Wasteland 2
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We want a Spanish from Spain not Latin Spanish!
I was a backer but i already changed the game, today when i heard the news about spanish subtitles, but devs must understand that there are Huge difference between them. France or Italian will have their own subtitles like other european countries so why we have to play on latin spanish and dont understand anything like Walking Dead translation.... we want our own subtitles, not sharing them with other countries with different language.

In a future maybe i buy the game in an offer.
Автор останньої редакції: Gromber; 30 черв. 2014 о 8:10
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Показані коментарі 115 із 64
From what I've heard the standard is supposed to be Castilian Spanish. But since they're crowdsourcing the translations, there are Spanish-speakers from different parts of the world working on it so there may end up being a mixture of dialects.
Автор останньої редакції: randir14; 30 черв. 2014 о 3:23
Цитата допису randir14:
From what I've heard the standard is supposed to be Castilian Spanish. But since they're crowdsourcing the translations, there are Spanish-speakers from different parts of the world working on it so there may end up being a mixture of dialects.
There's a large difference between the Spanish spoken in Spain and Spanish spoken in Latin America? I had no idea tbh.
"The point is that there is great diversity among the various American dialects, and it would be hard to point to one trait shared by all of them which is not also in existence in one or more of the variants of Spanish used in Spain. Of the more than 469 million people who speak Spanish as their mother tongue, more than 418 million are in Latin America and the United States." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_language_in_the_Americas
Цитата допису kromando33:
Цитата допису randir14:
From what I've heard the standard is supposed to be Castilian Spanish. But since they're crowdsourcing the translations, there are Spanish-speakers from different parts of the world working on it so there may end up being a mixture of dialects.
There's a large difference between the Spanish spoken in Spain and Spanish spoken in Latin America? I had no idea tbh.

there is a lot...using usted/vosotros is diferent in spain and latianamerican; "slang" or words that are used only in a region, the verb "take" in parts of Latin America means something completely different.
Consider the Latinoamericano as dialect does not exist. There Argentine, Mexican, Peruan, etc. dialect. The standard is the matrix language, spanish. If for reasons of market you want to do in a particular dialect, such as Mexican,perfect, but keep in mind that the rest will be upset, whether Argentines, Peruvians, Ecuadorians, Spanish, etc.. The idea of ​​ American dialect is incorrect, there is no such dialect. More correct is to do in the parent language, spanish and use words you do not specify a particular country, which is quite simple in this language.
El traductor de google traduce lo que quiere. Pongo la cita original en castellano

Veamos el latinoamericano como dialecto no existe. Existe el dialecto argentino, mexicano, peruano, etc. El estandar es el idioma matriz, el castellano. Si por razones de mercado se quiere hacer en un dialecto especifico, perfecto, por ejemplo el mexicano, pero tengan en cuenta que el resto estara disgustado, ya sean argentinos, peruanos, ecuatorianos, españoles, etc. Esa idea de dialecto latinoamericano es incorrecta, no existe ese dialecto. Mas correcto es hacerlo en el idioma matriz, castellano y utilizar palabras no especificas de un pais en concreto, lo cual es bastante sencillo en este idioma.
aqui tenéis la cita de uno de admins del foro oficial en la tradu de wasteland2, la razón del hilo
So our official stance is this: Latin American forms and terms should be used over European American. This simply makes more sense to us in the setting (Snake Vargas, for instance, being Mexican) as well as Latin American Spanish being the larger audience.

@morris, ya sabemos que hay muchos dialectos, pero en terminos generales hay dos castellanos diferenciados, que es el castellano de españa y el castellano "latino" que se usa en toda latinoamerica, está claro que lo mejor es intentar usar un estilo neutro para que todo el mundo esté contento, pero parece que no es esa la labor.

p.d solo hay que mirar cuando las cosas estan dobladas, los latinos no les gusta el doblaje de españa y viceversa..cosa que "creo" que no ocurre en cualquier otro idioma.
Автор останньої редакції: cloudsefi; 30 черв. 2014 о 6:14
y ese dialecto latinoamericano del que hablas, ¿donde esta?. Tu ponlo en mexicano y veras que pronto se enfada el resto. O ponlo en Argentino. O en Peruano. O en Andaluz. O haz un pupurri de todo....y asi los tendras a todos enfadados.
Haber, una cosa es la lengua Castellana, de donde provienen todos los dialectos y otra diferente son las palabras focalizadas en un sitio concreto, que tiene un segundo significado por una costumbre local, pero el significado comun es el de la lengua comun, la originaria.

De todas formas, como tu muy bien dices este idioma tiene de bueno, la gran cantidad de palabras para definir un termino, desde diferentes perspectivas. Por eso un lenguaje donde se eviten los localismos, seria lo deseable.....lo que tu llamas neutro., y en este idioma es muy sencillo de hacer
Pues si no les gusta el español del juego, JUEGUEN EN INGLES COMO HAGO YO CON TODOS LOS JUEGOS!!!
There is no such thing as Latin American "dialect". It's Spanish from Latin America, both styles are equally recognized by the Academy of Spanish language. The only difference it would make in the translation is the plural pronoun use of the 2nd person, I don't know what huge differences you mean.
you arent a native spanish so you dont understand.
If you are referring to me, I am a native speaker.
neutral spanish for me please (I am helping with the translation and I am translating everything in neutral spanish that means no "modisms" from my country but also no "sois" "estais" "flipando" etc, as neutral as it gets :)

Everyone is helping on this project, forcing what you want just because you dont like anything else is a little selfish so either help or just dont complain.

BTW "We want" you can't and you dont speak for all the spanish community, "we" is only you.
Автор останньої редакції: Sirius; 30 черв. 2014 о 21:38
Theyre not that different. It's little more than the difference between american english and british english. I think most spanish gamers can handle someone using ustedes instead of vosotros without too many heads exploding :)
Автор останньої редакції: Vargas78; 1 лип. 2014 о 0:24
Цитата допису Vargas78:
Theyre not that different. It's little more than the difference between american english and british english.
u wot m8
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Опубліковано: 30 черв. 2014 о 2:49
Дописів: 64