[How-To] Disable Framerate Smoothing (62 fps cap)
I did some digging in the Engine.ini and came across this.

[/script/engine.engine] MinDesiredFrameRate=10.000000 bSmoothFrameRate=TrueSmoothedFrameRateRange=(LowerBound=(Type=Inclusive,Value=22.000000),UpperBound=(Type=Exclusive,Value=62.000000))

There's no denying that this game is running fairly clumsy at the moment, but there certainly is a framerate cap in place keeping stronger systems from exceeding 62 fps. To make the most of any personal and/or developer optimizations in the future, we can disable this in order to get some frames back. While larger/complicated zones will run roughly the same until they are optimized, this really shines within interiors such as Tutorial Basement, Sewers, Train, Powerplant, etc. With this cap, I clocked a predictable 62 fps in the basement (Easy to max since it is a tiny map). Without it, I reached 102 fps on my system on Ultra settings @ 1080p + Vsync Off (SLi 2x 670 GTX 2gb + i7-3820).

To turn off the framerate cap (SmoothFrameRate)

1) Navigate to your game directory to Hatred\Hatred\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor

2) Open the file 'Engine.ini' in Notepad or Notepad++

3) Copy and paste the following:

[/script/engine.engine] MinDesiredFrameRate=0 bSmoothFrameRate=False SmoothedFrameRateRange=(LowerBound=(Type=Inclusive,Value=5),UpperBound=(Type=Exclusive,Value=120))

4) Save.

I'm still skimming through the Engine, Game, and Scale .ini files, but hope this little bit helps kill the cap at least. I set the FPS range 5 - 120 as per the 'editor' portion of the .ini, but surely could be adjusted if smoothing is desired.
Автор останньої редакції: Guardian; 6 черв. 2015 о 16:51
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Ah, one of the old tricks from UE3 is still intact it seems.
Keep in mind that a high max framerate doesn't mean a smooth framerate. Some systems will fluxuate something ugly without the cap (which is why it exist in the first place). Only reccommended if you have a beefy rig and don't want Vsync.

For some context here's some UE documentation


Автор останньої редакції: 468528456; 6 черв. 2015 о 17:01
Yeah I did mention that the game is in no state to take advantage of unlimited frames, but figured I'd get this here anyway for those of us playing with the .ini files, adjusting things for what works for us.
i have


in the .ini file already

should i copy this under it without a ENTER pressed?
or delete the above and replace it?
i just saved this and stupid as it may sound but now i feel that i am on god mode or a cheat! wtf! i cant die.......i take no damage. i am on power plant mission.

i guess it was part of the game......cus after a while i took hits.(or i am just that good)

...god mode is OFF before u ask.
Автор останньої редакції: Aphotic; 5 лют. 2018 о 6:08
ok finished the game, this made the game run smoother....too late for me xD
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Опубліковано: 6 черв. 2015 о 16:39
Дописів: 5