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Recent reviews by Borf Dorgersen

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213.4 hrs on record (150.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
It early access right now? Yes.
It good game anyway? Yes.
Play dis game.
Play it and live in it's world free from the physical and logical laws of construction.
Be free.
Posted May 8, 2021.
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260.0 hrs on record (241.7 hrs at review time)
It's flipping good okay?
Posted June 4, 2020.
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33.3 hrs on record (12.1 hrs at review time)
It's flipping good okay. Just get it.
Posted November 2, 2019.
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279.8 hrs on record (134.6 hrs at review time)
How do you even describe Enter the Gungeon? I texted one of my friends a picture of the Flame Hand gun with the description because it has a D and D reference and he's into that and when he asked what game it was I replied that it was, "Enter the Gungeon. Its a rogue-like dungeon crawling bullet hell top down character shooter." And boy does this shoooter have character.

The game has over 200 guns with the free Supply Drop Update which added more guns, enemies, modes, and items. And these aren't copy and paste gun effects with a different skins and then calling it a new gun. There is everything from a Genie Lamp that upon hitting an enemy three times summons a raged out Djinn that punches the enemy to death to a Shotgun Shell that fires Shotguns as projectiles. There's a magical Unicorn horn that was turned into a gun, a water squirt gun, a shotgun that turns enemies friendly, even an RPG launcher that upon impact explodes into bees that attack enemies.

Make no mistake, Enter the Gungeon is about guns.

The enemies are bullets, the characters range from Gungeoneers to characters that sell guns, to characters that forge bullets. This game is about guns and everything reinforces that.

The incredible amount of gun diversity makes every playthrough interesting and new. I've played over 100 hours of this game and haven't even seen all the guns that I've unlocked and still have many guns to unlock. Active items and passive items make a gun that you've seen a many times before a fresh experience with they way they can change your bullet behavior. I once had a gun that shoots steaks out as bait that summons tigers. I had a few different passive items that effected my bullet behavior, so when I would shoot a steak out it would summon a giant silver tiger that would run for a short time before shrinking then upon hitting a target and mauling it would explode into a bunch of tiny tigers.

Their are tiers of gun rarity ranging from D to S, S being the rarest. Getting any of these S Tier guns is a joy and the developers made the brave decision to make some of these guns ridiculous in how powerful they are. They're rare enough that getting them feels special and exciting, but seen enough that you don't pound your head wishing you could just get a run with an overpowerd S Tier weapon. I enjoy playing with almost every gun this game has to offer. None of the gun experiences are throw aways. They're all entertaining to try out. Some of them are intentionally sucky and there just to get a laugh, like the Derringer which only has two shots in the clip and does crap for damage. It's just there to get a referential laugh.

Speaking of references, this game is so full of references to other games, shows, mythology, even classic novels it makes Smash Bros feel like it wasn't trying hard enough. There are everything from guns, to NPCs, to items that are comical references. Not knowing the reference material you won't get the joke, but seeing and getting the reference often is a little nostalgic treat that makes you laugh. Ranging from the starting gun you have in Hyper Light Drifter, to Link himself from Legend of Zelda can be found in this game. The references are always done in good fun and seemingly with respect to the source materials. I can't think of a game that has done references like this better.

Above all else this game is fun. The humor is fun, the gameplay is fun, the story is fun. The gameplay is tight and unforgiving in the best way. If you get hit by something it's your fault. When you die you know that you made a mistake and that you can get better, and you do get better. Every play through is interesting and different. Even though I've played the first level hundreds and hundreds of times, I'm still interested in the gameplay and am driven by the mystery of what gun or item I might find as I'm clearing rooms. The game has the beautiful hook of over 200 hundred interesting and exciting guns and you're left just imagining with wonder what new and insane gun experience you'll have next. This drove me to keep trying keep trying to get just a little farther. Just pass the game with one character, now pass the game with multiple characters, now unlock a secret character. This game is full of mystery. Even getting access to the end game content takes thoughtfulness and puzzle solving, much less the skill to even be able to make it to the end boss and defeat it. This game doesn't hold your hand and so when you figure things out it feels glorious and rewarding. I haven't even unlocked one of the characters yet after all this time! And I love that. There is always something to drive you forward. It has the perfect gameplay flow.

I can't even say how good this game is. What I would not give for an Enter the Gungeon 2. I LOVE THIS FRACKIN' GAME!

My only criticism of this game, and I think it is literally the only criticism that I can come up with is that the music doesn't feel like it fits the games aesthetic. While the game is quirky, fun, fast, and fluid and has some of the whackiest and insane and cool guns I've ever seen crafted in a digital space, the music is not fun, fast, or ever even interesting for the most part. I will say that the first time I entered the shop I sat there for a second listening to the music but not because it was catchy or because it set the right mood, but because I thought it did a good job of having constant variation like you might find in classical music. Not really the right feel for entering a shop where this massive burly man says things like, "I think your wallet needs a reload," if you try to purchase an item without enough currency. Most of the time the music doens't even have a melody. It's background music in every sense of the phrase. It's not interesting, it doesn't ever go anywhere, and it doesn't really even set the mood. I love music in video games and this music is a huge dissapointment. There isn't a single theme from the game that I could hum to someone even though I've spent more than 100 hours playing the game, and that makes me feel like the music really failed in a big way. I haven't played Wind Waker in probably over 7 years but I just caught myself humming the theme from Outset Island at work this morning. All the music does in this game is exist... all except for the end credits Rap song which is nearly the opposite of everything I've just said about the music. The end credits rap is the perfect, and I mean perfect end to this particular game. I love it so much it's incredible This song is a song that I could hum and even sing to someone if they asked me, but it takes the entire game to get to a redeemable song, which is a incredible shame. There is one gun that has it's own theme that gets played as you shoot it, and this song is also intereting and entertaining and upon first getting this gun I burst out laughing as it played it's theme while I fired it, but other than that the music is bland and top tier forgetable.

I just get into game music but don't let my critique on music hinder you from experiencing this game. Enter the Gungeon is an experience. It's a quest filled with mystery. My brother hasn't even gotten to the 5th level in the game yet but still loves his experiences that he has with the game. I've beaten the game with almost all the characters, (I'll get you last unlockable character, just you wait until I find you!). There are multiple levels of this game. Getting one of the game endings which includes a boss has only been completed by something like 2% of players according to the achievements. That's insane! There is content that is nuanced and interesting as well as being punishingly difficult that 98% of the people who play this game won't even see! This game is so insanely deep. The depth is insane.

I love it. I just love it so much. It's so good. It's so incredible, it's so fun, it's so comical, it's so satisfying. Must play game.

Posted May 22, 2017.
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14.1 hrs on record (8.4 hrs at review time)
One of the best experiences I've had in a game. A thrilling combination of platforming skill, beautiful art, and stirring music. Ori and the Blind Forest has the unique ability to push tension and excitement to the brink one moment and then pull back and offer quiet and contemplative moments the next.

Every environment is gorgeous, nearly beyond compare in this kind of a two dimensional persepective. I don't know if I've ever seen a game that had as many moments where I just wanted to stop and experience the surroundings. Keep your finger on the F12 key.

Ori one of the most likable and visually compelling character designs. Adorable yet as you progress and obtain new abilities that adorable little satyr esque little critter made of light starts to seem like a complete powerhouse. The traversal abilities in the game bring joy on nearly every use.

There are moments where someone less familiar with platforming games might get frustrated by the skill required in some of the tense situations, but learning the techniques feels empowering and overcoming the challenge makes the trill something satisfying that lingers.

I feel like I can't even express how impressed I was by this game. One of the best games I've ever played.
Posted August 30, 2016.
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1.2 hrs on record
What a disapointment. The first Lost Planet was so frentic and action packed. It was thrilling to use the grappling hook in creative and innovative ways. First time in the first Lost Planet I used the grappling hook to attach to one of the monsters glowing week spots, pull myself in, and then plant my feet firmly on then start shooting into the thing point blank, I was sold. As soon as I got the grappling hook in this game and saw it's limited use... I was done. NOT EVEN AS GOOD AS THE FIRST GAME! Huge step backward.
Posted October 15, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
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31.9 hrs on record
One of the best games in the history of games. Simply amazing.
Posted June 15, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
2 people found this review funny
37.0 hrs on record (19.4 hrs at review time)
I never thought cutting up Watermelon could be so entertaining. I walked into a room that had a bunch of watermelons lying on the ground, which is kind of a reference to the tech demo they showed about how you could cut up stuff when they announced the game.

I sat there dicing watermelon for 5 minutes.

I loved every second of it.
Posted November 21, 2014.
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3.1 hrs on record
What the heck did I just experience? Ummmm... yeah. This was kind of the best thing ever.
Posted October 30, 2014.
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6.4 hrs on record (6.3 hrs at review time)
Action packed arcade style fun. Keeps you on the edge of your seat as you desperatly try to navigate a storm of bullets while being one hit away from death. I really the variety of weapon, thruster, and body type choices. It makes it so when things get familiar you can spice up the gameplay by trying some insane conglomeration of a plane. The music changes according to the parts you have assigned to your plane in some entertaining ways.
Posted October 30, 2014.
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