Solstice Chronicles: MIA

Solstice Chronicles: MIA

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Status of the Linux version?
Now that the game has released, could we get an update on the status of the Linux version?

Thank you, Liam from :)
< >
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Davor - Ironward  [vývojář] 25. úno. 2018 v 12.25 

Got the project to run on Ubuntu, but there are quite a lot of general fixes we need to do to get it ready. Game has been updated to the newest version and some critical performance tweaks have been made. I just spent this weekend improving the gamepad aiming for monsters higher or lower then the player. Feels much better now. Can't really tell when it will be ready for linux release, but I'll be a pessimist and say within 2 months unless something really goes horribly wrong.
-@Davor původně napsal:

Got the project to run on Ubuntu, but there are quite a lot of general fixes we need to do to get it ready. Game has been updated to the newest version and some critical performance tweaks have been made. I just spent this weekend improving the gamepad aiming for monsters higher or lower then the player. Feels much better now. Can't really tell when it will be ready for linux release, but I'll be a pessimist and say within 2 months unless something really goes horribly wrong.
Great to know you're still working on it.

Looking forward to the day I can get my hands on it :)
Me too :) (Looking forward to get hands on it)

Would be great if you could write some updates from time to time so we know it is on the way.
can we take a second to look at how much time the developer has WASTED on this linux port (that they could have used to greatly improve the game)? i mean really, nothing says "this game isnt selling" like 60% off coupons.. you cant even treat that >1% of the market as paying customers at this point (since most of them arent going to pay full price). perhaps it would have been selling if rather than WASTING the past 10+ months making a build for >1% of the market those resources had been used to actually improve the game. by the time it DOES actually get linux support it will probably be part of a bundle for 5$ with 11 other games!

how does anyone get it in their heads that wasting time on linux support is going to make them more money?
Any news for linux ?
nrg500TipidPC původně napsal:
Just an FYI.

RUINER, another game using Unreal Engine 4 and has similar game play with Solstice Chronicles: MIA, is now available on Linux.

uh-huh, and that game has already been in a bundle. there is no profit for indie devs to port to linux, they would be better off porting to mac.. and we all know what a sad joke that is.
Davor - Ironward  [vývojář] 12. kvě. 2018 v 16.04 
Not sure about the profit, but we promised a linux version and we'll deliver.
-@Davor původně napsal:
Not sure about the profit, but we promised a linux version and we'll deliver.
Thank you, really pleasing to see your dedication on this. Looking forward to playing and reviewing it :)
I am going to pay full price once there is Linux support (beta state would be enough for me).
Davor - Ironward  [vývojář] 19. kvě. 2018 v 6.16 
Hey guys!

Got MIA to build under linux finally. There are problems we'll need to handle still, but I hope we'll be able to release at least a beta version soon.
Naposledy upravil Davor - Ironward; 19. kvě. 2018 v 6.16
-@Davor původně napsal:
Hey guys!

Got MIA to build under linux finally. There are problems we'll need to handle still, but I hope we'll be able to release at least a beta version soon.
Awesome, will your next game also be on Linux? :)
Naposledy upravil Squiddy; 19. kvě. 2018 v 6.26
Davor - Ironward  [vývojář] 19. kvě. 2018 v 8.02 
Unfortunately it's too early to say with certainty. Unreal engine generally makes the process quite painless and I don't see a reason why not, but we have a lot of development ahead of ourselves.
Count me in as another Linux purchase when it's ready.
< >
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