No lying

ChaosConvexum May 31 @ 6:46am 
I'll pm it to you if you accept the friend thingy for a couple minutes
DulliN May 30 @ 3:53pm 
Yes, I want to see this match because I'm pretty sure all I did in it was run away from you.

As for the second part, I will never understand how DBD can be considered a competitive game. Ranks are a joke, just play the game without any grind and you can have the highest one in a few days and there are still people with sweaty balls whose life depends on winning. This is why I hate playing on red ranks.
And of course SoloQ doesn't help. For some reason, BHVR cannot add simple pings to the game like in DBD Mobile, which condemns me to playing in agony.
ChaosConvexum May 30 @ 3:37pm 
Not a Knight main btw if that's your assumption. I use every killer in a more or less equal way. Killer *role* main as I find survivor quite boring atm, at least soloQ due to overall reasons and issues I'm sure you're also aware of given your playtime. I perfectly understand the difference between SWF and randoms but of course that knowledge is not given to me prior to seeing the team at play and given the jarringly bad SBMM system they put in what clearly is not a comp-ready game, that rewards only escapes and kills, not actual performance in game, I'm often going to vs rather avid genrushers.

I understand their need to do it and it's weird they don't understand my equivalent need to rush my kills, considering it's my only objective as much as gens are the only objective of survivors.

All in all, PvP, so of course I want to prevent them from doing theirs as much as they want to prevent me from doing mine. That how PvP works.
ChaosConvexum May 30 @ 3:31pm 
You know what, come to think of it, since you're so adamant in thinking that I did tunnel, I'll say that I did record the whole match. Wanna watch it? Cause like, I just rewatched it and, seems I didn't quite tunnel after all. You happened to completely replace the actual survivor I was going for, and that after determining that you had touched a generator as my Discordance lit up. You can call the camping all you want but actually, I was checking a gen that had been started near the hook, and presumed that whoever had begun, might have been trying to slip past me to save. Using Ultimate Weapon I was then proven at least half right and I started chasing the one trying to save you, as they *kept* running towards you anyways. So, your teammate did indeed cause me to come back to the hook as instead of running *away* from it, they were running *towards* it, while in chase mode. I found you again by pure chance *after* hitting several others
DulliN May 30 @ 3:20pm 
1) I can tell you that there was no such opportunity because I died immediately after loading into the match. I didn't even touch the generator. The problem with Knight is that it is literally made for camp and tunnel and many of its mains abuse it.

2) You wrote "Awww someone's angwy :3" after I called you a tunneler as if that would discredit me, which it didn't. It sounded so edgy that it made my fist clench (in a computer game, of course). And I don't give a damn when someone barks and I get into verbal fights.

I mean, it's cool to camp or tunnel when you're losing a match, but no generator has been done. No survivor has ever been hooked except me, and I still got punched in the face. Wasting 10 minutes to load into a match that I left after 10 seconds is extremely boring.

I don't know if I would be too lazy to say the same thing face to face, but I would definitely try to remove Knight from your game because I love this killer so much that I want to remove him from existence.
ChaosConvexum May 30 @ 2:40pm 
1) Figure it out bud. Your problem, not mine. I see the team, not the individual.

2) You have been in fact saying malicious things. Can't really see where the edgy is on my own part. I reply to every (first at least) comment because each one of you is precious. Course, some people like you are more interesting than the average -repper. However, the suggestion that I should uninstall the game because you didn't approve of my play made you come across as salty about it. The skill topic doesn't really "do it" for me, I think focusing and proxy don't require skill either, and if I wanted to challenge I would play a different game. They did get me the ez win tho.

Everyone has their own vision of entertainment. Perhaps it's boring to you, but I find entertainment from watching ya'll drop gens and rush about.

Nah I mean face to face after the game already took place, don't be a smartass xD

(You have perfect point here, I'd buy you a coffee over this as we laugh it up <3)