Faerie Solitaire

Faerie Solitaire

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Linux version + new patch
Faerie Solitaire is now available on Linux and has also been updated for all platforms. Right click on FS in your Steam library, click Properties, go to the Betas tab and select "linux_and_patch" branch. Steam will automatically (or automagically?) download new files.


Windows save file location is %appdata%/Faerie Solitaire (for example on Windows Vista/7: C:\Users\<yourusername>\AppData\Roaming\Faerie Solitaire).
Mac save file location is ~/Library/Preferences/Faerie Solitaire.

Post bugs/questions in this thread.

I had problems with running it on Ubuntu 12.10 64-bit (probably a problem with python2.7:i386[bugs.launchpad.net]), but it should work for almost all users.
If you can't launch it on Linux, try to remove file libstdc++.so.6 in Steam/steamapps/common/Faerie Solitaire/FaerieSolitaire data/ and install freeglut3. Removing file libdrm.so.2 from the FaerieSolitaire data directory might help too (thanks, Neutron).

Known bugs:
  • Windows, Linux: Steamworks features don't work - this is only momentary (Steam achievements should unlock when we add support)
  • All platforms: Some errors in "FaerieSolitaire data/anaconda.log" - if the game doesn't open at all or behaves badly please send me the log file
  • Linux: Fix issues with python2.7:i386 (try to make a 64-bit build)
  • Linux: Issues with drivers (driver not found or low FPS)
  • Linux: Fix newline char (image[i.imgur.com])
  • Linux: Alt-Tab doesn't work
  • Linux: Use $XDG_DATA_HOME (or ~/.local/share/ if not available) as a save location, not ~
  • All platforms: Start the game windowed if no profiles found to prevent mouse issues on Linux
  • (minor) All platforms: Wrong background color of the active user in the profile selection
  • (minor) Windows: Icon is ugly
  • (minor) Windows (maybe all platforms): The game goes fullscreen on the hardware screen 1 and not the software (system defined) screen 1

New patch:
  • Linux support
  • Game can now load both legacy and new version saves (Steam version is now fully compatible with the DRM-free version)
  • Fullscreen changed to borderless fullscreen windowed
  • Game is now keeping the aspect ratio
  • Window resize added
  • Antialiasing added
  • Achievements are always synchronized with Steam
  • New ♥♥♥♥ splash image!

Feature requests:
  • Look into the egg drop rate for the last 2 eggs

Please note: This update is NOT "Faerie Solitaire Remastered" - it is some needed polish on the classic version.
Terakhir diedit oleh Avi the Raccoon Enjoyer; 29 Mar 2013 @ 10:55am
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Menampilkan 106-120 dari 131 komentar
honeybadger 22 Jan 2014 @ 11:04pm 
It works well. No in-game bugs or anything like that.:koi:
Well, as for me with my Ubuntu 12.10 - still bad: no-beta version even downloads nothing, and beta+linux_patch doesn't start. In GUI I click on "play" and nothing happens, but for some seconds clicking on "play" again tells that app is already running. Running Steam and then FS from Terminal - getting logs as were listed high above.
Can I do something to make it work, except waiting for the fix?
Thank you.

Sorry, doing three things from "Post bugs/questions in this thread" really helped - the game starts.
Thank you!
Terakhir diedit oleh stalker-ru; 5 Feb 2014 @ 7:49am
Works great on my machine (Mint 15 MATE 64-bit). It didn't remember my progress, but I'm cool with that. Keep up the great work, devs!
I just downloaded the patch thing in the Properties > beta tab. I still don't see any changes that was listed in the OP. Full screen mode still has the game covering only half of my screen, centered in the middle, with borders on the side. Also don't see an AA option.

And what is this about a remastered version?
Terakhir diedit oleh BigFatJuicyMonkeys; 10 Mar 2014 @ 12:40am
pb 30 Mar 2014 @ 6:20pm 
So this game has had a beta Linux version for over a year now. I played it, enjoyed it, but the achievements did not unlock on Steam (just in the game). Any idea when Faerie Solitaire will be fully playable (non-beta) on Linux?
HunterZ 21 Apr 2014 @ 9:39pm 
Just tried to install this and got an empty download. Came here to see if there was a thread about it and am shocked to see that it's been in beta for over a year...
Pkeod // Subsoap  [pengembang] 28 Apr 2014 @ 12:46am 
It's coming, but we are notoriously slow at this point, and I apologize, but we are a small team trying to do many big things. When we add Remastered version (coming only after FVS is released), which will be its own launch option (I think), it will be the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Linux build, and will work just as well as the Linux version of our other game FaeVerse Alchemy, which we are ironing out now.
NoXPhasma 25 Sep 2014 @ 11:52pm 
5 more month are gone and still no news? :madTom:
Tealus 26 Sep 2014 @ 2:35pm 
FVS hasn't been released yet, it's still in early access.
linuxgnuwu 12 Jul 2015 @ 11:53am 
game wouldn't start; when trying to run command line:

jwiggins@jwiggins-Bonobo-Extreme:~/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Faerie Solitaire$ ./FaerieSolitaire
Starting up player...
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 73, in <module>
File "/home/mathias/Desktop/Anaconda/mmfparser/standalone/trunk/PyInstaller/loader/iu.py", line 434, in importHook
File "/home/mathias/Desktop/Anaconda/mmfparser/standalone/trunk/PyInstaller/loader/iu.py", line 493, in doimport
File "/home/mathias/Desktop/Anaconda/mmfparser/standalone/trunk/PyInstaller/loader/iu.py", line 293, in getmod
File "/home/mathias/Desktop/Anaconda/mmfparser/standalone/trunk/PyInstaller/loader/archive.py", line 459, in getmod
File "/home/mathias/Desktop/Anaconda/mmfparser/standalone/trunk/PyInstaller/loader/iu.py", line 97, in getmod
File "clock.pxd", line 18, in init mmfparser.player.main (./mmfparser/player/main.c:21433)
(more errors)
Ubuntu 15.04 64bit
Gyhthy 12 Jul 2015 @ 4:49pm 
Since this topic is active again

Feature requests:
Look into the egg drop rate for the last 2 eggs

Was this request ever implemented, or no? I'm still looking for the last two eggs, and I completed the game about 15 hours ago (playtime), and have re-ran the "Adventure Mode" about 4-5 times now, and still haven't gotten the last 2. Do I need to opt into the Beta as some older threads have suggested?
Pkeod // Subsoap  [pengembang] 13 Jul 2015 @ 5:04pm 
Remastered version has yet to be released, and it is where the drop system has changed. When it's live it should only ever take people 1 run through adventure mode to get all eggs to drop. I don't think anyone on our team ever changed the old drop rate for the classic version. We won't be updating it again most likely. If you do not want to do a plain grind then use one of the various strategies people have published or wait for remastered.
Shrodu 17 Jul 2015 @ 10:41pm 
Questions about the Remastered version.

1) When might this version be released?
2) Will it use the same file info as the classic version (Like how Trine has a classic and Enchanted version) or will it be its own game with its own achievements?
3) What is the actual egg drop rate in the classic game and what will the new drop rate be?
Qwarr  [pengembang] 20 Jul 2015 @ 1:26pm 
Hi Shrodu,

1) When it's ready.

2) Both Remastered and Classic version will be options that you can choose to play. That will reside in the current folder.

3) I'm not the one who programmed the drop rate but I think when you flip the last card over in a stack it's either a resource, egg, or nothing. When it picks egg it will just pick a random one of the list of eggs. (not from the ones left). So if it picks egg 1 and you already have that one then you get nothing.

The new drop rate will be more guaranteed and not as random. Can't get into specifics however I can guarantee it'll be much less frustrating to get the last 2 eggs. :ouroboros:
Terakhir diedit oleh Qwarr; 20 Jul 2015 @ 1:26pm
I cant start the game on Lubuntu 15.04. ImportError: Library "c" not found.

EDIT: After installing of mono-complete package game works.
Terakhir diedit oleh Đeath’ş Aļļ | Horst Fuchs; 27 Jul 2015 @ 12:34pm
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