Cap'm Sarcastic
Stephen   Australia
Webster's dictionary defines "Summary" as: "of, or in reference to, the season of summer".
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Deimos Rises 2 apr, 2014 @ 6:46 
Ah Peve. Pride cometh before the fall. Don’t worry, I only clicked on it because I was trying to write a sitcom about two out of work Liberians that are forced to share an apartment. The catch is that one of them specialises in non-fiction, while the other one abhors real events and prefers to spend her time embroiled in a fictional fantasy realm. As you can well imagine they are the original odd couple and the laughs are guaranteed, also they are both in love with Charles Dickens. One because he tells such fanciful stories, the other because he paints such a vivid picture of what life was like back then, the only problem is that Dickens wants to be with the vampire werewolf sister of one girl, which happens to be the other girls cousin twice removed! It's scandalously saucy stuff. When I saw the button that said “Formatting Help” I naturally assumed that it was a button leading to a think tanks dedicated to helping Steam users in getting their sitcoms off the ground.
Deimos Rises 24 mar, 2014 @ 7:17 
In acordance with Steam law, this comment entitles me to one twenty sixth of a pillar of the community achievment badge. I didn't even know how important that badge was to my future happiness untill now. how could i have been so blind? as the only person in my steam friends list that i actually know in real life the burden falls on your profile to absorb the weighty cost of this transaction. ohh and text in bold underlined text itallics . that last part was totally optional by the way.