Nils Holgersson   Vatican City State (Holy See)
Dr. mad. bull. (Doctor habullitatus scientiarum mathematicarum absurdiumque)
39 uur gespeeld
I wanted to write a review on this game when I finished it. But it's very difficult to write because my focus is entirely different than a normal game review. Somehow when you find the time after you haven't touch the item for eons it gets easier.

This my view on the game, more specifically, about the undertone of the game. And it's mainly on politics, very little game remarks.

I like the picture this game is painting. It's a dystopia, totalitarian world. I like it because I think that is what the real world is.

I grew up and formed my world view in both totalitarian state and western democracies. Both worlds (I'm talking about people, the folks) have one thing in common, they all think west is better, with different reasons. Which is true, but the devil is in the detail. On a scale for totalitarianism, from 0 to 100, 0 being not totalitarian at all and 100 being Owellian. Communist states are 100, US/UK is 60+, EU is 40. So most people (in the west) have the illusion that totalitarian is in the novel, in the fiction, but the reality is alarmingly more depressing.

This, was the reason why Tyranny captivates me. I thought it paints a more realistic picture, albeit fiction. The world in Tyranny is tyranny; totalitarianism is the norm and all folks are more or less used to it.

Life is about making decisions, and learn to make better decisions. Sometimes these are learnable because we can predict the outcome. The more black or white the world works, the easier. Playing games (not just video games) is an exercise and preparation for children to cope with this world. Tyranny taps into this fundamental and forces you to make decisions, where these deeds make impacts and form serious consequences. They top it by making the circumenstance not black and white. Moral ambiguities are so much fun when you are capable of enjoying the bitterness of the choice.

This, among other things, is the reason I recommend this game.
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