Team Fortress 2 Competitive Beta TFCompBeta
Team Fortress 2 Competitive Beta TFCompBeta
26 gennaio 2016
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Competitive Beta -- The Plan and FAQ
The Plan

Hello from the TF2 team, and thanks for joining the TF2 competitive beta group! We hope you're all ready to start killing each other for points as we get this mode up on its feet.

We know you'd all like to start testing now, and eventually we hope all of you WILL get a chance to play and share your thoughts. But remember that all testing happens in stages, and right now we're at stage one.

Our plan is to start small and increase participation as we go. For this initial phase of testing - which will begin in the next week or so - we'll be gradually granting random members from this group an in-game item called a Competitive Matchmaking Beta Pass. Once you've been granted a pass you will have ongoing access to the beta.

In addition, we will begin holding both announced and unannounced stress-test events, inviting many group members to participate for the duration of the event to test our systems. Group members selected for stress-tests won't require a pass to play for the duration of the event.

Whether we randomly select you for stress testing or grant you a pass, we will prioritize group members that meet the following requirements:

Thanks again for your interest and support!


How do I play in the beta?

Right now, the beta is only available if a stress test event is active. Check the pinned group posts for more information on if and when a stress test is active.

When a Stress Test is active, a Play Competitive button will appear on the main menu, with a bright "Stress Test" badge upon it.

A stress test is active, why can't I see the button?

Please check the following:
  • You must be a member of this group to opt-in to stress tests.
  • Your TF2 account must be premium ( See: )
  • You must have a phone number associated with your Steam account. See here for more information:
  • Custom HUD modifications may make it impossible to see the Play Competitive button on the main menu. Please ensure you have disabled them.
  • If you have recently activated the Mobile Authenticator or recently joined this group, you may need to restart Team Fortress 2 to see the Play Competitive button.

Why am I crashing?
  • P-Rec is known to crash when used during competitive. Ensure you have disabled it.
  • Custom HUD modifications are known to cause crashes or invisible or missing UI when used with competitive. Check your HUD for updates or disable it entirely.

Why does it say I am in the lower priority queue?

If you abandon a competitive match, there is a short period during which you will have lower priority in the match making system. This is to prevent those who abandon matches from interrupting too many games.

If your game crashes, you have a few minutes to restart your game and rejoin the match without penalty. You will be prompted to rejoin the match in progress if you restart your game within the allowed window.
Ultima modifica da Jill; 24 mag 2016, ore 9:31
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I agree with Pub2.0 on the Heavy. Additionaly, a complete fix&buff of Pyro is MUCH needed, it's pretty much the most imprtant part of any fix to the game.

Also, Spy buff (To the revolver or something along those lines), Sniper nerf (To his secondaries, mainly, but probably won't be enough on it's own), Demo&Heavy slight shift towards Offence (Slight- They won't stop being Defence at heart, ofc) as to prevent stalemate 9v9s.

I will edit in the completed suggestions our group Balance Association works on, currently we only finished Spy and Scout:

Spy Assessment Aggregation
Spy Assessment Aggregation
Ultima modifica da mishael1; 18 feb 2016, ore 16:51
plz fix heavy's ramp up nerf.
he is way too weak vs hit-n-runs without his true DPS(and acuracy) the first second
Ultima modifica da .,.; 18 feb 2016, ore 16:41
Should be good to go on those requirements! Looking forward to seeing things progress!
Please, I want to de_molish people as soldier ;-;
done all, i wanna play comp
my body is ready
Do you have numbers on about how many will be released in each gradual step? Are we looking at maybe 100 right now, or 5000?
Ultima modifica da Dest -; 18 feb 2016, ore 16:10
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