Team Fortress 2 Competitive Beta TFCompBeta
Team Fortress 2 Competitive Beta TFCompBeta
January 26, 2016
Showing 1-10 of 155 entries
Apr 19, 2016 @ 4:46pm
Looking to get into competitve instead of pubs.
Apr 22, 2016 @ 4:50pm
(Archived) _Still_ ...
Apr 30, 2016 @ 12:34am
This is how Valve should approach balance.
Well, if you can utilize the most out of each class, and you're winning then that's cool. Generally in a competitive gamemode, you want to have the most effective setup possible. The current meta is 2 Scouts, 2 Soldiers, a Demo and a Med. It's the staple for a long time now, every class is good at dealing damage, all of them are pretty fast.

Hard to say right now and even after balancing/reworks to say whether or not pyro/spy/engy full time is as good as a scout/soldier etc. but only time can tell.
If we're focusing solely on 6s, it's really hard to generalize the specialist classes, you'd have to buff them to the point where they one way or another, closely resemble generalist classes. How do you make the spy viable full time? His DPS is super low, he is physically slow. You could buff movement speed or tweak the class a bit, but then you realize you could be running a scout anyways. Pyro is defined by the airblast, but the thing is, if your damage output relies on the other teams explosive projectiles, that's not really good at all. Pyro has no consistent mid-range damage output, and his movement speed, even with a powerjack, doesn't help that much at all. Engy is meh, except on last holds. He's pretty much a fat scout without a sentry up. Given the Wrangler, and RR, last holds would be pretty impossible to break. Gunslinger kinda works if left on the flank. So, how do you make engy more viable? Make him setup faster? Balance issues.

Heavy is great, his utility melees although are an absolute must, otherwise, your too slow to get to the next point or retreat.

You off-class because you're reading the situation well, and therefore your using the offclass to it's fullest potential. Generalizing every class removes that aspect of reading the situation well.

I don't know if you play CS:GO, but not every weapon is the same. Weapons are balanced by money earned so it's a little different from TF2, but the core is the same. The AK-47, M4A4/M4A1-S, and the AWP are the meta. They are usable in pretty much all situations, and are the most effective guns to use. Now, someone else who likes pistols, shotguns, or SMGs comes in, and says, "Why can't I run pistol/shotgun/smg full time? It takes away from those weapons." But the truth is, those weapons are used situationally, when you don't have enough for an AK/M4/AWP, or when your anti-stratting, like when you know the enemy is not running AK/M4/AWP. You use a pistol when you're saving for an AK/M4, you use a shotgun when you're low on money/playing a close-up playstyle to catch the enemy offguard, or an SMG when you know the team is saving for the next round. The specifics are different, but the core remains the same. Sure the Shotguns/Pistols/SMGs are not used as much as the core AK/M4/AWP, but that's ok.

I feel that every class doesn't need to be viable full-time in competitive 6s, and that's perfectly fine. Yes, some classes do need to be looked at and refined, but my point still stands. I don't intend to offend any HL players or whatnot, but it's just my thoughts on the only thing I really play in TF2, 6s.
Apr 14, 2016 @ 11:00am
May 1, 2016 @ 5:00pm
Idea to remove random crits
Apr 9, 2016 @ 1:32pm
the tf2 community sucks
Apr 8, 2016 @ 6:43am
Apr 8, 2016 @ 12:49am
Viewmodels in tf2
Apr 6, 2016 @ 5:19pm
Did they fix this yet
Apr 6, 2016 @ 1:03pm
Showing 1-10 of 155 entries