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Steam Inventory Items (Item Store)
You can buy Inventory Items from Arcane Raise - Item Store here:
  • Items bought from item store are merely collectibles and cosmetics (at this stage), they can be freely traded between players, sold on community market or featured/showcased on profiles.
For more information on Steam economy, please read these articles:

Feel free to ask any questions you might have in this thread.

NOTE: Currently, Inventory Items have no in-game functionality and can only be used on Steam platform (i.e. trading, selling, etc.). This may or may not change in the future, stay tuned for more news! More updates are coming...

Asset Usage
Lần sửa cuối bởi RetriButioN; 8 Thg03, 2017 @ 11:37am
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Đang hiển thị 1-15 trong 35 bình luận
RetriButioN 5 Thg03, 2017 @ 8:01am 
I understand that these items right "now" have no in-game functionality, but will there at least be in-game drops later or at all?
Lần sửa cuối bởi B l u e b e r r y P o p t a r t; 7 Thg03, 2017 @ 9:04pm
RetriButioN 7 Thg03, 2017 @ 9:22pm 

Thank you for your interest. At this early stage, I can't make any promises or share more information. You can follow this hub for future updates.


I understand that these items right "now" have no in-game functionality, but will there at least be in-game drops later or at all?
Lần sửa cuối bởi RetriButioN; 7 Thg03, 2017 @ 9:22pm
Nguyên văn bởi RetriButioN:
Thank you for your interest. At this early stage, I can't make any promises or share more information.
Well I hope there will be because then it will make using the Steam market understandable, but dosen't if you use it when you only have paid content, I saw the lowest amount thus far on the steam store page was 99c. Why would someone want to buy that then put it on the market for lower price? Unless they jack up the price like a few other games did (some items were selling for 5-10$ more than what they were worth on the store page, but people use the market more than looking if there is store content first), sure it helps you out a bit but it's a bad way of doing things.

I guess I'll hope for the best right now and see what you do with it.
RetriButioN 7 Thg03, 2017 @ 9:42pm 
Thank you for the suggestion, current prices will be updated on launch - 10 March (they're mostly placeholders currently).

Nguyên văn bởi RetriButioN:
Thank you for your interest. At this early stage, I can't make any promises or share more information.
Well I hope there will be because then it will make using the Steam market understandable, but dosen't if you use it when you only have paid content, I saw the lowest amount thus far on the steam store page was 99c. Why would someone want to buy that then put it on the market for lower price? Unless they jack up the price like a few other games did (some items were selling for 5-10$ more than what they were worth on the store page, but people use the market more than looking if there is store content first), sure it helps you out a bit but it's a bad way of doing things.

I guess I'll hope for the best right now and see what you do with it.
Lần sửa cuối bởi RetriButioN; 7 Thg03, 2017 @ 9:42pm
Creekie 8 Thg03, 2017 @ 11:00am 
Oh. I saw this[redd.it] thread on /r/steam, and eh, that's.. shady, isn't it?
RetriButioN 9 Thg03, 2017 @ 4:07am 

Thank you for your interest.

That Reddit post was a deliberate lie that has been subsequently proven false and taken down as a result, read this for clarification regarding asset licenses.

Additionally, I'd like to remind you (everyone) that libel[en.wikipedia.org] such as written false accusations of theft could potentially be a civil offense (depending on country/state). I would strongly advise people to think twice before engaging in or planning such activities.

Have a nice day!

Nguyên văn bởi MilkGames:
Oh. I saw this[redd.it] thread on /r/steam, and eh, that's.. shady, isn't it?
ManiacMal 9 Thg03, 2017 @ 9:58am 
Nguyên văn bởi RetriButioN:

Thank you for your interest.

That Reddit post was a deliberate lie that has been subsequently proven false and taken down as a result, read this for clarification regarding asset licenses.

Additionally, I'd like to remind you (everyone) that libel[en.wikipedia.org] such as written false accusations of theft could potentially be a civil offense (depending on country/state). I would strongly advise people to think twice before engaging in or planning such activities.

Have a nice day!

Nguyên văn bởi MilkGames:
Oh. I saw this[redd.it] thread on /r/steam, and eh, that's.. shady, isn't it?

I'd like to remind you, we are currently on the internet... Hello Digital Homicide is that you?!?!
Power_Bert 10 Thg03, 2017 @ 7:31am 
Nguyên văn bởi ManiacMal:
Nguyên văn bởi RetriButioN:

Thank you for your interest.

That Reddit post was a deliberate lie that has been subsequently proven false and taken down as a result, read this for clarification regarding asset licenses.

Additionally, I'd like to remind you (everyone) that libel[en.wikipedia.org] such as written false accusations of theft could potentially be a civil offense (depending on country/state). I would strongly advise people to think twice before engaging in or planning such activities.

Have a nice day!

I'd like to remind you, we are currently on the internet... Hello Digital Homicide is that you?!?!

If that is actually the developer talking: Wow, just wow. Threats are always a great way to greet the people you want to buy your product. Buy, bye!
Здравствуйте, заметил что от вашей игры продаются предметы на торговой площадке Стим, Хотел узнать по подробнее о времени получения этих предметов в игре. Как их можно получить? С какай переодичностью они выпадают и сколько максимум в неделю можно взять .
Hello, I noticed that from your sold items on the marketplace Steam, Wanted to learn more about the time of receipt of these items in the game. How do I get them? With what periodicity they fall and how high do you take .
RetriButioN 11 Thg03, 2017 @ 10:52pm 
Translated via Google Translate:

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. В настоящее время инвентаризационные элементы не имеют игровой функциональности и могут использоваться только на платформе Steam (т. Е. Торговле, продаже и т. Д.). Это может измениться или не измениться в будущем, следите за новостями! Появляются новые обновления ...

Nguyên văn bởi Вороний Глаз:
Hello, I noticed that from your sold items on the marketplace Steam, Wanted to learn more about the time of receipt of these items in the game. How do I get them? With what periodicity they fall and how high do you take .
davidb11 12 Thg03, 2017 @ 12:36pm 
Nguyên văn bởi Power_Bert:
Nguyên văn bởi ManiacMal:

I'd like to remind you, we are currently on the internet... Hello Digital Homicide is that you?!?!

If that is actually the developer talking: Wow, just wow. Threats are always a great way to greet the people you want to buy your product. Buy, bye!

Neither you, or ManiacMal actually understand how that works, do you?

Only a complete goofball would think it's a bad thing to poinit out that libel is against the law. Also, you clearly have no idea what a threat is.
A threat would be, "I'm going to kick your ass!" Or something akin to that.

Also, online libel is indeed the same as normal libel, punishable in a signficant manner.

Resorting to some silly crap about Digital Homicide doesn't make anyone be taken seriously either.

DatFancy 14 Thg03, 2017 @ 9:23am 
Nguyên văn bởi RetriButioN:
Translated via Google Translate:

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. В настоящее время инвентаризационные элементы не имеют игровой функциональности и могут использоваться только на платформе Steam (т. Е. Торговле, продаже и т. Д.). Это может измениться или не измениться в будущем, следите за новостями! Появляются новые обновления ...

Nguyên văn bởi Вороний Глаз:
Hello, I noticed that from your sold items on the marketplace Steam, Wanted to learn more about the time of receipt of these items in the game. How do I get them? With what periodicity they fall and how high do you take .
srry could you answer that in english as well i would like to know the answer if thats no problem
RetriButioN 14 Thg03, 2017 @ 9:29am 
Answer is in the OP, read the "NOTE" part.

Nguyên văn bởi DatFancyIan:
Nguyên văn bởi RetriButioN:
Translated via Google Translate:

ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. В настоящее время инвентаризационные элементы не имеют игровой функциональности и могут использоваться только на платформе Steam (т. Е. Торговле, продаже и т. Д.). Это может измениться или не измениться в будущем, следите за новостями! Появляются новые обновления ...
srry could you answer that in english as well i would like to know the answer if thats no problem
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