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Recente recensies door {trace}Stevie

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1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
1,055.1 uur in totaal (505.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
It's fun for a couple hours
Geplaatst 24 november 2018.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie nuttig
2 mensen vonden deze recensie grappig
13.3 uur in totaal (13.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
spookiest game i ever played tbh 10/10
Geplaatst 26 november 2017.
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166.5 uur in totaal (128.5 uur op moment van beoordeling)
An amazing survival game overall. It combines great gameplay (classes, levelling up said classes, wave-based really intense combat) with some fun thanks to the British voices and overall silliness.
You can really have a lot of fun in this game thanks to it having a lot of maps (and you can get even more with the workshop!), the ability to play them with different classes gives a different feel, the different difficulties as well. Honestly this is just the kind of game you can put 1000 hours in and still feel like playing it, the class-leveling system contributes to this a lot because you'll always want to get that damn level even though it's going to take ages getting there.
You think you're done? Hell no, say hello to the halloween/christmas/summer/whatever-they-come-up-with update, because this game gets updated so often you'll always come back to it even if you left it alone for a while.
In short, BUY IT.
Geplaatst 27 november 2013.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
101.6 uur in totaal (42.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
A really great game, it has a pretty massive world (not just a city or two like a lot of openworld games do, no, it's an entire island collection.), it has great graphics too AND still runs good - the combination of massive world + great graphics makes for some really great sights during all the explosions and gunfights, because believe me, you're definitely going to have them. The entire game is focused around creating as much chaos and it does this in quite the unique way: blow up things that people need. Broadcast towers, generators, kiss them goodbye as Rico comes blazing by with the Panauan army chasing him once again.
If you're thinking about getting this game, and it's on sale, stop thinking and hit the damn button.
Geplaatst 27 november 2013.
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14 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
294.3 uur in totaal (176.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Simply one of the best games ever made. If you haven't played it, you haven't lived. If you have played it, you know exactly what I'm about to say and you shouldn't even be reading this, you should be out there playing this game.
Openworld, missions, a good storyline, silliness, seriousness, activities, weapons, driving, there's SO much you can do in this game. Want some excitement? Go for a good race (with or without cops chasing you),. Want some sightseeing instead? Drive through the countryside or the cities. Not too excited for all the freeroam? Doesn't matter, play the story instead, which is amazing and pretty long too. You'll never get bored in this game, and if you do, you can always install SA:MP or MTA and play this game multi with some friends and try some fun little gamemodes :)
Geplaatst 27 november 2013.
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47 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
480.7 uur in totaal (252.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
All in all, this game isn't too bad. I've put quite some hours in it and it probably still was worth its money - especially because I bought it during a sale - but I still felt really disappointed by it, having played SA a LOT when I was younger, and it was so good and omg iv is here let's play that and relive the good old SA days! Nope.
What IV did wrong was going too realistic, especially on the graphics, they are really grayed out and boring, the sunny days feel more like a cloudy day, a lot of fun aspect was taken out, such as taxi, firefighter and ambulance missions, and one thing more:
The performance. It's hard to talk about because PCs vary wildly, but all in all, I have a decent enough pc - can't run everything on high but switching to low makes every game playable. Except this. Everything as low as can be, but still about 10 fps.
To conclude this review, it's a decent enough game if you want to have SOME fun, and don't care too much about raging at the lag, the realism, and... the GFWL. I could have recommended instead of not-recommended, but I feel like I said more negative than positive things about the game so I decided to go for not-recommending instead.
Geplaatst 27 november 2013.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
1,125.7 uur in totaal (1,057.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Do you like building silly things? Get this game, because you can do just that. You don't? That's okay. GMod has a LOT of different gamemodes (modded or not). Try roleplaying, try Trouble in Terrorist town, try a lot more. You're guaranteed to find some gamemode you'll like - most likely even more than one!
Don't think it has enough content? Look in the workshop and find just about everything you could ever think of! That one tool that'll make building easier, prebuilt contraptions, planes, cars, guns, pianos, honestly just everything you could think of.
This is one of my most played games alltime and I don't ever wonder why that is so. It has endless things to do and even if you can't come up with something to build, you're still going to find yourself wasting a couple hours in it - again, and again, and again, and before you know it you've spent 1000 hours in it.
Geplaatst 26 november 2013.
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2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
834.6 uur in totaal (389.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This is once again one of those games I can't get enough of. Overall everything about this game is just great. Great combat (use every single weapon in the game, or try to play with only swords, with only magic, etc to add fun to the game), great graphics (honestly the world is just so beautiful you'll find yourself spending time just walking about looking at the mountains), great story (quite some unexpected twists and even the expected things still turn out a lot more epic than you'd thought), great replayability (I've played like 5 different characters already and it's got a LOT of sidequests), like I said, it's just a great game in every aspect.
It also has some DLC but I don't own them / ever played them, so I can't say anything about them, but they do definitely seem fun to give them a try at some point, especially because I've already put so much time in the game I just know it won't be a waste of money to buy them someday.
Geplaatst 26 november 2013.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
2 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
1,274.6 uur in totaal (1,249.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
First things first: No matter what you think of the game or what this review might tell you, GIVE IT A TRY. IT'S FREE.
Now then, this is a game I very much enjoy. I'm generally not too much a fan of serious games, I really like just messing around in funny games but this. It's the most serious game I've ever played, and I love it. I can't ever get enough of it, I've already put approx. 700 hours in it and it isn't even *fully* made yet (still heroes to be added, etc.)
It's a very hard game to get started with and don't expect any help from the community, they'll just call you an idiot that should uninstall the game. However, recently tutorials were added so you can at least get the idea, but you'll still be bad. This is ok. Deal with it and try to learn step-by-step, insult-by-insult, and when you're finally a decent player, you're never going to quit it again. You'll keep on playing and you won't be able to get enough of the game.
Geplaatst 26 november 2013. Laatst gewijzigd 23 november 2016.
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15 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
39.8 uur in totaal (21.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
It's a very fun game overall - silly weapons you combine in even sillier weapons (but powerful!) It's an amazing experience with friends. I've never played it singleplayer, so I can't judge too much on that but IMO I think it's a lot better if you got a friend to enjoy it with.
Never played the original DR2 either, so again I can't compare too much - but I know that getting either this or the original DR2 is something you have to do if you enjoy freeroaming, doing silly things with friends, and most important of all - killing zombies!
Geplaatst 26 november 2013.
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