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8 people found this review helpful
19.7 hrs on record
Hello Friends,

Today I will write about the game SWAG and Sorcery. This is a faux idle click type of game. It is not really a idle click game as it is more like a fake one. In this respect, this game is more like a micromanagement game with lots of grinding to do in it. To tell you how much grinding is involved, I personally beat the game and finished the storyline, but the game is endless and the player can keep playing if they wish. Many of the achievements are not possible until after beating the storyline in the game. Without the grinding, the story probably takes about 2 hours to fully beat, but since the characters need to grind and find recipe's to get better equipment, then hunt for ingredients for those recipe's, it takes much more time. Because of this, the game is a time waster and and not really fun to play. There are also bugs such as text missing for certain items, weied bugs that show the characters twice sometimes. Anyways, here are the PROS and CONS:


- A fake type of idle time waster type of game.
- Crafting weapons and armor for characters is very versatile. This lets you make builds for different hero characters.
- A sarcastic cat NPC that is funny during some scenes.
- A fashion show where the player can win money to help with costs.
- Works on windows 11 os.


- There is alot of grinding in this game. Players need to be aware that 90% of this game will be grinding towards the heroes you unlocked.
- The player do not actually control the heroes, but micro manages them like a football coach leading his team to victory. This also includes keeping them happy and equipped with good equipment.
- Getting and finding good equipment and recipe's to make the players heroes stronger is very luck based, and not in a good way. It is quite hard to find good equipment.
- Expensive upgrades to each hero makes their cost more grindy to get better levels and stats for them. This game in incredible grind heavy. Unless the player is very patient like a monk mediating on top of a mountain, the player will find the grind too boring.
- The worst aspect of this game is the grinding. Grind to level up heroes to next level, grind to find good recipe's, grind to get ingredients. This leads to alot of boredom by players.

I do not recommend this game due to the level of grinding, and how much repetition is required to even get good drops, good ingredients, and how it is done in this game. Some games make grinding not as boring as this, but this is outright boring and repetitive to the point of sheer boredom. If a player does want to really try this game, get it on sale at a steep discount and try it out.
Posted June 1.
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24.9 hrs on record
Hello Friends,

Today I will review the game TCHIA. Originally the game was a exclusive for EPIC GAME STORE. Now it is available on steam. Also, this game may look cutesy, but it is not really for very young children. There are death, enslavement, demons, and other dark aspects of people in the game. Although the game looks and starts out very child friendly, the deep messages in the game are somewhat dark. Avoid this game if very young child.

This game takes place on a actual island based on a real life location near Australia called New Caledonia. Although the game is fictional and probably based on some kind of legend from there, the people and the locations in the islands all use fake names and fake people names. The storyline is ok, and is a interesting legend about the island. Also the music is awesome and great. There are many collectibles in the game you can also find. The ability to soul jump into animals is pretty neat too. One really good point is you can pet any animal in the game, which is awesome. Anyways, here is my Pros and Cons list:


- The world is quite beautiful in this game.
- The game can be considered relaxing while not doing the main quest.
- Lots of places to explore on several different islands.
- A young lady with special powers to fight evil.
- A storyline that could be considered possibly myth from the country.
- Ability to soul jump into any animal and control them.
- Abilty to pet almost every animal in the game, including dugongs and many other animals.
- Players can find clothing that lets the player upgrade different skills depending on what they wear.
- Minigames and awesome music scores.
- Easy to get all achievements. Although players must complete the whole game to get them all.
- Supports controllers. I used a ZEN PRO switch controller.
- Works on Windows 11 OS.


- Some people may take offense about what they would define as "WOKE" stuff in the game. This personally did not bother me, but these range from one same sex kissing scene to some flags that show gay pride colours and other sexual orientation flags. If this bothers you, please avoid this game.

- Some bugs are in the game. One such bug is that i found it rains underwater and inside buildings.

- The diving minigame is quite difficult. If you do combos, which is basically doing one move to back to back moves, it makes it easier. Out of all the mini games, the diving one is the most difficult.

- This game is not for children. It is more appropriate for ages 12 and up. There are also things about death, slavery, violence, and other dark things.

- Some people complained of stuttering in the game. I have not personally run into this issue. I did have slowdown only on one part.

- No steam cloud saves and no Steam cards. They may add these in the future, but at the current time of the writing of this review, they have not been implemented.

Recommended game. The fact this was a epic game store exclusive game, and the woke stuff in the game make many people turn off this game. If you are interested, i suggest buying on a sale.
Posted May 27. Last edited May 27.
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20 people found this review helpful
182.0 hrs on record
Hello Friends,

Today I will review the game PATHFINDER: KINGMAKER. This game is a hardcore rpg. It does not matter what difficulty you played, if you play this game, you will also find it difficult. As with other rpg's, this game is a choice based rpg. What decisions the player makes will effect the whole playthrough of the game. Note that I did not use mods on this game, as mods make the game much easier. There is also kingdom management mixed in the game. How this works is that certain problems appears in the kingdom and the player must solve these issues. These problems must be solved in many days. This can cause issues with the main storyline too as there are timed quests dealing with the main quest and even some of the projects you do for the kingdom. This mechanic is very hard, but there is a setting to make your kingdom invincible which helps with stopping this. There is another setting too to automate the kingdom project settling in the options of the game. Now, for the PROS and CONS list:


- A interesting story based around the character the player makes.
- Customization of character and classes can lead to great builds.
- The ability to create custom builds makes the player choose how they play.
- Seamless DLC that adds more stuff to the game.
- Supports controllers. I used a ZEN PRO switch controller.
- A beautifully designed world map that looks like a actual map.
- Many interesting locations to explore and discover many quests and people.
- Works on Windows 11 OS.


- Timed quests in rpgs is never fun. There are times where it can add excitement to games, like for example, the train section in the original final fantasy 7, but in this game, it adds a time limit on how many quests and things you can do before doing it. This includes trying to level characters, doing projects in the kingdom, side quests, etc.

- Some bugs are in the game. For example, sometimes when characters die and the player revives them, they appear still in the death pose on the ground. Other times sometimes spells did not recharge even if you rested.

- The dice system will not be the favorite of everyone playing this game. This game uses this dice to determine hittimg enemies. This can cause issues later in the game. Foe example, I, the writer of this guide, spend sometimes more than 4 hours fighting a boss because i could not hit them, and some even longer. Patience is required for this game.

- Many people will not the kingdom management aspect of this game. It is like a micromanaging in a city builder game.

- Some later fights are very tactical heavy as it depends on the players builds earlier in the game.

Recommended game. The difficulty of this game may turn some people off of it when they choose to play this. In no way should this be compared to Baldur's Gate 3, as this game is much more challenging. If you get the dlc, it even adds more stuff to the game. If you like the look of it, get it on sale, as you can buy it pretty cheap on sale with all included dlc. If you really like this game, check out's it sequel, which is still getting new content even when writing this review.

Posted May 20.
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20 people found this review helpful
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81.1 hrs on record (81.1 hrs at review time)
Hello Friends,

Today I will review the game SAINTS ROW (2022). This game is a remake of the game saints row 2. It is not a exact copy and can be considered it's own game type, and seperafrom the rest of the saints row series, even though some places appear from past games, and other things like certain food places and markets. Due to this reboot, I will try not to be biased and use the previous entries in the series to compare the game too.

The game basically has a group of friends starting their own crime empire to control the city from rival gangs. By finishing missions, the player can expand their crime empire to different sections of the game. By doing side hustles and exploring also, the player can find additional money sources to pay for upgrades and by property to expand their empire's control of the city. Sadly, the game has several bugs i have personally ran into including getting stuck after doing some side hustles, map ground glitches, weapons not refilling their ammo correctly, photo mode not opening and working, and many minor issues i found. Although these issues are frustrating, they can all be fixed usually by resetting your game to desktop and continuing from the last checkpoint the game auto saved at.

The setting of this game takes place in a desert town, although you can find it refers to other towns in the saints row universe such as the city of Stillwater. The southwest location also has dust storms. The quests in the game are the player does a mission and open up more things for their criminal empire. There is also dlc's the player can get. The most fun quests that I personally enjoyed are the LARP quests, which is expanded in a dlc the player can get. LARP, or Live Action Role Playing is the playable character taken on a role of a fantasy or scince fiction character and acting like that in real life. In this game, the playable character can act like a badass knight character. The interactions with these quests are quite funny. There is also another DLC that is called Doc Ketchum's Murder Circus, much like the Gengi missions in the original games. Although the main character does not take place in the muder circus, the player chooses their champion from 4 and can level and power them up slowly in the circus. This may require several times to get powered up for the player. Anyways, here is my Pro and Cons list:


- The customization of the main character is quite robust and the player can choose many selections in the game, both for male and female characters for the main character.
- A new Saints Row game set in the desert town of Santa Ileso, a southwest american town. This includes weather effects found in this region like dust storms.
- Co-Op mode allows more than one player to play with other people online.
- 2 story DLC's that include more LARPing and a over the top heist like found in movies.
- Many cosmetic DLC's.
- Buidable bases to customize how you want them.
- Customizable vehichles with many options and colors to change.
- Works on Windows 11 OS.
- Works with controllers. I used a switch ZEN conctoller.


- The game had many bugs the player can experience. From my own playing, i ran into 5 annoying frustrating bugs, and alot of minor bugs. Most times they are fixable by resetting the game to desktop. This breaks the immersion of the game and is quite annoying.
- Some people on the forum posted about controllers not working, but i never ran into this issue personally.
- Some of the collectibles in the game are behind DLC's that you have to pay for. Most are behind the cosmetic DLC's.
- Some of the quests are not good, and can be somewhat repetitive. This includes the quest for upgrading buildings to get more money from them.

I recommend this game, but with some cavets. First, due to the bugs, a person may wish to buy this only on sale, as this is what i done. Second, the games Co-OP sounds good, but it is hard to find people to play with, so the player might want to ask their friends to buy it with them if they get it. Finding players on the steam forum for the game seems a bit hard. With so many bugs, it is hard to enjoy this game, but if the player can get past them, it is a decent game.
Posted April 4.
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9 people found this review helpful
33.6 hrs on record
NOTE: I got this game for free from the developer as they gave out the game to everyone on steam.

Hello Friends,

Today I will review the game SPACE CREW: LEGENDARY EDITION. This game is deceptive. It looks like a casual game, but at it's core, it is very hard. The game starts out very easy, and it fooled me too, but by near the end, it is difficult. The whole game hardly has any tips to help you with, but it does have a tutorial that somewhat helps you with it. As the difficulty gets very hard very fast, the player must unlock new technologies as fast as they can. Strategy is also key in different battles and situations. For example, at the same time a battle takes place, the player will switch inside and use one member to put out fires or repair shields or something, so the player has to not only do things on the outside of the ship to fight, but keep their eyes on the inside of the ship to prevent intruders, put out fires, and repairs on the fly. There are certain situations where the player can become overwhelmed, which can happen quite a bit. I will admit i actually did some save scumming on my crew just to save them from death because i liked them alot. This all happens very fast, so strategy timing is very important. Anyways, let me write my PROS and CONS list:


- Deceptively look easy, but requires much strategy and timing.
- Many missions and side missions.
- Ship upgrades to get stronger and ability to level up crew with 2 skills each.
- Post game challenge missions.
- There is also a additional main mission called Android Ambush.
- Space hazards such as black holes, losing crew members, and other dangers.
- Supports controllers. You will need to enable it whenever you start the game and shut it down. I used a ZEN switch controller.
- Works on windows 11 OS.


- The lack of a storyline.
- The game is quite difficult and can be very frustating and may cause some players to rage quit in anger or quit outright.
- The graphic style might not be up to everyone who likes.
- Repetition of some missions can become boring. If you get bored, try playing a different game and come back to this.

Recommended game. First, as i said above, i got this free from steam, so this is a big plus for me. Also, the game does has some strategy to play it good. For those that like a challenge, you may really like this game. If not, it is best to avoid this game. The closest game it reminds me of is FTL: Faster Than Light but with more graphics.

Posted March 24. Last edited March 24.
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15 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
33.6 hrs on record
Hello Friends,

Today I will review the game NOBODY SAVES THE WORLD. This is about a amnesiac hero who must find out what happened to them. Their special ability is shapeshifting and using the powers of the forms they take. This can help with different situations, like puzzles, or passing by certain areas of the game. Using these forms correctly really helps the main character in certain situations in the game.

The graphics are cartoony, and is made by the same people who made the Guacamelee game series. The game story is silly and funny at points, but the fighting is quite fun. The dungeons are similiar to mystery dungeons as their layouts change depending on different times the main character goes into them. There are also many forms to upgrade and umlock to fully enjoy the game. Some forms must be found to use, or do certain things to unlock them.


- A cartoony adventure featuring a shapeshifting hero with many forms.
- One you upgrade forms to a point, the player can make custom loadouts of which powers and passive abilities they can use.
- Each form has quests to upgrade them, which may require specific conditions or killing so many monsters.
- Unexpected suprises found on the world map.
- Many side quests to complete and bonus dungeons.
- New game Plus mode which carries over upgraded forums in the new game.
- Co-op mode to play with friends to have fun.
- Works on Windows 11 OS.
- Controller works fine with the game. I used a ZEN switch controller.


- The cartoony asthetics may put off some people for buying the game.
- Some of the puzzles can be confusing to figure out.
- The impossible dungeon can be well..impossible. It is very difficult compared to the rest of the game.
- The music forthe dungeons only have 3 tracks that keep playing over and over again. That is my only gripe about the music. At least you can get used to it after awhile.

Do i recommend this game? YES. The game's silly story and goofy graphics may turn off people on buying the game, but the game is a decent mystery dungeon game with a main hero who can shapeshift to get out of certain problems. From the makers of Guacamelee series, which is also a great game with nice graphic style. I fully recommend you try both these games in that series too.
Posted March 20. Last edited March 23.
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8 people found this review helpful
5.9 hrs on record
Hello Friends,

Today I will review the game SHELTERED. This is a post apocalyptic hard core survival game where you must survive as long as possible in a bunker. In this game, you can make and customize a family to start out. After that, you can recruit random people you meet while looking for supplies. Most of this game will be about trying to stay healthy while keeping all the needs of the characters alive. Due to the difficulty of this game, it is quite high on the hardcore game type scale on steam. According to steam, it is #9th in hardcore ranking.

In addition to keeping the people alive in the underground bunker, there is also customization and imrpoving the bunker as much as possible. Each upgrade can bring many new things to the bunker that help your characters survive. Also, your characters will go out and explore the world. This includes many dangers, including but not limited to dangerous people, dangerous animals, environmental dangers, traps, etc. All while out in the world, the characters must find supplies in order to improve the shelter. Originally, there was supposed to be more for the game, but due to where the developers live, certain real life events prevented this and the second game that was supposed to come out from this game. Anyways, here are my PROS and CONS lists:


- A hardcore survival game where you must survive as long as possible.
- Have your survivots explore the world to find supplies to keep your group alive in the bunker.
- Due to the difficulty of this game, do not expect to live very long.
- There is no defined storyline, but depending on the players actions, the player themself make the story.
- Survival and Challenge modes. There are also specific scenarios too.
- Works on Windows 11 OS.
- Controller works, but must set it up everytime the game is started.


- Do not bother looking at leaderboards as people have hacked the top spots like on many other games. Think of it more as a gimmick.
- Due to real life things, the developer no longer is working on this game or it's sequel.
- The graphics are very basic, but get the job done.
- Controller settings reset everytime a player starts a game, so you will need to set it up everytime.

Do i recommend this game? YES. Although quite difficult, it can be fun to see how long the player can keep the people alive in the game. This game is for a certain type of player who craves challenges and hardcore type of gameplay. Although do not expect any storyline or goals, as there is none. Only thing to do is keep the people alive in the bunker. If this is too hardcore, try Fallout Shelter. It is same type of game, but much easier to play and keep the people alive in the game.

Posted March 15. Last edited March 15.
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6 people found this review helpful
22.8 hrs on record
Hello Friends,

Today i will review the game Chronus Arc.This is a mobile port from Hit Point Co. Ltd. comapny. They also made other jrpg's similiar to this one. Each game has different mechanics compared to their other games. I believet this is to try to keep their games fresh and interesting. Still, there is something for keeping game with same mechanics, like the Ys series. Basically, the story is similiar to other jrpgs, about saving the world from xxx person and recover xxx item to save whole planet. This is basically a cookie cutter rpg that shows it weakness in how short the story is. Even the post game activities are very short compared to other games that are similiar. If i could, i would rate this game as neutral. Anyways, here is my PROS and CONS:


- JRPG with 3 characters.
- A massive world to explore.
- Many dungeons and side quests.
- A special dungeon, but you need to buy the key to open it in the star stores.
- Works with a controller. I use a Zen switch controller. It worked fine
- It works on Windows 11 Operating System.


- The game is too short compared to other mobile generic jrpg gmaes. Even the post game acts are incredibly short.
- The game does not have widescreen support. Also, you have to manually open full screen everytime you open the game.
- Port of a mobile game. Not everyone will like this. They replaced the real money things with mana points from defeating monsters. No real money needed to open extras, just lots of grinding fights to do it. The star shop has lots of things you need to buy for the game.
- Lots of grinding to open different classes. This is due to the limit of unlocking items for classes found in the game. There is not enough to do all of them.

Recommended game. Im on the fence about this one. I do like these type of jrpgs, but sometimes they lack substance. This game is too short, and lacks some substance, but i personally still had fun with it. Compared with other games made by these companies, the post game is very short, to the point i found this confusing. If steam had a neutral rating, this game would definetly fall into that category. Sadly, i have to rate as recommended until they do.
Posted March 13.
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23 people found this review helpful
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14.1 hrs on record
Hello Friends,

Today i will review the game Kingdoms and Casltes. This is a city builder that is simple enough for young children to enjoy, but can be difficult depending on the settings you choose. For example, i choose a random map seed number, which turned out to be a sizeable island and put random on how many other kingdoms i would have to compete against. I found out later in the game i had to deal with 2 other kingdoms in the world. One of these was very warlike, and the other one was quite peaceful. Eventually, i dealt with the warlike one and exilxed him from our countries, and took over the peaceful one as the king retired and since we were good friends, gave his kingdom to me. This is how the game works.

You also must deal with your needs of the peasants that live in your kingdom. If they get too depressed, they will leave your kingdom, making less people working in your kingdom and messing up your economy. Kepp them happy, and they will work harder on your jobs and even give extra goods working on them. So this is a city builder that is simple enough to master, but can be difficult to beat. It is also set exclusively in the Middle Ages, so do not expect many future tech in it like other city builders or other games. Anyways, here is my Pro and Cons list:


- A city builder game to keep hardcore people entertained depending on how hard you set the game, but simple enough young children can enjoy it.
- Ability to conquer enemy kingdoms and take over them.
- You can build a very sizeable kingdom, or have a small one. It all depends on the map seed. By using the map seed, players can change the map size.
- Open ended game where you can play as long as you want.
- It works on Windows 11 Operating System.

- One thing i found was to get enough fish for my people. If your not careful, you can overfish and end up not getting any fish in the end. I did post a suggestion about the lack of fish someplaces. The developer did respond to me on the forum. You can see my post here:


- The store page says it will work with my controller, but it never did. I ended up using Keyboard and Mouse. Not sure if it is compatible with my Switch Zen controller or not, but i could never get it to work correctly with my controller. The Keyboard and Mouse works flawlessly though, and i had no trouble using it.

Recommended game. Even if the game appears simple in all aspects, it can be challenging depending on the players choices. The map size can also make it harder, and how many opponent kingdoms the player has to defeat. A good entry level game into the city builder type of games.
Posted March 9.
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7 people found this review helpful
36.1 hrs on record

You will need to put a change in your settings in environmental settings on your account. By adding a simple line to it, the game will load normallly and not crash when you click on start in the loader. You can find the instructions on how to do it here:


I used this because i had the crash at start, and it fixed the game for me by adding this command to your environmental settings on your pc under your account. It worked on my Windows 11 Operating System, and i imagine it will work on windows 10 pc's also. Now that i got the technical stuff out of the way, let's review the game now:

Hello friends,

Today i will review the game Vikings - Wolves of Midgard. This is a ARPG set in the viking age. You can play as different classes and even choose different gods to worship that let you mix skills to pick your own playstyle depending on which skills you choose or which god. The game has a basic storyline of saving the world and is not groundbreaking, but if you like ARPG's, you may like the game. The game is ok for what it is. It also features multiplayer and couch co-op where you can play with 2 people. Although personally, i did not test these options. Also, when i did try playing online, i found no one. Not sure if the multiplayer is peer to peer or been shut down by the company. If you test it, try hosting a server as you may get someone to join your game that way. There is also new game plus mode, which adds difficulty. Everytime you start new, it adds difficulty to the game. There is also colored weapons like in diablo that show the quality of them, up to legendary ones in orange. Anyways, here are my PROS and CONS:


- ARPG game with viking era storyline and fighting mythical monsters based on norse lore.
- Ability to upgrade your town buildings, which serve as your base between levels.
- Flexible skills to pick and gods to make different class builds. Also, the player can choose which character they can choose when starting.
- New game plus mode that makes the game more difficult similiar to other games that get more difficult the more you beat the game.
- The Test of Gods allows you to fight in a arena location to gain extra resources to build your village buildings up or gain extra gift points to improve skills.
- Environmental hazards such as too hot or too cold can drain your hit points in the game.
- Works on windows 11 OS.
- Works with a controller. I used a switch ZEN controller.


- Please see the above warning about intel 10th or higher gen chips. I suffered from the game also not starting. After using the fix found above, it worked fine.
- Some minor graphical glitches like weird lights flashing in certain areas.
- Some grinding is required to keep up with the enemies levels. If your lower by 5 levels of the monsters in a area, you may have to grind enemies by going back and forth to the village and the area to level up.

Recommended game. Although the game might be good to get on sale as it is just a meh kinda game, it does has some interesting features like the ability to choose your character type at the beginning of the game, you can switch it later, or even choose which skills and gods your character changes your skills. It also features couch co-op and online multiplayer.
Posted March 7. Last edited March 7.
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