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Sierra 20 OCT 2016 a las 6:09
Any news on the linux port?
Hello there, the title basicly says it all.
The linux version was anounced to be released at the end of september.
Its now over mid october.

And I'm worryed we wont see a linux port at all?
Im very hyped for everspace cause I crave for a space shooting game like ED,SC and everspace.

I know this is not at all the same type of game as ED and SC.
So any news on the linux port :D?
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Mostrando 91-105 de 383 comentarios
rockfish_andi  [desarrollador] 19 MAY 2017 a las 4:47 
Publicado originalmente por Johnnynator:
Did you also tested it with the MESA driver on an AMD card? Would be nice to here how it works there.
Yes, we tested on AMD as well. This specific problem does not occur there - however other problems do that don't on NVIDIA - does not make things easier, it requires some patience but I'm sure we'll find workarounds that work for both.

Progress was made witrh the steam integration by the way - achievements are unlocking.

em4n3m 19 MAY 2017 a las 23:27 
Publicado originalmente por rockfish_andi:
Yes, we tested on AMD as well. This specific problem does not occur there - however other problems do that don't on NVIDIA - does not make things easier, it requires some patience but I'm sure we'll find workarounds that work for both.

Progress was made witrh the steam integration by the way - achievements are unlocking.

Thanks for this detailed communication - we're definitely happy to see any progress and we're here to help if needed!

Keep up the good work!
yaakuro 20 MAY 2017 a las 14:39 
Publicado originalmente por rockfish_andi:
We've just asked Epic about any news and apparently there aren't any and they're contacting Nvidia again. If you have an Unreal Developer account you can follow the thread we've opened here:


As a few people have offered their help, we have prepared a self-explanatory sample project for Unreal Engine 4.15. It's not Linux specific, you can also reproduce it under Windows, you just need to run the project in Standalone Mode with OpenGL enabled (need to add a parameter for this). Please note that pre-baking lighting solves the problem, but this is not an option for us as we need dynamic lighting due to the procedural generation in our game.

You can download the sample project here:


So let's hope that someone manages to find a workaround we can use until the problem gets fixed!

Hi @rockfish_andi

I recently saw in some news that you guys having issues with porting your game to GNUX using UE4. I am one of the UE4Linux community developer (Yaakuro). I downloaded the project file and checking right now the issue. My first investigation shows me that the directional lighting vector has different values on the OpenGLDrv then on the D3D11RHI. So something goes wrong in GetDirectionalLightingVectorFromTranslucentLightingVolume. Assuming it should be normalized try this as workaround:

Open the Shaderfile: Engine/Shaders/BasePassCommon.usf. In the function: GetDirectionalLightingVectorFromTranslucentLightingVolume() change the return value into this:

return normalize(lerp(OuterVector1, InnerVector1, FinalLerpFactor));

Here youtube vid:

This is normalizing the Directional Lighting Vector. If we look into that function the issue could be in couple of other parts. I will talk about this with Epic devs. I will check this issue in more detail. BTW, you can play around with the Directional Lighting Intensity in the materials property. If you guys need help in other aspects I might be able to help. Just contact me.

Última edición por yaakuro; 22 MAY 2017 a las 3:15
Dry 21 MAY 2017 a las 0:16 
Yaakuro, thanks for chiming in! This looks like it could be a big step in moving closer to a solid release! Looking forward to where things go from here.
Corben 22 MAY 2017 a las 12:44 
Cool @ Yaakuro!
Also for already updating your first version of the workaround.
This sounds like a pretty easy fix, so I'm curious what Rockfish is thinking about it.
Please keep us posted here.
ilcontegis [Linux] 25 MAY 2017 a las 15:47 
Thank you for your effort! Patiently waiting for the Linux release
Publicado originalmente por rockfish_andi:
We're making progress, but there still remain a few issues that make the current version "unreleasable". It turned out a lot harder to port the game than we originally thought, so I can't give a serious estimate when it will be finished, but rest assured that we are still working on the port.

Thanks for considering Linux

Its a shame more studios dont produce games with

OpenGL + VULKAN instead of DX11

OpenAL + SteamAudio instead of DX11/Some other windows only sound API

Doesnt Unity and UE4 support compiling an Linux edition (not port/native client)
riverfr0zen 25 MAY 2017 a las 17:45 
Good stuff. Really looking forward to this on Linux.
Dingus Khan 25 MAY 2017 a las 19:44 
Just spent a few minutes going through this thread. Really appreciate the effort being made to release on Linux.
Beamboom 26 MAY 2017 a las 1:10 
Let me chime in and voice my appreciation for the dedication displayed by the developer here - both in terms of communication and creative solutions on fixing the issues. Also great that a community member of the Unreal engine devs could assist here.

I'm so totally gonna purchase this game once it's out, and will suggest to all other Linux gamers with an economy to do so will do the same.

Publicado originalmente por yaakuro:
Publicado originalmente por rockfish_andi:
Sierra 26 MAY 2017 a las 3:42 
This thread.. hold on, got something in my eye :meatytears:
Última edición por Sierra; 26 MAY 2017 a las 3:42
Teodosio [GNU] 26 MAY 2017 a las 5:54 
+1 for GNU/Linux and for Freedom
Nevertheless 26 MAY 2017 a las 6:02 
Right, Indie games for an Indie OS!
Última edición por Nevertheless; 26 MAY 2017 a las 6:40
Tchey 26 MAY 2017 a las 6:30 
Thanks for Linux !
Dry 26 MAY 2017 a las 8:28 
Sad to see the game has now hit full release before you could be bothered to get the linux version working. Breaking promises to all those who funded you. Another dev which just said some nice things to pretend to be good to the community but in the end wouldn't do what they needed to do. I bet with the above fixes you could have had it done in a day if you actually gave some time to it.
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Publicado el: 20 OCT 2016 a las 6:09
Mensajes: 383