

Mastergaming 2017 年 5 月 9 日 上午 11:23
Response to the "FAR MOD" situation
Let me say that I'm happy that we had a modder that took time out of his day to fix some of the issues that are affecting the game.

I come to understand that he wrote a specific code for his mod to where if there a pirated version game binging used it won't activate and code remember the person.

I can understand where he coming from he doesn't want his mod to be used on illegal copies of the game I see no problem with that,plus I can't comment on it because it's his mod and he can do anything he wants with it, he not getting paid to make sure it works properly,he taking time out of his own day,without payment.

But man people can be really cruel sometimes now I can't say a lot about his response to people he believes strongly in what he says so would I if I was ahaving a conversation about making mod available for pirated copies of the game.

But what i dont understand is how people spread wrong information on Reddit and steam and then on steam lock the thread to keep the people that are spread the true information about what's going on.

I understand it's going on three months and we haven't received a official patch for the game, but let's not mob on the guy that took time out to fix some of the glaring issues.

[Paragraphs have been added lol]
最後修改者:Mastergaming; 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 9:38
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目前顯示第 76-90 則留言,共 219
lPaladinl 2017 年 5 月 9 日 下午 11:46 
引用自 NioNai

How so? I never insulted him directly before he was telling me to stop using the internet.

Because his "insult" was telling you that is just how it works and was not related at all to Denuvo. Ideally the same thing you were doing there was what the people calling his software maleware were doing.

Making ♥♥♥♥ up for ♥♥♥♥ they don't understand.

No it's not, I was trying to have a discussion with people about it and he could have politely explained to me how I was wrong. Instead he has to put snide and rude comments in everytime he responded and label me as things that I am not.

I didn't "make ♥♥♥♥ up". As I tried to explain later in the thread, I was discussing based on a lot of information I had witnessed in other steam forums for games related to Denuvo, and why it raised my concern whether or not Denuvo was a problem.

I fail to see how that is at all related to the people calling Kaldaiens mod Malware. They weren't trying to have a discussion, they were trying to do a hit piece.

Here's what I said later in the same thread with the person I was discussing with:
最後修改者:lPaladinl; 2017 年 5 月 9 日 下午 11:49
Jupiter Pulse 2017 年 5 月 9 日 下午 11:49 
引用自 NioNai

Because his "insult" was telling you that is just how it works and was not related at all to Denuvo. Ideally the same thing you were doing there was what the people calling his software maleware were doing.

Making ♥♥♥♥ up for ♥♥♥♥ they don't understand.

No it's not, I was trying to have a discussion with people about it and he could have politely explained to me how I was wrong. Instead he has to put snide and rude comments in everytime he responded and label me as things that I am not.

I didn't "make ♥♥♥♥ up". As I tried to explain later in the thread, I was discussing based on a lot of information I had witnessed in other steam forums for games related to Denuvo, and why it raised my concern whether or not Denuvo was a problem.

Why politely explain when you were literally already set in stone. That's the real problem. You may be new to the topic and don't understand, but people like him have seen lots of people do the same exact thing over and over and over again. Having to explain it to every headstrong person gets tiring. Especially when the information is freely available.

And when you start talking abou decrypting Den instead of just trying to fix its problems you come off more as a pirate, than you do someone who actually wants to fix it.
lPaladinl 2017 年 5 月 9 日 下午 11:50 
引用自 NioNai

No it's not, I was trying to have a discussion with people about it and he could have politely explained to me how I was wrong. Instead he has to put snide and rude comments in everytime he responded and label me as things that I am not.

I didn't "make ♥♥♥♥ up". As I tried to explain later in the thread, I was discussing based on a lot of information I had witnessed in other steam forums for games related to Denuvo, and why it raised my concern whether or not Denuvo was a problem.

Why politely explain when you were literally already set in stone. That's the real problem. You may be new to the topic and don't understand, but people like him have seen lots of people do the same exact thing over and over and over again. Having to explain it to every headstrong person gets tiring. Especially when the information is freely available.

And when you start talking abou decrypting Den instead of just trying to fix its problems you come off more as a pirate, than you do someone who actually wants to fix it.

No I wasn't. Read what I said later in the thread.

You're assuming too much here.

1.) I was not set in stone, you just made that up. I certainly was not being headstrong with Kaldaien beyond him treating me with disrespect.

2.) I never even mentioned *anything* about decrypting Denuvo. I was trying to discuss if the way Denuvo functions was a concern for compatability issues for legitimate users, and if that could explain performance issues that seemed (past tense here) to plague previous games earlier in it's lifespan, and if that could have any connection with more recent titles.

It's been proven in the past that Denuvo damaging hard drives or SSDs was FUD. But whether or not it affected performance or could be poorly implements and impact performance was never really answered as far as I have ever read.
最後修改者:lPaladinl; 2017 年 5 月 9 日 下午 11:54
Karna 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 12:22 
I barely read steam forum, only check to see if there are news about a patch or something.
But now i understand that Kaldaien was a god when he released his mod to fix the game for free
AND now he is an evil modder when the game got cracked and pirates and maybe 2 other people cant use his mod lmao. Hypocrisy is real. I just hope things like this dont stop him from helping the community in the future. without his mod this game is unplayable.
Rajivrocks Ltd. 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 12:43 
Go to Kal's Github the mod is still there if I am not mistaken. It's sad to see pirates getting their way but the world is like that. I'll just go to his Github and get it there. If you installed the mod previously you can also auto update.
Kuda White 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 12:46 
Are you sure " not playable " without that mod ? Last time I played, it was whitescreen. I only need to rollback and finished the game nicely.
lPaladinl 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 12:49 
引用自 Kuda White
Are you sure " not playable " without that mod ? Last time I played, it was whitescreen. I only need to rollback and finished the game nicely.

It's playable without the mod entirely, it just can greatly help with performance (by turning down important settings).

The game is unplayable for me with or without the mod. It's unrelated to the GPU driver crashing the game does because it dislikes my card model. And no, I can't just roll back to fix it.
Naxreus 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 3:26 
All of this pirate thing happened when the game got released on ASIA.... and that people spreaded the wrong info about him....
最後修改者:Naxreus; 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 3:27
Saint Beignet 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 3:33 
引用自 | Comandos
All of this pirate thing happened when the game got released on ASIA.... and that people spreaded the wrong info about him....

You know when the game got released on SEA and all the Asians said F SE for making peasants pay full price for a game the rest of the world also paid, it was kind of a bad move on SEs part to delay the release by 2 months.

Now that I remember the Chinese pirates are motivated by poverty it now makes a lot of sense why they waited this long. Probably trying to get as many sales as possible before it gets cracked.

+1 SE. Brilliant strategy. SEA didn't deserve region unlock. F SEA for ruining it for everyone else.
Aemony 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 3:54 
Why doesn't Steam have a direct PM feature?!?

引用自 Zefar
If he wants his thread back I can undelete it but he can't use it to advertise his group in it as group advertisement is against the rules.

I link to the new main thread of FAR (which is in Kal's Steam Group) in various places in my Tweak Guide. I assume that's fine since the guide as a whole isn't an advertisement for the Steam Group, but it's merely a minor part of the guide as a whole? Or should I preferably remove the links to the thread in the Steam Group?

Just want to be sure I'm following the rules here correctly since the rules and guidelines on this part isn't exactly clear on the subject.
SoulEchelon 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 3:57 
引用自 Johnny

you know, that can also mean, he "chose" not to mess up legitimate user's file right ?

This is the sort of statement that can easily start misinformation. Don't you or anyone else do this. Ever.

That said, this is from an outside person looking in as I (currently) don't have the game - but I do have a few Kal's made mods for. While it's a shame this all spiraled out of control like this and we may have potentially lost someone who has been willingly making "fixes" for a number of niche games like this one for free, I feel he was in his right to block pirates as well as blacklist those two steam IDs. Why? Well, it's simple.

It was His Creation. He created it. He has the power to do whatever he wants with it. If that means blocking pirates and outright banning people from using it, then so be it. Are you afraid it's "malware"? Afraid that using it might modify files you don't want it to? Then don't download it. It's not an official patch, and it's up to you whether to take the risks or not.

As for his behavior after the backlash, I do agree it was it was a bit overboard, but perhaps not totally uncalled for. However, keep in mind that he is just one person. He doesn't have a P.R. team, and he's known for having a temper. People seem to hold him up on some sort of "official" pedestal. He's just a guy that's really damn good at computers and enjoys JRPGs. He's not a video game company, not a P.R. specialist, and has little to no experience in dealing with internet bullies that think they're entitled to his work.

I do hope he doesn't quit. I hope he figures out another way to deal with these people than just disappearing. And, to the pirates - you don't deserve a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing. How dare you even try to act like you're entitled to anything, much less a mod for a game you didn't buy. ***k off.
最後修改者:SoulEchelon; 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 3:59
<blank> 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 4:32 
引用自 SoulEchelon
引用自 Johnny

you know, that can also mean, he "chose" not to mess up legitimate user's file right ?

This is the sort of statement that can easily start misinformation. Don't you or anyone else do this. Ever.

That said, this is from an outside person looking in as I (currently) don't have the game - but I do have a few Kal's made mods for. While it's a shame this all spiraled out of control like this and we may have potentially lost someone who has been willingly making "fixes" for a number of niche games like this one for free, I feel he was in his right to block pirates as well as blacklist those two steam IDs. Why? Well, it's simple.

It was His Creation. He created it. He has the power to do whatever he wants with it. If that means blocking pirates and outright banning people from using it, then so be it. Are you afraid it's "malware"? Afraid that using it might modify files you don't want it to? Then don't download it. It's not an official patch, and it's up to you whether to take the risks or not.

As for his behavior after the backlash, I do agree it was it was a bit overboard, but perhaps not totally uncalled for. However, keep in mind that he is just one person. He doesn't have a P.R. team, and he's known for having a temper. People seem to hold him up on some sort of "official" pedestal. He's just a guy that's really damn good at computers and enjoys JRPGs. He's not a video game company, not a P.R. specialist, and has little to no experience in dealing with internet bullies that think they're entitled to his work.

I do hope he doesn't quit. I hope he figures out another way to deal with these people than just disappearing. And, to the pirates - you don't deserve a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing. How dare you even try to act like you're entitled to anything, much less a mod for a game you didn't buy. ***k off.

This seems like a good explanation on his behaviour / reaction.
my bad for having doubt on a nice person.
Rautamies 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 4:43 

引用自 Hued
Where did you get this info? It's incorrect. The code closes the game if it detects piracy. It does not track users. Kal had to use this measure as others have found a way to use his mod to inject pirated DLC into games. This goes way back before Nier.

Like I also tried to say before, that statement was incorrect.

However FAR does include a blacklist with Steam User IDs on it, which Kaldaien had listed 2 people on for being disruptive. You can check the link in my first post on this thread to see him speak about it himself.

FAR does not keep track of Steam User IDs it's self. But Kaldaien personally does and adds them in manually to that blacklist.

So what's this about the blacklist? I haven't had much time to really dwell into this whole thing, since I have no idea who's at fault here, and what is true and what is not.

A blacklist for what, exactly? Sorry, I'm so out of loop here, and I don't understand why he would make a blacklist.
Aemony 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 4:49 
引用自 Coshhie

Like I also tried to say before, that statement was incorrect.

However FAR does include a blacklist with Steam User IDs on it, which Kaldaien had listed 2 people on for being disruptive. You can check the link in my first post on this thread to see him speak about it himself.

FAR does not keep track of Steam User IDs it's self. But Kaldaien personally does and adds them in manually to that blacklist.

So what's this about the blacklist? I haven't had much time to really dwell into this whole thing, since I have no idea who's at fault here, and what is true and what is not.

A blacklist for what, exactly? Sorry, I'm so out of loop here, and I don't understand why he would make a blacklist.

Steam doesn't include a Mute button and Kal had sometimes in the passed had two extremely annoying users who were harrasing him and spamming his threads or something, making it impossible for him to help other users. So he added the "dreaded blacklist" to his mod which denied access to his mods for these two users.

That's basically all.

PS: This was long before FAR was even a thing. It's just that the blacklist is still there since it uses his Special K framework to function, which includes the blacklist.
最後修改者:Aemony; 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 4:50
Fantassy 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 4:57 
引用自 SoulEchelon
引用自 Johnny

you know, that can also mean, he "chose" not to mess up legitimate user's file right ?

This is the sort of statement that can easily start misinformation. Don't you or anyone else do this. Ever.


This is a good explanation of his behaviour, One person can only take so much.
If the bucket gets too full, it will spill.

While he may stepped over the bound and the punishment is justified, People think he is some hero/saviour who creates mod like it's nothing and expects too much from a single person afterward.
最後修改者:Fantassy; 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 4:59
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