Palme Sköt Först
Mathias Bengtsson   Halmstad, Hallands Lan, Sweden
Folk som gömmer sin game time i spel är ganska fäcka :good_shot:

SurBurken Vet :,D

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Hands down the best game that have ever been made!

The gameplay is phenomenal, the combat is great but the story is freaking amazing. There aint much more to say more then you won't regret buying this game.

Now when next gen is out and its on sale(summer sale 2023) there is no reason not to buy it. Its such a great game for the money its nuts and the DLC's are basiclly 2 more games length wise. You will so not regret buying it.
Vitrine du Workshop
NBA JAM Announcer pack
738 évaluations
Statut - En attente, Créé par - Pandazz
Activité récente
69 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 15 mai
100 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 11 mai
2 h en tout
dernière utilisation le 9 mai
ヘイバー 11 mars à 11h06 
ja pierdole twoja matka ty kurwa syn
MISKO 11 mars à 9h23 
Måns Minecraftsson 8 sept. 2022 à 6h17 
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.....................[█|||██|||||███]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▃▂ +rep +rep +rep +rep
laredeshot 19 mars 2022 à 12h05 
-rep your dad is your mom
Ahmedt 19 sept. 2021 à 10h03 
+rep Surfburken Veteran.
𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐨 16 juin 2021 à 9h26 