SarcasticBastard#0730 [Discord Username.]   United States
[NOTE!: I am currently *buried* in my work. So I'll sadly be inactive for a while, or at least extremely slow with things, so please be patient and understanding, thanks.]
(If you truly wish to be friends, read everything in the custom info box, thanks.)

Hello there. I'm a gamer who writes, RPs, Records, and critiques games/books/movies, sometimes.
I do 'That' kind of RP on request or on my own if I feel like it at times. Mainly as the topper, vary rarely the other way.
I am an anime and cartoon fan, though only of certain series. As well as a movie critic.
And in-case it wasn't obvious by my pic, I am also a furry. And no, not the fursuit kind, though nothing against ya if you're into that sort of thing.
Info about me.
I have my own Discord server!
[Note to trolls, I have it so you can't join and spam it. Slow-mode and no pic-posting without being set a rank for the win. :steammocking:

Commenting on my profile is the fastest way to become friends with me. Please do give me a reason though, and it can't be just 'oh u seem cul'. Gotta have a real reason. (Though, if I take a glance at your account and you seem like you're at least interesting in some way, I'll probably make an exception.) I'll usually be pretty open about accepting a request as long as you seem decent or polite enough.

I also may not start a chat with you or RP with you, I tend to be rather nervous about bothering people, so there may be large amounts of time where I don't speak to you or anyone else. (Yes, I know, a dom lean that's nervous about talking to people, such a surprise. I just don't wish to lose contact via saying the wrong thing, or bothering someone at the wrong time and losing them as a friend, and I mean a legit friend, not as the statistic.)

A few facts about me you need to know *ARE* below, read all if you feel like it or want to get to know me. Up to you, but it'll help your chances at becoming a friend of mine.


-I'm usually pretty chill but I can get mad when things just get to be too much.

-I can occasionally be sarcastic as all hell at times. Using gallows humor and jokes to defuse a situation.(Which obviously doesn't help me in some cases, but oh well.)

-If I come across as overly serious or strict, I'm not meaning it that way at all, I tend to try to give off a professional air. (Key word, 'try to', I usually fail according to some people.)

-Most of the time I'm kind-hearted unless you've done something to me. Unless of course it's part of a RP and you want me to be the opposite, which I can do if wanted. (Or unless I'm, *really* pissed off at you, which takes a bit as said earlier. Or unless you're cheating in games, as that's a good way to quickly get me annoyed/amused at you.)

-I will more than gladly RP a full adventure story on request if you'd prefer that sort of thing. (Like I said I'm a writer.)

-I will game with you if I'm currently open and available. And of course if it's a good game that I have or that I can install for free. (Sounds cheap, but eh, it's kinda the truth. My pockets aren't endless after all. I only have so much money to spend.)

-I am *BI*. I usually am the dominant one, but I may do sub if I'm asked to do so and I'm currently up for it mood-wise. (Feel free to ask, but don't get your hopes up please.)

-In roleplays and such, I can play pretty much anything in any kind of world/setting. (Sci-fi, modern, simple, detailed, ect.)

My 'list' can be given upon request.

Aaaand uh... that's pretty much it.

[Code-word if you read this far is yeet.] (It's making a comeback, I swear!)
Favorite Game
Hours played
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Cüm in my spaghetti.
🎀 Buxom Bimbo Milf 🎀 Dec 25, 2023 @ 10:18pm 
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🎀 Buxom Bimbo Milf 🎀 May 6, 2022 @ 5:19am 
:kiss: Another Friday, another long weekend F*ck at the hotel~ :kiss: