Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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←←←←← Kleowolfy

-My friends are my everything.
...and if you know my kind side, you probably earned it.

There is no place like

IF friendship is magic, THEN bronies are respectable;
ASSUME magic does not exist;
Friendship does exist;
THEREFORE friendship IS NOT magic;
THEREFORE bronies are NOT respectable.

Currently Online
Just another dumb cat.
>> Contact me on Telegram if you need to speak to me.

Species : :spaceCrystalKey: Degenerate :spaceCrystalKey: [furchee.com]
What I like : ART, Music, Anthropomorphic characters, Games, Chatting :)

I like furry art. Go ahead and cry about it I guess?
Coca cola is my drink of choice. Red bull is a close second.
My favorite game is Portal 2. (Close seconds are MW2 & Burnout - Revenge)

-Not into RP of any type.
-I'm 33 years old.
-Call me Furchee and nothing else please :)
-Sometimes google helps you more than I can.
-If you've ever had a thought similar to "Oh there is nothing funny about <blank>." then understand we likely won't get along.
-I LOVE cheese cake.
-I am polyamorous and in a loving relationship.
-If you one day find me living in a cardboard box,
it's because I bought too much art. :)

When you're dead, you don't know you're dead. The pain is only felt by others.
The same applies when you're stupid.
Can I take it that you don't need my help
and I am finally absolved of value?
It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
You say that sometimes you're afraid of the beast in you.
Well ... I'm not.
Truth be told ... I kinda like it.
"I'm here to try and make people happy.
It's what I love to do. It's what I've always loved to do.
The problem is, you can't make everyone happy. You can't do it.
If you make some people laugh other people are gonna get offended.
And if you happen to be on that end that's offended and you're mad about that ...
well you know what ?
Not everything is about you.
And if you want to tell me that you'll be happy when I'm dead ... then ... fine.
If I can make half of the people happy when I'm alive
and the other half happy when I'm dead then I win." -2Gryphon

__Interesting Links__
I'm a Super Admin @ FaceWAN [Facewan.com]
ALL of the music I listen to is located here: Spotify LINK [open.spotify.com]
My FurAffinity Profile [furaffinity.net]

My Website [www.furchee.com]


You will be missed, sir Elliot.
You will be missed, sir Vladimir.
You will be missed, sir Jure Uremović [www.legacy.com].
You will be missed, sir Rick Crone.
You will be missed, sir Faithry.
You will be missed, sir Tony Barrett.
You will be missed, sir Buddy.
You will be missed, sir Niko & ms Simba.
You will be missed, sir Nemo [Furchee.com]. (aprox 9:35am, March 17th 2017)
At the end of the day all of you live on, if not in person, surely in memory. You are an inspiration.
I am glad I met / knew you and I thank you for everything you have given to this world.
Rest in peace.
Artwork Showcase
Magnum Bullet
Favorite Group
FurAffinity Gamers - Public Group
For Furs. By Furs.
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Recent Activity
1,655 hrs on record
last played on Jun 5
2,929 hrs on record
last played on Jun 5
2,779 hrs on record
last played on Jun 1
soft 20 hours ago 
Best AWPer I’ve ever seen. If you get him as a teammate do yourself a favor and buy him one
Potatonater5000 Jun 2 @ 6:46pm 
+rep part of weird internet history
Furchee May 20 @ 8:20pm 
Snapo, a literal grown man going to another dudes profile to leave a toxic comment after spending 20 minutes malding in a video game. All I have for you is pity.
Snapo May 20 @ 8:05pm 
LMAO Abomination
soft Feb 19 @ 3:09am 
-rep pronouns + flag that isnt real + non-binary (also not real)
soft Jan 23 @ 1:59pm 
worst teammate ever just bates.