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Senaste recensioner av L'Internationale

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4.6 timmar totalt (4.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Much like Dear Esther, this game is more about the joy of experiencing and piecing together a disparate narrative than the challenges you must overcome to reach that narrative. It's a blast to play, and even more of a blast to figure out what it's about once you finish it (and probably replay it half a dozen times). The game may be less than six minutes long, but every one of those minutes is more engaging and interesting than an hour you'd spend with any other typical game. For that, I'd say you're getting pretty good bang for your buck. Vive Nuevos Aires! Vive Citizen Abel!
Upplagd 17 september 2012. Senast ändrad 15 december 2015.
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1.8 timmar totalt (1.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
A pure sensory experience! Manipulating the senses is something that games do very well, but this is the only game I've played which uses that as its core concept. Windosill presents strong proof that games don't need to be cluttered down with traditional narratives or contrived explanations for their existence to be satisfying or effective. Windowsill is just a game about touching and feeling your way around the environment -- nothing more. It's rare to find a game that's this focused, and when you do you shouldn't pass up the opportunity to try it out.
Upplagd 17 september 2012. Senast ändrad 15 december 2015.
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7.7 timmar totalt
An experimental game, yes, but, no matter what you've been told, this is definitely a game. Although the degree of interactivity is rather limited compared to what we're used to, that doesn't make its effect any less powerful. Dear Esther, unlike most games, goes for an altogether different kind of interactivity -- it cultivates and fosters an intellectual conversation with the player throughout its course, rather than merely introducing enemies, environmental hazards, and puzzles for them to contend with. If this kind of interactivity sounds fun to you, then you might enjoy this game. If you're a stickler for "gamey" games, however, then you should pass on it.
Upplagd 17 september 2012. Senast ändrad 15 december 2015.
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8.7 timmar totalt (3.6 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I'm definitely far from being experienced in the adventure game genre, but of the few titles which I have experienced, this one is easily the most well-rounded, unique, and forward-thinking of the bunch. All of the game's elements -- the music, art, animations, sound effects, puzzles, and controls -- fit together perfectly. It's that rare treat of an experimental title which is so well thought out and executed that it changes your expectations for its genre. It's accessible, satisfying, and beautiful. Try it out sometime.
Upplagd 17 september 2012.
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4.7 timmar totalt (1.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I absolutely love this game. It has archaic design, an incomprehensible plot, and some elements of it are just plain indecipherable. But I love it. I love its atmosphere, I love its uncompromised vision of itself, and, first and foremost, I love the absolute freedom it gives you, the player. If you have to have your hand held through gameplay sequences and your story spoon fed to you, then you will hate this game. But if you've got a craving for something out of the ordinary and you have no trouble finding your own fun in a game, then you're in for a treat. This game is absolutely PC down to its core, and I love that. I hope you can love it too.
Upplagd 17 september 2012.
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5.2 timmar totalt
The most accessible adventure game I've ever played. If you're new to the genre, don't be afraid to try this one out -- it's got a great balance of action, storytelling, and puzzle-solving. It's also beautiful and has some of the best music I've heard in a game in a long time. This one's a real audio-visual treat with a neat little game packed inside. I pretty much got an iPod just so I could play it and I don't regret that one bit. Now that it's available on Steam, this is a must have point-and-click for everyone. It's just that good.
Upplagd 17 september 2012. Senast ändrad 24 november 2016.
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6.0 timmar totalt
What can I say about this game that hasn't already been said? It's been praised and criticized and discussed almost any other game I can think of. So I guess I'll just tell you this: this game represents one of the most important moments in my gaming life. It proved to me what I had, up to that point, only fantasized about and wished was true -- that videogames could be more than "just games" with a story attached. It was the first time I felt truly proud of being a gamer -- proud that I was part of a community that could create, experience, and enjoy something so beautiful. It was the moment when I knew that gaming would forever remain an important part of my life, and that I would try to show others just how important and meaningful games could be. This little recommendation is my long overdue thanks. Here's hoping someone new will find it and enjoy all this game has to offer.
Upplagd 17 september 2012. Senast ändrad 15 december 2015.
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5.9 timmar totalt
Hostile, dark, and eerie, yet pervaded with an odd sense of fantastical wonder, adventure, and beauty. A good allegory for childhood, actually. Thematics aside, this game has some of the best design I've ever encountered. Each successive puzzle is different in a significant way from any previous puzzle, the platforming is challenging and satisfying, and the controls and animation have a great weight and feel to them. There's really nothing not to like about a game like this. It's short, satisfying, unique, challenging, and thought-provoking. Don't miss it.
Upplagd 17 september 2012.
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6.0 timmar totalt (5.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
We need more driving games on PC. Also, we need more driving games like this in general. It's fun, smart, and isn't afraid to put the player into some compromising situations. If you like driving in games at all, and if you like good games in general, you shouldn't have a problem with this one.
Upplagd 17 september 2012.
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28.1 timmar totalt (12.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Surprisingly good. Great even. As a longtime fan of the Splinter Cell series, I was definitely wary going into this one. From the previews and videos I'd seen, I expected something completely out of the spirit of Splinter Cell. My expectations were pretty accurate, but surprisingly the game departed from the series in an interesting and satisfying way. The Mark and Execute feature in particular is a great twist on the series' traditional slow-paced, tactical gameplay. In the old games, you'd stalk guards until they were isolated and take them out one by one, silently (or sneak past them). But with this new ability, the developers have boiled down that old method to one which is much less tedious but still gets the same point across. Now you stalk down and silently kill one guard, then strategically position yourself and take out the rest with one fell swoop. It combines the tense sneaking of the old game and adds a whole new layer of tactics to it. Good show Ubisoft.
Upplagd 17 september 2012.
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