Stephen Katt...   United States
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McKaptain Jan 1, 2019 @ 11:24pm 
I'm working night shifts now. That might put us awake at similar hours. Would love to game with you sometime.
Better Call Paul Dec 23, 2012 @ 10:42am 
Hey Stephen! I've been replaying KOTOR for the 11th time haha. I just played through the Fable series too with my Xbox. I snagged Limbo in one of the Humble Bundles, I really enjoy it (haven't beaten it yet though). Thanks to past Steam sales I have most of the games that I want, so fortunately I won't be paying large sums of money this year haha
Better Call Paul Mar 22, 2012 @ 6:24pm 
Still loving Skyrim? My character was a bit of everything, one handed, archery, destruction. LA Noire is my go to game when I have a chance to play. which hasn't been too often unfortunately :(. Plus Rockstar still hasn't figured out porting to PC haha
Better Call Paul Dec 29, 2011 @ 7:24pm 
Hey Stephen! I have it on Xbox but not PC; it is everything I hoped it would be! Once you get it, let me know how much you love it (which I'm sure will be a lot haha)