K   Parkville, Maryland, United States
Vetrina degli oggetti
cat 8 mag 2023, ore 2:45 
Its a golden pan you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ idiot!
𒉭George𒉭 28 mar 2023, ore 5:29 
you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥♥
theorangegoomba 25 mar 2023, ore 23:18 
it was a digital frying pan bro :steamsad:
Redm 22 feb 2023, ore 16:45 
first person to start bullying someone over a frying pan. hmm... sounds worse if you phrase it like that, but that is exactly what occurred.
quebert 11 feb 2023, ore 21:39 
bros a nerd
Tsu 8 feb 2023, ore 17:36 
least chad tf2 player