Raven's Cry

Raven's Cry

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Develop a version for Linux/SteamOS, please :)
+1 for Linux
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the game will have a version for steamOS,mac and windows...
Raidor [dph]  [ontwikkelaar] 7 sep 2014 om 11:56 
Yes. there will be definitly a Steam OS Version. But not 100% sure, if we make it until October 14th. That's why it is not shown on the platforms now.
Thnx for share info...dayONE when arriving at linux/SteamOS
Yeah, game coming to Linux at first day. Yay, thanks devs :)
Origineel geplaatst door Raidor dph:
Yes. there will be definitly a Steam OS Version. But not 100% sure, if we make it until October 14th. That's why it is not shown on the platforms now.
it is in platforms now :D thanks :) is it native port? :)
it is no longer listed under supported platforms. I don't care if it will be released tomorrow or later, but linux support is a must have. I'm curious though if Two Worlds 2 for linux will be released tomorrow
Raidor [dph]  [ontwikkelaar] 25 jan 2015 om 1:41 
Mac OSX and Linux/Steam OS will be definitly supported. Regarding Two Worlds II not sure about Linux. Probably.
thanks a lot for the quick reply, Raidor! I wish you good luck with Raven's Cry and great to hear linux is still on the supported list! I really hope you can finish the TW2 port. windows is no option :}
Thanks for reply. Still I believe in port Two Worlds 2 for Linux. Now I waiting for first quality port report Raverns Cry for Linux and if good I prepare my wallet :D
Gamingonlinux website had some news about Two Worlds II being released on Linux in Jan. 26th but I believe there was confusion with the release of Raven's Cry... Can the devs confirm this?


Origineel geplaatst door seekndestroy76:
Gamingonlinux website had some news about Two Worlds II being released on Linux in Jan. 26th but I believe there was confusion with the release of Raven's Cry... Can the devs confirm this?
Sounds very likely. Too bad, I really want Two Worlds II. :(

Edit: yep, they replied to my email and confirmed. No concrete date for TW2 yet. :(
Laatst bewerkt door adolson; 27 jan 2015 om 13:22
Raidor [dph]  [ontwikkelaar] 27 jan 2015 om 17:42 
Origineel geplaatst door seekndestroy76:
Gamingonlinux website had some news about Two Worlds II being released on Linux in Jan. 26th but I believe there was confusion with the release of Raven's Cry... Can the devs confirm this?



This is my fault. They asked me same days ago for a realease date of Two Worlds II. I did not properly read the email - and because I get hundreds of eMails asking me for the Release date of Raven's Cry - I gave them the RC release date. This was of course wrong and it is not their fault.

We plan to make a Linux version of Two Worlds II, but at the moment no one is working on anything different than Raven's Cry. This means all other projects are on hold. After Raven's Cry we will think about what we do next. And regarding Linux versions of already released titles - we see this as maintanance and do it Step by Step.
Thanks Raidor, we'll be waiting patiently for your back catalogue :)
I was so pumped to play TW2 on Linux, I hope you will bring it to Linux later. Hopefuly not very late :)
Nice :) I waiting for TW2 :) Thanks.
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