ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Jat  [developer] Oct 21, 2015 @ 11:12pm
The Last Stand Results, Bonus Round & ARK Digest 19! [Read Replies]
Hey Survivors,

Phew... that was a ride! ‘The Last Stand’ Tournament ended today in a blistering 5-hour marathon of poo-throwing monkeys, questionable referee decisions, nerf-batted bosses, numerous failed box-men attempts (THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!), and a partridge in a pear tree.

Before we discuss our mistaken referee call, let it be written that when the dust settled and the last dino fell violently to the ground in a series of grenade explosions, Tribe ‘Terra Nova’ (fun TV show btw) was left standing above all others. Here are the winners of ‘The Last Stand’, and congratulations to them and all the participants for fighting tooth and nail to survive!

Now about that referee call: Approximately midway through the match, one of our GMs was notified that there was someone hiding on top of the dragon. This in itself isn’t an exploit or glitch, but the GM was informed that this individual could not be damaged. The GM tried to damage the clever player -- appropriately-named ‘Brainiac’ of the venerable ‘Goon Squad’ Tribe -- and seemingly also thought Brainiac could not be damaged. Thus the GM, after conferring with the devs, decided to teleport Brainiac off of the Dragon, believing it to be an “embedded collision” glitch that renders a player invincible to any outside projectile.

Upon reviewing the records it appears now that the player COULD in fact take damage, and what had been thought to be invincibility was in fact just mild de-sync of animations that can occur when a player is on such a large moving object. Brainiac employed a novel tactic that was surprising! We made a real-time call based on the information we had available at the time, but in hindsight - it was the wrong call. So that we’re clear: Hiding on top of the Dragon, or any other creature, is not a glitch in Survival of the Fittest, should not have been grounds for the GM to move that player, and will not be so going forward.

‘The Last Stand’ results remain standing; as a live sporting event the referee’s call does not invalidate the entire 5 hour gameplay -- all the Tribes that participated played very long and hard for their victories.

However, we do want to address it - we made the wrong call and that ought to be dealt with. Furthermore, let’s be frank, those poo-flinging monkeys were devastating at such an early point in the game - we hadn’t seen them appear so early before, and were not aware of how much they could hurt unguarded players. So with the referee’s call being mistaken, and so many excellent Survivors eliminated early via The Monkey Reign of Terror, we’re going to host one last Mini-Championship Round to see how events play out with improved balance and without GM mistakes. We thus present to you:

The ‘Bonus Round’ will be a 3-hour SotF match hosted next Sunday, November 1, from 2pm EST to 5pm EST, and will be livestreamed by our dearest caster, the most excellent BikeMan! All the Contestants and Streamers who competed in 'The Last Stand' Championship Finale game are invited into this high-value Mini-Championship, and the prizes will be as follows:

1st Place

$12,000 cash
In-Game Golden SH Custom Trophy with your names

2nd Place

$6,000 cash
In-Game Silver SH Custom Trophy with your names

3rd Place

$2,400 cash
In-Game Bronze SH Custom Trophy with your names

We can't go back in time and change the past (even with a souped-up DeLorean travelling at 88 miles an hour), but we can change the future -- and will do what we can to make it fun for those who played and those who watched. The “Last Stand Bonus Round” SotF build will be deployed on October 25, so Tribes will have a full week to practice without fear of last-minute balancing changes.

We will continue to iterate and refine SotF as a competitive experience, and we'll get better with our casting techniques, infrastructure, and how our GM’s interact with the game. We really appreciate everyone's support of ARK and SotF, and we plan to grow the mode along with players' interest in it.

We look forward to seeing the contestants from 'The Last Stand' Championship in next Sunday's Event to show us the truly epic gameplay and strategies that we know they're all capable of. And we’ll promise you this about the ‘Bonus Round’: among other things, you won't be viciously murdered by feces in your face, nor will GM's be crimping your ingenious strats! We love you Goon Squad!

All the best to ARK fans and SotF fans alike,

Wildcard Jat and the Studio Wildcard Team
Last edited by Jat; Oct 26, 2015 @ 8:51am
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Showing 1-15 of 86 comments
Jat  [developer] Oct 21, 2015 @ 11:12pm 
Alienware Modding Contest

Hope you guys haven’t forgotten about the epic modding contest we’ve got going with Alienware! We encourage any and all survivors interested in modding and currently working on their own version of the ARK to submit their mods to the contest! We’ve got loads of prizes up for grabs and are super excited to see your envisions of ARK come to life!

We’ve also recently extended the original deadline, so check out this thread for all the extra details!

Community Crunch Contests

Be sure to check out our two-weekly running contests! ARKitect and ARKArt where we check out the best bases and the best pieces of art in the game! If you’d like to submit your base or something you’ve created in the game, you can check out the entries thread here which will fill you in on all the rules too! Wonder if anyone can whip up a Mosasaur base in time? ;)

Community Crunch Contest Submissions

ARK Digest Q&A

Survivor, tavenknaughtlin asks, “Will the key to throw Mesos/Dimos off your shoulder be reassigned? I've fed far too many monkeys to wild alphas as I'm trying to escape on my flyer :(.”


We'll go ahead make it a double-tap of the "Use" key, rather than a single-press. That should help :)

Survivor, Manks asks, “The Ark Founder Saddle is a really nice looking saddle, but... it can only be placed on the Parasaur. Something which isn't widely used later on in the game.
Is there any possibility of it being expanded to other Dino's saddles?”


We'll definitely be looking look into more custom saddles the game progresses; needless to say that at the moment our art team at the moment is focused on building out progression-related content! Although you can expect at least one cool Halloween-themed Dino Accessory in Fear Evolved! :D

Survivror, Rage asks, “What happened with alpha direwolf?”


Don’t worry, it’s still to come ;)

Survivro, Eldar Seer asks, “Can we get an item to "freeze" baby dinos at certain growth stages? Teacup dino pet industry! Maybe for Tek tier?”


Yes! Some kind of item would be pretty nice for that! Drake often wish his cats could have been frozen as kittens :P At least we can do it in this game!

Survivor, HexWex asks, “Could there be an icon for creatures that are Alpha boosted, similar to the mate boosted or feeding trough icons?”


Good idea, we can certainly do this.

Survivor, DracoDrake55 asks, “Would the console version of Ark have a way to host your own server and/or mods?”


It does indeed! At least on Xbox One thus far ;)!

Survivor, Okim asks, “You mentioned once that there will be a 512x512 support for ARK arts. Is there any ETA on this?”


Yup! We're still working on this and will try to get this released, just need to test it well to make sure it doesn't cause any issues.

Survivor, Nui-chan asks, “Would it be possible to have a halloween mode that single player, non-dedicated host and private server host could toggle on and off after the halloween event is over?”


This would probably be best done as a Total Conversion. We'll give it a shot after the Event ;)

Survivor, Nui-chan also asks, “Roses are red, violets are blue, tarantulas are fluffy, oh how I'd love to ride one, please make my dream come true?”


We'll support this starting with ARK: Fear Evolved!
Last edited by Jat; Oct 21, 2015 @ 11:14pm
Jat  [developer] Oct 21, 2015 @ 11:13pm 
Survivor, Nui-chan also asks, “Will bosses ever have a way to acquire them? Even if not by actually taming them perhaps they could drop an egg we could hatch into our own or a smaller version of the boss?”


Yup! We have a specific system currently in the works for this. "Boss Wars" - to allow limited control of bosses in the regular game, that if used effectively, will even allow smaller Tribes to take on larger ones!

Survivor, M1uu asks, “Will you add something like a "super refining forge" like we have for meat (industrial grill) fueled with gasoline or even electricity”

Yup, this Refining Forge!

Survivor, killcod4 asks, “Will we see more cave creatures? We kinda need some new ones for the upcomming caves.”


Yes, there will be more cave creatures ;)

Survivor, Fourth asks, “Some player tribes have offline owners and not being able to merge with other tribes.kicking them out of the tribe is a problem even when admin, if they quit the server or game or gone for long periods of time or if they delete their character and not being automatically removed from tribe, is there any fix for that soon?”


Not pre-existing, but we will add a Tribe Governance option for Tribe Owners to allow Tribe Admins to Merge the Tribe. It wouldn't be proper to make this retro-active to all existing Tribes, however, as a Tribe Owner who is on vacation, for example, may not wish this.

Survivor, Fourth also asks, ”Can we put our specimens we gain from battles on the trophy Mount to display who we killed? Hologram or a name under the specimen?”


We have a Trophy system which we’re about to roll out! That’ll be the first step for this.

Survivor, Kyrax asks, “Will you create a "hold breath" function for sniper rifles?”


This is not a bad idea! It could consume Oxygen rapidly. We’ll think on this!

Survivor, cameroonlegend asks, “Will there be bagpipes?”


Haha, there will definitely be more instruments coming ;)

Survivor, Pebbles-chan asks, “Will we ever be able to briefly leap vertically out of water with very specific leap-adapted mounts?”


Indeed you will be ;)

Survivor, aobrien234 asks, “Do you have a plan for fixing the dismounting of scorpions, I mean, I like my scorpion, but I don't want to stand on him for eternity.”


Aye, v220.3 will fix that.

Survivor, Famulus asks, “I don't know when they showed up in history (dinos aren't my area of study) but if there was a prehistoric dung beetle, could we get one, to gather our dino poop?”


Do you mean this guy?

Survivor, Wiel Ek asks, “Could you guys possibly look into the Broodmother dossier issue? As it stands now, the dossier will only unlock if you deliver the killing blow personally. Having one of your mounts kill it, even when riding on its back, does not award the dossier.”


That'll be fixed in v220.3!

Survivor, PrimarchHydra asks, “Can we have a button to quick move items between your inventory and a dino's or a crate, like O is to drop?”


Sure, that has now been added in v220.3! And it uses the Shift and Control modifiers as well to affect quantity!

Survivor, Phantasm98532 asks, “Can we get an update on the progress of the vertical Flyer Doors that has been mentioned in Digests Prior?”


Early November is the aim :)!

Survivor, Warcrime asks, “Can we get a "flee" setting for our dinos? That way instead of sitting there in passive and being killed by a dragonfly, they would at least try to run”


Yes that's a pretty good idea! We’ll get to implementing that soon.

Survivor, ivantmyburd asks, “In the past, Drake has had to administer "laxatives" to certain creatures. Do you think an actual in-game laxative could be a thing? I can definitely think of some uses for one.”


Hahaha yes I think we'll probably do a laxative item at some point :P!

Survivor, Si... asks, “Can we have a "take all from folder", instead of a "take all from inventory" button, a few times I've clicked the "take all from inventory" and
the entire contents of the vault is in my inventory instead of the contents of the folder I'm in.”


Certainly that's a useful idea, we'll add that shortly!

Survivor, Venum asks, “Since the first pass of breeding is out, I've been wondering if we will be able to eventually find wild babies, like a rex or raptor, and hand feed them as the peaceful alternative to taming carnivores?”


We're considering it. Very likely, but will need some balancing.

Survivor, Phantasm98532 asks, “Can we modify the Alarm Trap? How about when the Alarm is tripped, any of your tamed dinosaurs within range of the alarm cycle to aggressive to defend against the threat?”


That's a good idea. We'll add it as an option for the Alarm Trap to do that fairly soon.

Survivor, tomb asks, “Our server is getting more and desperate. We REALLY need admin logs soon. Do you have a ETA on that?”


Early November we'll unleash the Admin Logs at last! Pardon about the delay!

Surivvor, bradstiles1310 asks, “Could a parachute be punctured by being shot? This could be a realistic addition that could change PVP”


Hmmm while that would be realistic, it might make being on a parachute a little too dangerously exposed, a few hits and you're plummeting to your death. You're still a pretty obvious target for snipers anyway, when parachuting...

Survivor, QC asks, “Any chance for Sibling Boost much like mate boost but for Twins and triplet mammals. Like real human twins they are very protective of each other, or siamese twin where one feels the others pain or emotions but not really like that. Just a siblings booster for twins that run together.”


Interesting concept QC, we'll be considering it!

That’s it for this version of the ARK Digest! Thanks for tuning in and for your continued support everyone!

All the best,

Wildcard Jat & The ARK Survival Evolved Team!
Last edited by Jat; Oct 21, 2015 @ 11:14pm
HeavenGoatyToaty Oct 21, 2015 @ 11:25pm 
What about bears lol. Nice digest devs :3.
I Want MY Burd Oct 21, 2015 @ 11:33pm 
Thanks for answering Jat, but... Of my two questions that was the one I cared less about lol
I Want MY Burd Oct 21, 2015 @ 11:34pm 
To balance taming of wild babies, simply have angry mate boosted (and maybe baby boosted?) parents nearby!
Last edited by I Want MY Burd; Oct 21, 2015 @ 11:35pm
~Ormagodon~ Oct 21, 2015 @ 11:41pm 
Megalictis..? :steamhappy:
Paganizer Oct 22, 2015 @ 12:50am 
Damn that was a "cheap" digest.
Retrodagger Oct 22, 2015 @ 1:06am 
noice. But, what about alpha sea creatures?
Cherish Oct 22, 2015 @ 1:20am 
Is there any plans for a dark creepy canyon/pit full of nasty critters like spiders, scorpions, bats, Titanomyrma (Nocturnal creatures, creepy crawlies). Kinda like from the king kong 2005 remake? which could work with the cave arenas and survival of the fittest. E.g So like as if players could be walking casualy through a valley or a forest and then they suddenly fall through a hole which leads them to death trap which is a pit full "scavengers' where they have to climb out or take a route that could lead them somewhere random on the island.
Last edited by Cherish; Oct 22, 2015 @ 1:27am
Ghostwex Oct 22, 2015 @ 1:43am 
Will we be seeing a mad max kinda guitar or a war horn that depletes oxygen?. The war drums are WAY too light sounded for many and maybe if we could get wall-mounted drums that would be cool with just one base drum for whacking?.
StationOG Oct 22, 2015 @ 1:49am 
OMG Industrial Forge, gimme gimme gimme!

The answer to the take all from inventory question, would that fix apply to when you filter your inventory and just want to drop the resulting filter? i.e. filter berries, drop all results that match
Last edited by StationOG; Oct 22, 2015 @ 1:51am
Bugzi Oct 22, 2015 @ 1:49am 
Originally posted by Jat:
Survivor, PrimarchHydra asks, “Can we have a button to quick move items between your inventory and a dino's or a crate, like O is to drop?”


Sure, that has now been added in v220.3! And it uses the Shift and Control modifiers as well to affect quantity!

Can you let us know please which button that would be?
It seems that not all buttons are visible in the Options in the game.
@devs: When will the qualified players which are in the Finals now, get their 100$ Steam Gift? You are talking about giving more ppl the chance to get 100 bucks but what is with the final players. First things first!!
Rae Oct 22, 2015 @ 5:45am 
Originally posted by giZmo!! SOtF FINALS!!!!:
@devs: When will the qualified players which are in the Finals now, get their 100$ Steam Gift? You are talking about giving more ppl the chance to get 100 bucks but what is with the final players. First things first!!

We didn't get them until last Sunday for the Unnatural Selection tournament. Apparently they have a better system now though, so will probably be soon after this tournament ends.
what the heck .... i mean they said that all 230 qualified players get the 100$. So why wait for the end. I mean im already wait since 3 weeks. 1. they said everyone who qualifies for pre champs, then its only the final players, and now they are baiting more people with 100$ for winning on friday without any cent paid yet ...
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