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110.0 hrs on record (105.8 hrs at review time)
Alternate titles considered for this 'game':

'The Clunkening'
'Clunky POS'
'Hesitation Simulator'
'Fun Vampire'
'CAM: Coded by Autistic Monkeys'
'$%&@# You'
'The Adventures of Clunk and Clunk'
'I Refuse to Believe This Is A Current Gen Game'
'Clunky Hunter: One Continent'
'You Paid $60 to Clunk'
'Clickity Clackity Clunk'
'Clunk Clunk Clunk Clunk Clunk: The Game'

They went with 'Monster Hunter: World' instead. I don't know why.
You aren't a hunter. You are a human (...?) just emerging from a 10 year coma, trying to learn how your body works again.
You aren't hunting monsters. You are hunting dragons. Many different flavors of dragons.
It isn't a world. It's one continent.
And the entire time you are clunking around this "world" "hunting" "monsters" the game shows you how good it could have been if it had been playtested by actual human beings. Every action in the game is agonizingly slow. The cutscenes are forgettable and unskippable. The "monsters" have 'no-clip' and 'god' cheats enabled. The dodge button might as well be the whistle button. And just like real people, your "hunter" can't stop picking a flower once they've started. "Whelp, there's a t-rex trying to eat me... Oh, well... I've started picking this flower and pops always said to follow through with everything I do..."

This game seems like the result of someone wanting to make a complex, in-depth experience but only had 'Duke Nukem Forever' and 'Big Rigs Over the Road Racing' on their programming resume.

Posted November 12, 2018.
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346.9 hrs on record (316.7 hrs at review time)
Alpha was okay, Beta is better, where is the final game?

I've been playing this game since 2016 and I previously reviewed this game after finishing Arthurs playthrough upon release. Arthurs run is full of bugs and reality destroying moments that break the game. It seems like absolutely nothing was done to fix Arthurs story and gameplay between 2016 and 2018.

After playing Sally's and Ollie's playthrough, I am happier with my purchase, but I still do not recommend buying this game in it's current form.

Hard mode isn't hard. At all. Between blocking and healing balm made from easily found ingredients, I never felt like the game was difficult. The game seems to hint at different endings depending on whether or not you kill people or just render them unconscious, but the game proceeds exactly the same regardless of whether you kill everyone or not.

There is no scarcity. Everyone in the game talks about how scarce food is, yet there is food to be found everywhere. Berries, bread, canned juice and meat... after raiding two or three houses, I didn't need any more food for the rest of the game. Everyone is thin and gaunt, but trash cans and mail boxes and rubble piles all have scraps. By the end of al three walkthroughs my Pneumo was full of crap. If I sold everything, I would own every soverign in Wellington Wells.

The game loves locked containers. It's a good thing all three protagonists know how to pick locks from the get go... but it's pretty crappy to find more than half of locked containers empty. Why do so many people in Wellington Wells hoard locked stockpiles of stale air?

Unlocking doors and chests can result in reality breaking animation. You press the button to start picking the lock and your character warps to the ideal lockpicking location, does the thing, then warps back to the original position. If you are trying to hide from people, this can result in getting out of line of sight, they lose interest, you finish unlocking and warp back into their view, and they raise the alarm again, bringing more people.

The terrain is shoddily put together. I'm sure it's a side effect of dramaticaly changing the game's underlying mechanics from 'RPG mystery' to 'open world survival'. I'd say a good 60-70% of the map is unused. Sure, there are plants and whatnot and if you are lucky some of those plants are harvestable. But the landscape is mashed together, creating places where you can fall through the map if you trigger the 'climbing' animation while running through a seemingly open field. Because of this, some plants grow at unnatural angles further breaking the reality.

Several of the quests are bugged preventing completion. From not being able to gather honey to the game not registering windows open or fans turning on, some quests will just sit in your quest long, uncompleted, forever. And the quest log itself is annoying... You have to scroll through an ever increasing list of completed quests in order to see your current quests. I've not found a quick way to do this other than pressing the Up arrow and waiting for it to cycle through all the quests. The quest 'show on map' feature is hit or miss. When it misses, it'll just show you where you are on the map... not particularly helpful.

After several cut scenes my character talks about things that did not happen in the cut scene... like some part of it was cut or skipped. I thought I just missed something the first time, but after playing it again anad again, it seems like some cut scenes were... cut.

The game can become bugged in several ways, severely hindering gameplay. During Arthurs run, I was bugged to always need a gas mask. All normal air became poison. This hindered fast travel and sleeping, as I would end up dead if I didn't carefully time when to replace my gas mask. During Sally's playthough, I somehow ended up not needing to check on Gwen until the end of the run. During Ollie's playthrough, I became bugged where everyone though I was always carrying a body. All of these things happened because of fast travel, I think. I was wearing a gas mask and in poison during Arthur's playthrough and I fast traveled. When I took the mask off, it still thought I was in poison. I don't remember what I did to trigger not needing to care for Gwen, but I think it was when I fast traveled when the Gwen timer exactly reached zero. I think Ollie's glitch happened with I was throwing a body and was caught. I hid, got away from everyone, and then fast traveled. After that point, everyone becomes hostile saying that I was carrying a body.

NPCs are stupid and lifeless. They wander into buildings and each other. If they talk, their conversation does not make sense.

Arthurs playthrough was mnore buggy than the other two, and it is unfortunate that one has to play through as Arthur before seeing the great play mechanics of Sally and Ollie. All three runs were buggy, but Sally and Ollie seemed more fleshed out and interesting. I had a blast playing as Ollie. When this game gets the polish it deserves, I think it will be praised for it's overall mechanics, but especialy for how Sally and Ollie are done. Who knew it could be fun playing a diabetic?

The story makes more sense after finishing all three runs, but it still leaves nagging questions and several areas that could have been done much better. The open, empty map can be fixed with more people. NPCs are locked to roads and buildings, only venturing into the grass when chasing a player. That's not very realistic. Have Wastrels wander off the beaten path. Have them fight each other over scraps. Have the homes that are inhabited be defended by larger groups of people. It seems to me that in a post-apocalypse era, people would band together and defend each other better. Sure there are individual bullies, but history shows that people band together for protection in times of crisis. As it stands, each home has only as many people as beds.

Bobbies should have a longer memory. I know they are on their Joy, but each of the characters you play is unique among the rabble. No one else looks like Arthur, Sally, or Ollie, and during gameplay people on Joy recognize the players... why wouldn't crimes comitted by the player take a LOT longer to go away, if at all? Sure, the regular populace is stoned on regular Joy, but the Bobbies have Blackberry which enables them to have special properties. A longer memory for crimes would help the reality of the game. As it stands, all I have to do is get out of line of sight for a half second to get into a trash can, wait 20 seconds, then everything is fine. At the very least, Bobbies should be more inquizitive when looking for troublemakers. Otherwise, nothing distingushes their behavior from regular citizens. Nothing is different between a Blue Bobbie and a Red Bobbie. No increase in difficulty or tactics. Red Bobbies should be on something else, making them even more of a threat. As it stands, we are taught that alcohol solves all problems.

The Doctors were Never a threat. Not once. The game builds them up as these terrifying creatures, but defeating them is easy and avoiding them is easier. There is an item you can make that make you smell like one of the Doctors, but I never needed to make one or use one. The Doctors can be completely removed from the game and it would be the same game.

Why do Wastrels attack on site at night but not during the day? They are the same people... what's different about night that they need to kill everything the come across that doesn't have a Bobbie Hat? How are Wastrels still around if they act this way?
Posted August 18, 2018. Last edited September 3, 2018.
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175 people found this review helpful
136 people found this review funny
17.7 hrs on record (17.5 hrs at review time)
You are bear. I am bear. We are bear.

I find hat. I wear hat. Stylin'.

Eat duckos. Get swol. Eat bitey longmans. Get moar swol. Become best bear.

Is good game. I no sad I pay full price.

Would be great game if bear did not get stuck in objects. Would be BEST game with moar bear polish. Hard to do when code as bear. I know. Commission help from other bears maybe?
Posted June 23, 2017. Last edited June 26, 2017.
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11.3 hrs on record (8.1 hrs at review time)
This game ♥♥♥♥♥ on the memory of Gauntlet. The original Gauntlet was better coded than this. Seven Sorrows was better coded than this. Between enemies that insta-spawn damage you, to key doors that open (and waste your keys) when you are across the room, to getting stuck in the floors/walls and pummeled by enemies until you die this game is not fun in the least bit. ♥♥♥♥ this game and ♥♥♥♥ whoever coded it.
Posted January 13, 2015.
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