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Recent reviews by Tiz68

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90.9 hrs on record (12.0 hrs at review time)
Nostalgia is alive and well with this game. This was a favorite of mine as a kid, and it has held up exceptionally well over the years. It is fun and challenging in all the right ways. Lords of the Realm II definitely has the right formula for an amazing game, and was so far ahead of it's time. Do yourself a favor and play this game. It's so cheap and oh so worth it.
Posted November 24, 2021.
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42.6 hrs on record (20.3 hrs at review time)
Holy crap another Half-Life game! And it's everything you could possibly dream of. Seriously play this game.
Posted March 26, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
435.9 hrs on record (360.5 hrs at review time)
Playing this is VR is seriously one of the best experiences I've ever had gaming. Its incredible.
Posted December 7, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
4.1 hrs on record
I was freezing. My God, was it cold. I couldn't feel my feet. I couldn't see but four feet in front of me in the dark. The snow was falling in thick blankets, blocking out the moon and stars which I know had to be shining above. I continued through the snow one step at a time, until I found an abandoned tractor. I pulled myself into it and shut the door. I needed to take an inventory of my supplies.

I was severely dehydrated, so I drank the last of my water. I was starving, so I ate my last granola bar. I had to find some place to warm up. I was dead tired and needed sleep. I had light winter clothes. Nothing suitable for the conditions I was in. I had only one flare in my backpack. I couldn't stay in this tractor over night, or I would freeze to death. I needed to go find some place to weather this storm.

I lit my only flare and opened the tractor door. The wind hit my like a brick wall, throwing snow in my face. I took a few steps forward before I saw it. Only 6 feet away, lit by an eerie red glow from my flare. A huge bear. I stopped immediately and started backing toward the tractor, when it spotted me.

It lunged at me, knocking the flare from my hand. It ripped and clawed at my face. All I could do was fight as best I could. Finally it was off me. The bear took off in a random direction.

I was bleeding badly from my neck and arm. I desperately tried to patch myself up. I needed to stop the bleeding before I bled out. My hands, numb and clumsy, finally wrapped my only bandage around my neck wound. I was still bleeding from my arm, but not bad. My flare was a few feet away from me. I stumbled toward it. I was in bad shape. I needed help immediately.

I finally reached the flare and picked it up. As I picked up the flare I saw it in the distance. A cabin!! Finally!! If I could only manage to make it there. I could start a fire and warm up, find some supplies to heal, scrounge a sip of water and find some food. I could survive!

I started moving toward it. I was hurt badly and stumbling. I was close now, just a few more feet. My vision was blurry and everything hurt. I just needed to get to the door. Only two more steps and I'd be there. Then I heard it. The bear had returned to claim his meal. One step left. Just one more. I can hear the bear running at me. The last step. I'm at the door. I grab the handle just as the bear lunges at me.

All I see is snow tumbling all around me. The bear, face glowing red from my flare, is on me. His teeth bared, eyes crimson. He reaches at my face. Suddenly, all I see is blackness. "You have faded into the long dark."

That was my very first experience with the Long Dark. That was the moment I knew this game had potential. I sat on my sofa shivering at the thought of what had just happen. This game is like no other I've ever played.

It has its flaws. Certainly, I wish my stats didn't drop so drastically. I wish there was just a little more supplies around. If only it was a little easier, and I could survive for more than just one day. I suppose that's what makes this game so good to some people. It is hard. To me that makes it a little boring. I get tired of only surviving for a day or two. It gets old knowing how quickly I will need water or food. I can't even scrounge for enough supplies before one of my stats are empty.

The controls and menus are a little clunky. It feels like you go out and collect a lot of supplies, but you don't live long enough to ever use them. People talk about fishing and hunting. I'm never able to make it that far before dying of something else first.

There is so much going on in the menus, I don't have time to learn it all before I succumb to starvation or thirst. It feels complicated and I wish it could be simplified some and a little more user friendly.

The game is beautiful, however. The scenery looks amazing. The atmosphere really draws you into this world. You actually feel like you are there. There is so much to explore and see. Again though, I don't feel like I get to explore enough and enjoy the scenery and atmosphere because I'm too busy worrying about starving or freezing. It seems a little too fast paced for a survival and exploratory game. That is part of the appeal to a lot of people though. The constant threat of death looming over you. I just wish it had some quiet moments and down time instead of constant struggle.

Overall it's a great game. Not for everyone, but certainly has a lot of potential to be amazing. While I like it a lot when playing it, I find myself becoming a little bored after just a couple times playing.

TL;DR: Great game with a lot of potential. Awesome visuals. Hard to survive for more than a day or two. A constant struggle for survival with no downtime to relax and enjoy the beautiful scenery. I recommend trying this game. Maybe wait for a good sale to purchase it, though.
Posted August 2, 2017.
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