Jason   Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Please visit my personal blog for game reviews and other thoughts:
MegaBearsFan [],
or follow me on Twitter:

Live long and prosper.
온라인 상태
MegaBearsFan 2019년 8월 21일 오후 2시 04분 
Recently posted a YouTube video of some of my criticism of FromSoftware's Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice:
MegaBearsFan 2019년 8월 21일 오후 2시 03분 
Recently posted a YouTube video with some tips to hopefully help new players get into the indie game Dawn of Man:

Also, see the accompanying discussion thread:
and blog post:
MegaBearsFan 2019년 8월 21일 오후 2시 01분 
New strategy for Civ VI available on my blog at:

This one is for Matthias Corvinus, the Raven King of Hungary.
MegaBearsFan 2019년 3월 7일 오후 4시 29분 
Wrote a review for the Resident Evil 2 REmake (on PS4) last month:

I also adapted much of that review into a video critique of the game on YouTube:
MegaBearsFan 2019년 1월 1일 오후 3시 10분 
Wanted to get at least one more Civ VI: Rise and Fall strategy out before the new expansion, Gathering Storm makes landfall in February. So here is a full strategy guide for Robert the Bruce of Scotland:

Bannockburn is kind of a crap ability, especially compared with Australia's ability. Wars of Liberation are just very hard to actually declare due to very strict requirements for the casus beli. My advice is to not plan your strategy around using this ability. Instead, focus on getting lots of luxuries and amenity to keep your cities happy and maintain bonus research and production throughout the entire game.
MegaBearsFan 2019년 1월 1일 오후 2시 56분 
Posted a full review of Axis Football 2018 a while back:

It still needs a lot of work, but it's the most full-featured indie football game on the market right now!