

Statistieken weergeven:
This game does NOT contain trading cards as advertised
See above. Game reported to Valve.
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Thanks, I've already seen it. So your game still doesn't have trading cards.
☠ßeetleJuice  [ontwikkelaar] 17 sep 2017 om 9:08 
Origineel geplaatst door MDZhB:
Thanks, I've already seen it. So your game still doesn't have trading cards.
I added cards,but steam don't released
In Steamworks, on the store admin page, read the line above where you tagged it as having cards.
203 and crying about 3 trading cards -.-
118 and adding absolutely nothing to the discussion. Great work, keep it up.
Why I should? The dev tell you already you must know.
Did you not read what I written? Valve tell devs NOT to add trading cards before they have been approved.

I understand that's a difficult concept for you to grasp, kid.
So you think the dev must now ask valve everytime to change the store page? Thats stupid. You could also just search the market or the steam id to find out if a game has tcs or not.
Or the dev could just follow the rules, and not add them until they have been approved. It's not rocket science.

What if someone buys the game, and it doesn't sell well enough to warrant trading cards being approved? So you sold a product by false advertising. You're not allowed to do that.

Anyway, this is going nowhere. Have a good one.
Origineel geplaatst door MDZhB:
What if someone buys the game, and it doesn't sell well enough to warrant trading cards being approved?

Not the dev problem. You buy the game not the trading cards. Also there is a refund button if you want. -.-

I dont know why im still talking to you, you didnt even bought the game. So talk to the hand dude.
Laatst bewerkt door marsHm311oW; 14 okt 2017 om 3:53
Talk to the hand haha, this is 2017, not 1999.

You're completely wrong, but you clearly don't understand or wish to. Go away.
Origineel geplaatst door marsHm311oW:
Not the dev problem.
The developer engaging in false advertising definitely is the dev's problem?

Still doing it, by the way.
Origineel geplaatst door Paradise Destructor:
MDZhB, go cry to the Steam support if you want and stop being a ♥♥♥♥.

no, i hope the value developers need to reach with their games pretty high so games wont have cards which means no 1cents income on each card (still massive income if you bundle and giveaway a lot and exploit) and fake devs that way will stop releasing asset flips and no effort games on steam, too bad there are too many already and hard to find the real indie gems.
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