Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Raze_Larian 2017 年 5 月 6 日 下午 10:00
FAQ: * EA / Release Save Compatibility * localizations, split screen co-op, etc * Early Access *
There is a section of known issues at the bottom of the post.


Frequently Asked Questions

When will the game be released?

September 14th 2017.

Will Early Access saves be compatible after the full release?

No. Major updates during Early Access will not maintain save compatibility (due to the nature of the changes and additions being made), and that will also be the case with the full release.

However, during Early Access, saves are not removed when there is an update, and there are beta branches set up in Steam to revert to a previous game version, to be able to continue an existing playthrough when there was an update.
To do so, in the Steam library, right click on Divinity: Original Sin 2 and select Properties, then switch to the Betas tab and select 'ea_version_X' from the dropdown list (the highest value of X will be the most recent previous version. When you are done that playthrough, you can repeat the process and opt out of the beta to get the current version.

After the full release, all updates will maintain backward compatibility with release saves.

What content is in Early Access?

Currently only act 1 is available, the beginning section of the game (about 8 to 12+ hours playtime, depending on play style and difficulty level). With the May 24th update ( a tutorial section has been added, as well as a small section at the end of the act, for several more hours gameplay.
Later acts will not be available until the full release. Act 1 is about 25% of the full game, act 2 will be about 50% and act 3 the remaining 25%.

How often are major game updates?

There were major updates released every 1 to 2 months. There will not be another update before release, however, in order to focus on finishing the game.

Will the game be released on Mac, Linux or console?

Right now the focus is on finishing the game. Other platforms may be announced later in development, or after the Windows release.

Will the price change after Early Access?

The price will not be increased upon release. All Early Access versions will be automatically updated to full versions.

When will the confirmed localizations be available, and will other languages be added?

The confirmed localizations (French, German and Russian) will be available with the full release of the game.
There is an unavoidable delay for the non-English versions, since the text needed to be in a relatively finalized state in order to start translating.

Additional localizations may be announced later in development, or after release.
The most commonly requested localizations are Chinese, Spanish and Italian.

Will there be voice acting?

The game will be fully voiced (in English): Kickstarter update announcement.

Will there be (2 player) split screen co-op and controller support?

Yes, these features will be available with the full release of the game.

Two people on one system playing split screen co-op will be able to play online with either another pair playing split screen, or two people on separate systems.

Hey, the game is unfinished, and full price, and there are bugs, and save compatibility is broke every major update...

Yes, the game is in Early Access.

What if I object to the concept of Early Access?

Wait for release. People who accept the concept of Early Access will have helped to eliminate bugs and refine the gameplay mechanics by then, improving the experience for everyone.

What exactly is Early Access is?

See Steam's Early Access Games FAQ.



Known Issues

a character is constantly crippled, or spontaneously bursts into flames...

This is not a bug, but a curse. Check the character for equipment named something 'of the Tyrant'. It isn't explicitly stated that there is a curse, but the item description in the tooltip does say it was part of the equipment set worn by Braccus Rex when he was caught by Source Hunters and killed. I believe the effects can be avoided by wearing the full armour set (haven't checked in the latest game version); the ring is not required.

for v3.0.77.309

Companion character(s) are persistently wet, and removing the status with fire, etc, is only temporary.

This can be triggered during the tutorial, so that after being recruited in Fort joy, companion characters stay wet after the first time they go through environmental water.
This issue has been fixed, and will be in the next update.

One person who ran into this issue loaded a save in the tutorial, and found that after going back below deck to help the others, if the character followed them to the lifeboat there wouldn't be a problem, but if trying to help Magister Siwan, the wet status wasn't removed completely, and would be permanent in Fort Joy (the first time the companions get the wet status from environmental water).

[Tutorial] How 2 fix bugged saves (Wet bug)[larian.com]

In 3 or 4 player co-op, sometimes one character doesn't show up in-game.

This should be fixed in the next update. As a workaround, make sure the characters are different races, have some origin characters rather than all custom characters, or try not setting custom tags (or make sure they are different for characters of the same race).

after being recruited, companion characters do not join combat, and can run around killing NPCs in real time

This is a known issue which will be fixed in the release. The problem is with origin characters who were dead during the encounter with Windego in the tutorial, due to their status flags not being reset properly after that.

character(s) can become stuck, unable to move or use skills, often when entering combat

This is a relatively rare issue, which seems to be much rarer than the previous version, but it has still been reported a couple times (there were fixes for this in the last update, but apparently not covering every possible cause).
Saving and reloading should restore control of the character. Saves can be made during combat, so you don't have to flee and return, or get through the fight with just the remaining party members.

If encountered, please email a save made when it first occurs (or a Dropbox or Google drive link, etc) to supportdos2@larian.com, with a brief description of which character was stuck and what was happening when it started (entering combat, etc).
Even better would be a save before it occurs, with a way (at least semi-reliably) to reproduce it, but so far nobody has reported a way to deliberately trigger this problem.
Loading the saves fixes the problem, but at least having information about the state of everything when the bug occurred could help in tracking down the cause.

Each save is a folder in the '..\Documents\Larian Studios\Divinity Original Sin 2\PlayerProfiles\<ProfileName>\Savegames' folder. In Windows Explorer you can zip a file or folder by right clicking on it/them and selecting 'Send To | Compressed (zipped) Folder'.

for v3.0.52.425

sometimes self-buff skills and some Polymorph skills can go on cooldown, but the effect not applied

This should be fixed in the v3.0.76.796 update. Saving and reloading should get the skills working again, at least temporarily.
最后由 Raze_Larian 编辑于; 2017 年 8 月 31 日 下午 11:22
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正在显示第 1 - 15 条,共 427 条留言
Chmeva 2017 年 5 月 7 日 上午 5:07 
Thanks Raze! It might also be worth including known bugs (and common non-bugs like "my character has a debuff and will not go away" when equiping a Tyrant item)
insect 2017 年 5 月 7 日 上午 8:12 
i see “The most commonly requested localizations are Chinese”。 it‘s enough.完整版很可能有官中啦。:steamhappy::steamhappy:
Ostinato Maestr 2017 年 5 月 7 日 下午 8:53 
Thank you dear Larian,because there are so much nutters that have it hard reading and seem not to grasp the form of your masterpieces release terms.
This will clear up the air,that needed much clearing to be done.
Raze_Larian 2017 年 5 月 8 日 上午 12:35 
引用自 Chmeva
It might also be worth including known bugs

It would, indeed. I added a couple, as well as a couple more questions.
huisn764 2017 年 5 月 8 日 上午 7:18 
I see you have mentioned no ETA for the next patch. Does that mean I should not be expecting a new patch for at least the next 1-2 weeks? Or are you just not allowed to say anything about the ETA for next patch?

I really want to play through the entire Act 1 but I have been waiting for the next patch. Do you think it is possible for you to disclose how much work (i.e. an very rough estimated percentage) is completed for the next patch?
Lordante 2017 年 5 月 8 日 下午 3:12 
Is planned to add TAA in the game...

Like lot of people, TAA is the only good looking AA.

All other AA are flickering with white pixels on edges.
最后由 Lordante 编辑于; 2017 年 5 月 8 日 下午 3:12
Raze_Larian 2017 年 5 月 9 日 上午 3:25 
There is no ETA yet. There are still a couple things to be finished for the next patch before it can go through QA, so it should be released 'soon' (not this week).

There are plans to update the AA for the game engine, but unfortunately not before D:OS 2 is done.
最后由 Raze_Larian 编辑于; 2017 年 5 月 9 日 上午 4:35
Maarduk 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 2:54 
I hope there is a translation into Spanish like D:OS. I love this game
Maximum Sloth 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 3:52 
Really enjoyed the first game. My buddy and I had a great time with the co-op. Both waiting for official release (since the kickstarter was announced). Assume it's going to be October or November at this point. Can't wait.
Darth Rand 2017 年 5 月 10 日 上午 7:37 
Just wanted to say that you guys have done an amazing job with this game and i don't care if it's released this Chrismas or Chrismas 2018, take the time you need.

I'd rather wait longer for something really good rather than getting something that's rushed and bugged(Looking at you Ubisoft).
DukeFavre 2017 年 5 月 10 日 下午 5:20 
ADD Fully Voices for an ENHANCED EDITION and it will sell like HOT CAKES!!!
scole 2017 年 5 月 17 日 下午 2:03 
Hey Raze, may I ask a question? It has already been said that we will be able to create our own maps using the Divinity Engine in GM Mode. Can you give any insight if it'll be easier to do so in D:OS2 than using the engine in its predecessor? Will it be as complex or will it be more user friendly? I hope you will respond to my question ^_^
Raze_Larian 2017 年 5 月 17 日 下午 8:42 
Yes, creating levels will be easier than with the D:OS editor, and there have been various usability features added, but it remains a complex, professional level editor.
There should be better documentation and support once the D:OS 2 editor is released, as well.
scole 2017 年 5 月 18 日 上午 2:40 
引用自 Raze_Larian
Yes, creating levels will be easier than with the D:OS editor, and there have been various usability features added, but it remains a complex, professional level editor.
There should be better documentation and support once the D:OS 2 editor is released, as well.

Will you release an example video of the editor? Or we going to wait for release? :)
Raze_Larian 2017 年 5 月 18 日 上午 4:48 
Right now the focus is on finishing the game, so unless there is a preview or live stream at some point, that will probably have to wait until the editor is released.
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发帖日期: 2017 年 5 月 6 日 下午 10:00
回复数: 431