Steam Client Beta SteamBeta
Steam Client Beta SteamBeta
January 8, 2013
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
al Jan 22, 2013 @ 6:39pm
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Steam Client Beta?
Periodically, we will run beta tests of new Steam Client releases. Any user opted in to the Steam Client Beta will get a new version of the Steam Client, which may have new features and bug fixes not present in the currently released client.

How do I opt in to the Steam Client Beta?
You can opt in to the Steam Client Beta through the settings dialog in the Steam Client.

  • From the Steam Client, open the "Steam" menu in the top left
  • Select "Settings"
  • Click the "Change..." button under "Beta participation"
  • In the drop down menu, select "Steam Beta Update".
  • You may have to repeat this operation once - after Steam updates, check the Settings page again, and if it shows "None" for Beta Participation, select "Steam Beta Update" again and let Steam update again. Once that is done, it should remain in the Beta until you opt out (see below).
  • With the Steam Client active, select "Steam" from the application menu
  • Select "Preferences"
  • Click the "Change..." button under "Beta participation"
  • In the drop down menu, select "Steam Beta Update".
After opting in, the Steam Client will restart to download the beta update, and you'll be running the latest beta client. When a new Client Beta starts, you will not need to repeat these steps - you will be automatically opted in to future betas as well.

I've opted in to the Beta but I don't think it correctly updated.
Exit Steam completely, then restart it, and it should complete the change

How do I opt out of the Steam Client Beta?
Follow the steps to opt in above, but select "NONE - Opt out of all beta programs" on the last step.

I did that, but it keeps telling me the Beta has ended and asking me to restart!
Exit Steam completely, then restart it, and it should complete the change.

How do I report bugs in the Steam Beta Client?
Please use the Bug Reports subforum.

How do I find out what has changed in the Steam Client Beta?
Visit this group's announcements page to see the latest updates.
Last edited by Taylor Sherman; Jan 23, 2013 @ 4:09pm