this game, but not for 15€. So I waited until it got a big discount (-75% or over) but the biggest discount it got was -60%, (so still 6€/$6) and now I got it for free from Fanatical.

I don't know for the solo part, but the multiplayer part is great. A great party game to have. I hope the dev is doing ok!
Skrevet: 14. september 2023.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
0.0 timer registreret i alt
Larian is god.
Skrevet: 3. august 2023.
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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
16.2 timer registreret i alt (2.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Finished creating my character after 2 hours and now I couldn't be refunded even if I wanted to, but I will never want that. Game of the century right here, you can just feel it!
Skrevet: 3. august 2023.
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Ingen har vurderet denne anmeldelse som hjælpsom endnu
1.5 timer registreret i alt (1.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
It's a very nice game with great local co-op!

Spelunky + Caveblazers + Souls

Death trap (arrow traps/hidden plants are ok, crushing blocks aren't)
Fog of war (I find it useless and inappropriate for this type of game)
Too dark (Can't see much with the light on and there is no luminosity options)
Some bugs here and there (one which killed the entire party in 5 seconds)
Skrevet: 27. juni 2023.
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3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
0.6 timer registreret i alt
Nobody is playing, 30 minutes waisted waiting in the matchmaking for nothing, didn't even get to play one game. Dead game. Sometimes, I don't understand CAPCOM.
Skrevet: 4. maj 2023.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
12.6 timer registreret i alt (1.9 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
True to their words, they added women to the game.
Skrevet: 6. januar 2023.
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3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
0.1 timer registreret i alt
Facile pour le jeu de prendre en charge 13 langues vu que c'est fait avec un traducteur automatique. Donc pour économiser sur un vrai travail de traduction, on se tape dès le tout premier écran du jeu, lorsque l'on doit choisir sa classe : "+1 Taxe quand vous l'achat de cartes".

Une vraie honte de marquer le jeu comme étant disponible en français (et c'est certainement la même chose dans toutes les autres langues, hormis l'anglais évidemment).
Skrevet: 26. december 2022.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
0.5 timer registreret i alt
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
Je vais lister les points positifs et les points négatifs :

+ rien

- démarre mon casque VR
- ajoute des objets invisibles dans l'inventaire Steam
- obligé de passer en QWERTY
- des bugs
- c'est mou
- ne mérite même pas le titre d'alpha et pourtant propose déjà un battle pass qui ne rapporte pas de monnaie (à comprendre, achetez un nouveau jeu à chaque saison)
Skrevet: 14. december 2022.
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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
62.8 timer registreret i alt (5.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
J'avais adoré le premier et du coup j'achète le petit frère le jour de sa sortie (et j'y passe cinq heures parce que c'est le genre de jeu qui me happe). C'est du très bon, si vous avez aimez (et fini) le 1 alors n'hésitez même pas une seconde.
Un petit point fort auquel je ne m'attendais pas du tout : L'introduction de la 3D, qui est très bien gérée (avec un cel shading impeccable) !
Un petit point faible (histoire que ma recommandation ne ressemble pas à un commentaire de fanboy totalement partial), j'ai vu une petite "erreur" de traduction, quand on meurt sur un piège on obtient la phrase suivante : "[Nom du personnage] mort par un(e) les pièges"... Bon oui c'est vraiment petit comme point faible mais je n'ai fais qu'une seule partie pour le moment.

Un des jeux qui pour moi mérite amplement le prix demandé, à l'instar de tout excellent jeu !!!
Skrevet: 28. april 2022. Sidst redigeret: 22. november 2022.
Fandt du denne anmeldelse brugbar? Ja Nej Sjov Pris
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