Transport Fever

Transport Fever

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stretch611 10 Thg11, 2016 @ 5:37am
Why do we lose all cargo/passengers when upgrading stations
I hate this I lose all my cargo when upgrading a station... It doesn't matter if it is high speed rail, catenary, or track configuration. I know it used to happen in train fever as well, but I don't know why any of this would happen.

IRL, a station would rarely shut down completely for some track maintenance, repairs, or upgrades. The work would be done off hours, or if they needed to close a track, traffic would be routed to a different one.

I know that I can wait for a train to finish loading then upgrade to minimize the problem, but that is impossible on high traffic stations. I just lost 2 years of profit on a million dollar line because of upgrading to electric.

I know I found this annoying in TF, I find it annoying now. I am sure others would also like to see this "feature" of the game be sent to a the electronic bit bucket of /dev/null
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ScruffyBamboo 10 Thg11, 2016 @ 5:45am 
Well look at it this way - in real life, if you were actually upgrading your station, the entire station would be shut down for months, costing you millions. Same with any kind of work on tracks - can't have trains running while that's going on (IRL).

Personally, I have no problem if upgrading my system causes a few headaches with my network... seems like real-life to me :)
crossmr 10 Thg11, 2016 @ 5:46am 
Because these devs can't fix simple issues?

They had an entire game, and people complained about it before.. and then it was shown in the beta for this game, but the fanboys said "it's just a beta, don't worry, I'm sure they've fixed it" and yet here we are with the same butchered and broken gameplay, that we had last time. This game, like TF is about 90% what I want, and 10% pure crap piled on top of that. Sadly the crap really ruins the experience. It did before, and they surrounded themselves with fans to pat them on the back during the beta of this one and tell them what an awesome job they'd been doing, and what we got was more crap. A paid patch, and not a good one at that.
crossmr 10 Thg11, 2016 @ 5:48am 
Nguyên văn bởi ScruffyBamboo:
Well look at it this way - in real life, if you were actually upgrading your station, the entire station would be shut down for months, costing you millions. Same with any kind of work on tracks - can't have trains running while that's going on (IRL).

Personally, I have no problem if upgrading my system causes a few headaches with my network... seems like real-life to me :)

It really wouldn't. In real life, stations or depots might be upgraded in stages, or pieces. In real life, upgrading a road wouldn't cause passengers to just run away or vehicles to hop around. In real life a programmer wouldn't be so lazy and code in proper handling of these situations so that the system didn't blow up every time you tried to change it.
I posted about this in the Support forum as well. It's not just "Lose everything in the station," it's also "Lose everything on every vehicle that is currently heading to the station and every cargo in other stations that are destined for that location." It's made it impossible to electrify my tracks in the USA Campaign Panama Canal mission.

Nguyên văn bởi ScruffyBamboo:
Well look at it this way - in real life, if you were actually upgrading your station, the entire station would be shut down for months
That is definitely not what happens. You shut down parts of the station, rotating through the whole thing to avoid exactly that. You do the work alongside the station's current operation level (Farringdon Station in London is currently doing something like this). Airports do this constantly.

The game should absolutely not erase cargo (either from the station or from any vehicle heading towards it). That is, honestly, utterly ridiculous.
Salty Slothy 10 Thg11, 2016 @ 6:07am 
I haven't had the issue where incoming vehicles lose their cargo yet. But the issue sucks. Regardless for now simply time it so you perform the upgrade when your stockpile is low or empty. If you have a good production line going it won't take long to restock. Use the pause button so additional goods aren't wasted.
Nguyên văn bởi TheOSB:
I haven't had the issue where incoming vehicles lose their cargo yet. But the issue sucks. Regardless for now simply time it so you perform the upgrade when your stockpile is low or empty. If you have a good production line going it won't take long to restock. Use the pause button so additional goods aren't wasted.
It's possible you may not have noticed it. Or, if you somehow didn't suffer that fate, then I am jealous, because I can consistently repeat it. Not good news when you have four trains hauling a total of 480 stone from the Panama Canal Dig Site most of the way across the map to the western dam, trying to beat the buzzer before 1924, and you want to electrify the track to replace them with higher-speed Milwaukees...
Salty Slothy 10 Thg11, 2016 @ 6:11am 
Nguyên văn bởi Landwalker04:
Nguyên văn bởi TheOSB:
I haven't had the issue where incoming vehicles lose their cargo yet. But the issue sucks. Regardless for now simply time it so you perform the upgrade when your stockpile is low or empty. If you have a good production line going it won't take long to restock. Use the pause button so additional goods aren't wasted.
It's possible you may not have noticed it. Or, if you somehow didn't suffer that fate, then I am jealous, because I can consistently repeat it. Not good news when you have four trains hauling a total of 480 stone from the Panama Canal Dig Site most of the way across the map to the western dam, trying to beat the buzzer before 1924, and you want to electrify the track to replace them with higher-speed Milwaukees...
480 stone?! These trains can handle that?
SirLANsalot 10 Thg11, 2016 @ 6:14am 
was annoyed that, that issue is still there, and its worse with how easy we can upgrade a station. While it IS nice that we can do that without demoing the original (like in TF), the fact we still lose everything on the platforms is stupid. I remember hearing that particular issue was supposed to be "fixed" in TPF. Well at least they could still fix it in an update :)

To avoid having to upgrade things like that, just go with a max platform size (and whatever tracks you THINK you might need in the future) when first laying out your lines. Ya you might have to take more of the loan from the start, but it saves you the heartache of erasing 200 passengers on a platform because its not big enough for your trains.

Either way, enjoying the living daylights out of TPF as it is anyways.
Nguyên văn bởi TheOSB:
Nguyên văn bởi Landwalker04:
It's possible you may not have noticed it. Or, if you somehow didn't suffer that fate, then I am jealous, because I can consistently repeat it. Not good news when you have four trains hauling a total of 480 stone from the Panama Canal Dig Site most of the way across the map to the western dam, trying to beat the buzzer before 1924, and you want to electrify the track to replace them with higher-speed Milwaukees...
480 stone?! These trains can handle that?
I'm using four Mikados, each of which has ten 12-capacity gondola cars. So they're hauling 120 stone each at 50 mph. 480 stone per "line cycle." I wanted to replace them with electric Milwaukees so that they could be doing that at 60+ mph instead of 50 mph, but the game spat in my face. So hopefully those Mikados will haul some butt, because they've got about a year and a half to get the last 2000-or-so stone from the dig site to the dumps...
Nguyên văn bởi SirLANsalot:
To avoid having to upgrade things like that, just go with a max platform size (and whatever tracks you THINK you might need in the future) when first laying out your lines.
That's all fine and good when you're already in an era with electric track and trains, but when you're not, that isn't really on the table.
Salty Slothy 10 Thg11, 2016 @ 6:20am 
Nguyên văn bởi Landwalker04:
Nguyên văn bởi TheOSB:
480 stone?! These trains can handle that?
I'm using four Mikados, each of which has ten 12-capacity gondola cars. So they're hauling 120 stone each at 50 mph. 480 stone per "line cycle." I wanted to replace them with electric Milwaukees so that they could be doing that at 60+ mph instead of 50 mph, but the game spat in my face. So hopefully those Mikados will haul some butt, because they've got about a year and a half to get the last 2000-or-so stone from the dig site to the dumps...
Wow. Ok so I can happily upgrade my lines without fear. I've got 2 gm diesels (forgot the full name) with 10 carts on them. It's 1960 and I've got two trains cranking out steel for a machine factory and good factory that spawned across the street from each other.
stretch611 10 Thg11, 2016 @ 9:06pm 
Yes, with the cargo changes losing a bunch of supplies can run havoc on a distribution network. It wrecks the entire supply chain.

Sometimes (especially with trucks) if you have multiple vehicles hauling the product out of the station, and they are set to "wait until full" they can block access to the supplying vehicles causing gridlock until you realize (which may be a few years) and manually set things straight. This happened to me earlier and blocked my entire chain for years, causing all the industries to downgrade from 400 production to 100.

While some people say, just "fully upgrade everything" when you build it...
Unless you are playing on easy mode, cash can be hard to come by, especially in the early years. Paying to make things full size is not always affordable. In addition, some upgrades are not available in the early years... Electric catenery isn't available until the 1920's and High Speed track isn't available until the 1930's.
Salty Slothy 10 Thg11, 2016 @ 9:31pm 
Nguyên văn bởi stretch611:
Yes, with the cargo changes losing a bunch of supplies can run havoc on a distribution network. It wrecks the entire supply chain.

Sometimes (especially with trucks) if you have multiple vehicles hauling the product out of the station, and they are set to "wait until full" they can block access to the supplying vehicles causing gridlock until you realize (which may be a few years) and manually set things straight. This happened to me earlier and blocked my entire chain for years, causing all the industries to downgrade from 400 production to 100.

While some people say, just "fully upgrade everything" when you build it...
Unless you are playing on easy mode, cash can be hard to come by, especially in the early years. Paying to make things full size is not always affordable. In addition, some upgrades are not available in the early years... Electric catenery isn't available until the 1920's and High Speed track isn't available until the 1930's.
The issue is if you're line is doing well then you'll hurt for 5 minutes and then be on your merry way. Wiped about 102 iron ore about as readily as I wiped my butt. Factory had a full trainload by the time my train got there. Instead of worrying about your huge stockpile focus more on "will this have enough to let me keep making profit on this next return trip". That will give you a better return.
SirLANsalot 6 Thg12, 2016 @ 4:43pm 
Nguyên văn bởi Landwalker04:
Nguyên văn bởi SirLANsalot:
To avoid having to upgrade things like that, just go with a max platform size (and whatever tracks you THINK you might need in the future) when first laying out your lines.
That's all fine and good when you're already in an era with electric track and trains, but when you're not, that isn't really on the table.

There is enough cross over between electric and steam that you can run your trains till 1925, then you just pause the game, upgrade ALL of your relevant stations to Electric/High Speed. That way you only upgrade them ONCE and only lose out on the payment one time.

Also, love the pic of Richard :)
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Ngày đăng: 10 Thg11, 2016 @ 5:37am
Bài viết: 14