Sir Sheeply
Sean Oliver   Australia
Where to begin..... I was stranded on a small island north of my current loaction, it was cold, wet and raining all the time but I enjoyed the overcast weather and the once a year snow festivals; but onward. I found a flying boat and sailed across the clouds adventuring the sky cities and their many wonders. Until I found myself south of my orginal location at a much larger island, the largest in fact. Stealthing my way onto the island I procured a port of pass and founded a unbeknowen life to all that exsisted before. Now I live a humbling life, a solitary life, or as some call a "Hermits" life. Keeping to the warm glow of light, darkened room and a stable diet of prepared meals with a plethora of sweet drinks. And to end this "summary" I bid you all a well understood life so that you may be well understood by others and not come into conflict with a number of pointless arguements that may or may not spure from the lack luster of a life that understanding has begotten. Good Night ladies and lords.
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