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19,263.6 hrs on record (1,880.2 hrs at review time)
Possibly more addictive than Civ.
Posted November 24, 2017.
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9.7 hrs on record
Did you enjoy Castle Crashers but wish it didn't play exactly the same each time? Well this game has got you covered.
Posted November 25, 2016.
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3.8 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
This game is fantastic! Finally a roguelike that doesn't assault you with difficulty immediately, but instead ramps up as you complete "rituals". Lots of variety and depth here as well.
Posted April 27, 2015.
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1.3 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
Your game is bad and you should feel bad.

It makes me sad to write this because I had high hopes for this game. The greenlight page made it sound so promising but it just isn't any fun.

+Nice art

-Poor Voice acting
-Unresponsive, redundant controls that can not be remapped if you are using a gmepad
-Floaty physics
-Sloppy animation
-Game does not explain any systems to you other than how to jump. What are the two meters above your health meter? No idea
-Your partner does very little other than get in your way
-Enemies take entirely too many hits despite you needing to basically let them run into you before they are in attack range.

Then there are just some head scratchers. Using an Xbox 360 gamepad the left trigger is used to switch from fullscreen to a window yet it does not switch it back. What does you ask? The right trigger, which is used as an inventory button.

From the time I played it I gather that the game is trying to be a point and click adventure game with platformer elements but everything is so vague. After traveling to the girl's house you are given several quests that flash above your head but there is no way to look at them again.

As it is the game is just not worth your time. Maybe with a few fixes it could be playable but for the time being it is not worth the $5.
Posted November 24, 2014. Last edited November 24, 2014.
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45 people found this review helpful
1.7 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
As a platformer this game leaves a lot to be desired. The controls are somewhat sloppy, the level design is uninspired, and there is no goal other than collect X objects and exit the level.

On the plus side the music and visuals are decent.

This game feels like a quick port of a mediocre mobile game. I was suckered in by its charming retro asthetics but was bored after only 3 levels. Not worth a purchase in my opinion, even if it is on sale.
Posted June 17, 2014.
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16 people found this review helpful
0.1 hrs on record
Spent about 5 minutes with it and that was all I could stomach. Why is the resolution locked like an idiot recording video on an iPhone? Don't you people realize that nearly everyone has a 16:9 or 16:10 monitor these days, not 9:16. On top of that the game felt pretty pointless. Wander around a maze killing spiders and turnips. The 2D perspective makes no sense at all either. The maze goes N,S, E, & W yet my little idiot just hops back and fourth. Due to direction changes in the map not properly matching with the "action window" I often found myself attacking a goblin that was in the opposite direction my character was facing. This is just a sloppy game that should be avoided at all costs. I got it in a bundle for $1 and that was still too much money.
Posted May 15, 2014.
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4 people found this review helpful
5.9 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
I honestly did not expect to have this much fun with this game but boy was I wrong. Imagine if The Legend of Zelda and Geometry Wars had an illegitimate love child and you would get something like this. Lots of exploration and unlockable powers keep things interesting and frantic shooting action/bullet hell dodging make every moment tense. The music is quite good too.

Now the game isn't perfect; personally I would much prefer to be able to use a gamepad for something like this which is currently not supported. Also there is full-screen mode. Sure you can maximize the window but that causes a bit of overlap on the item screen with the Windows 7 taskbar. Thankfully these issues have already been adressed in the forums and the dev has stated that he is working on them.

A game this fun at this price is a must buy. I could see this becoming a cult favorite indie game much like Castle Crashers or Super Meat Boy.
Posted May 9, 2014.
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1 person found this review helpful
22.8 hrs on record (19.4 hrs at review time)
This is easily the best tower defense type of game that I have ever played. The difficulty starts off quite easy and gradually adds new unit types on both offense and defense. The regular game never really gets too tough but once you start up a new game+ the gloves come off and it stops holding your hand altogether. Persistant leveling and a well written comical story seal the deal and really suck you in. Cut scenes are minimalistic but very well done.

I bought this game on sale without really knowing anything about it other than it looked cool and was really cheap yet I really wish I had bought it sooner. A lot of indies get a lot of undeserved hype while this one got none that I heard of. Really fun game that everyone should own.
Posted February 17, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
0.4 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Right now in its alpha state the game is looking really promising. First, the world in the game is absoltely beautiful already. My mid-spec machine runs everything smoothly with a consistant frame rate. Currently there doesn't seem like there is much to do but this is defintely a game to keep you eyes on. I grew up playing Magic Carpet and this just takes me back albeit with better graphics and better controls than I remember.
Posted February 5, 2014.
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61.7 hrs on record (38.9 hrs at review time)
Digital crack. Plain and simple.
Posted September 10, 2013.
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