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7.4 hrs on record
yes good game is cat
Posted July 21, 2022.
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0.9 hrs on record
Very short puzzle game (under an hour for me). But very good and visually unique and lovely. I spent the entire time playing it yelling, "NO! WHY AM I DOING THIS?" Would absolutely love to follow the story if more games are ever made. I would like to see some control options added into the game, because currently there's no way (that I found) to adjust any of the game settings.
Posted February 28, 2015.
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126.0 hrs on record (23.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I never played the DS original single player game. I typically like co-op or multiplayer games so the single player nature of the original game didn't appeal to me at all. But the multiplayer version of DS has been a lot of fun. I can't wait for more updates to the game as time goes on and as far as fun games to play with friends, this is definately up there. Future updates to this game will only make it more awesome as time goes on. Def. get it while it's on sale for you and your friends too if you don't want to wait for the free-release for people who already own the game. Even in its limited state, it is a blast.
Posted December 30, 2014.
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58.5 hrs on record (58.5 hrs at review time)
This game ends up being everything you want from a group game. The story is alright - but the side quests and features of the game make up for anything the main story is lacking. The game doesn't hold your hand through any of the quests, which is nice.

The biggest - most interesting feature - of this game, to me, is the way spells interact with the environment, weather, and other spells. I've never played another game where that was a feature and it is so much fun that I can't see why many other games don't plan on adopting it.

Overall it is a very nice looking game. I would like it if the crafting in game were a bit more intuitive - or more organized if it stays the way that it is. You end up having to read through long texts for recipes in other windows in the game for the recipe and then going back to your inventory and making what you need. I wish there were a more direct way of doing it. That's really the only negative thing I have to say which ends up not being that negative at all.

If you liked games like Baulders Gate growing up, you will absolutely love this.
Posted December 30, 2014.
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72.3 hrs on record (48.9 hrs at review time)
My friend had a Banished game with a man named Garther in his town. He was among the first settlers. Garthar was educated and handsome, but never took a wife or had children - much to the dismay of the town. Instead, Garther took the tough jobs. The hunting jobs - slogging through deer innards to butcher and skin wilderness animals to feed the lesser peons of his civilization. Garther did this for many brutal winters before finally retiring to a small house near the edge of town due to old age. But this didn't stop Garther.

Oh, no. Garther took it upon himself to then educate the new generation of town inhabitants as their new teacher. In his late 80s. The rugged, elderly mountain man taught them all how to hunt and fend for themselves - and most importantly - how to not be ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. The town still stands to this day, all thanks to Garthar.

Rest in peace, sweet prince.

10/10. Would relive the saga.
Posted June 20, 2014.
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49.5 hrs on record (20.6 hrs at review time)
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, Dave.
Posted June 20, 2014.
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