Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

Infestation: Survivor Stories 2020

Warz For Mac
Please fix this game/ And make it compatible on Mac too.
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115/20 megjegyzés mutatása
maybe get a real computer and not a hipster box?
Please fix your brain/ And learn to read News too.
I read the news saw nothing. Ace is just made he has a computer full of viruses
MachineGunCook eredeti hozzászólása:
I read the news saw nothing. Ace is just made he has a computer full of viruses

you don't get viruses because your computer can't do anything
They can't even fix the windows version, or implement a working anti-cheat system, and you demand a working mac port? yeah, have fun waiting.
ahuehuehuehu a mac plays like a toaster
I don't arbitrarily hate Macs - and, in fact, I think they're a great line of computers for people who don't really understand what they're doing with a computer - but let's be completely honest: if you want to play computer games, you're going to need to get a Windows computer.

Or just go with a console. That's the safer bet these days, anyway, with industry standards at an all-time low. I've been getting more and more defective or recycled (not even refurbished) products in the last few years, and it's really getting to be a drag.
I don't arbitrarily hate Macs - and, in fact, I think they're a great line of computers for people who don't really understand what they're doing with a computer - but let's be completely honest: if you want to play computer games, you're going to need to get a Windows computer.

Or just go with a console. That's the safer bet these days, anyway, with industry standards at an all-time low. I've been getting more and more defective or recycled (not even refurbished) products in the last few years, and it's really getting to be a drag.

Eh- not really. It's a good line to overprice hardware and take advantage of consumers who don't know what they're doing. Best Buy is the same way. Did you know BB tried to charge my grandmother $120 to format her laptop? Now that's some scamming right there.

And why a console? I mean, yeah, prebuilts are always going to be bad for computers, but if you even put a little bit of research into building your own, it's going to be far better than any console will be- and last longer, too.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: Felicity; 2013. jan. 2., 23:22
I suppose it depends on who you are, really. If you know your way around a computer, then a PC is certainly the way to go - but let's face it, those of us who do are in the minority, amongst PC users worldwide. Besides that, just for example, I'm moving soon; where I'm going to live, I just don't have room for my gaming PC. As such, I'm relegated to my PS3 and laptop.

Oh, and $120 to format a laptop is obscene. Whoever tried to perpetuate that scam deserves a swift kick in the crotch - but ♥♥♥♥, welcome to computers, right? So many people are uninformed or unable to handle computers, so the people that can have the market cornered, big time.

EDIT: Oh, and as regards computer parts: to get a bit more specific, I've had a lot of problems ordering products and having them delivered to me defective or straight up used (despite not being advertised as such), going as far as to have a defective product overheat and damage my CPU. To compound that, most of these sites are huge ♥♥♥♥♥ about actually giving you a refund after they screw you over, so... just getting a console is easier for most people.
Legutóbb szerkesztette: wildflower; 2013. jan. 3., 0:16
That's true, the mobo I ordered a while ago had a defective PCI-E slot. Thankfully there were enough slots for it to not be an issue, but it was still annoying since SLI-ing is going to be impossible now, if I ever felt like it, without ordering an entirely new mobo.
the funny thing about this is that its easy enough to make your own mac wrapper with wine to be able to play...
I got this running on wine, but I can't type which means I can't login
Macs are not gaming machines. There is little use in complaining about it. It would be like someone complaining because their Honda Civic can't out-perform a Mustang in short distance racing. Or outhaul a F150. Or attact as many longing gazes as a Lotus Elise. But it will get better gas mileage than any of those other cars. You buy the best tool for the job and recognize it's limitations.
Redshift eredeti hozzászólása:
Macs are not gaming machines. There is little use in complaining about it. It would be like someone complaining because their Honda Civic can't out-perform a Mustang in short distance racing. Or outhaul a F150. Or attact as many longing gazes as a Lotus Elise. But it will get better gas mileage than any of those other cars. You buy the best tool for the job and recognize it's limitations.

Actually the other cars will get better mileage.
And are easier to repair.
And far cheaper.

BUT, it's easier to u-
well, no it isn't.

So overall getting a Honda Civic is a bad choice so why would anyone do it-

well, brand recognition.

Assuming everyone liked Hondas and thought they were cool for some inexplicable reason.
Friskie eredeti hozzászólása:
I got this running on wine, but I can't type which means I can't login
you need to run it through wine but through a pre made wrapper by paul the tall, find his wrapper for world of tanks, then just install warZ and your done
by the way it can take a while joining a server and even then it can take about 3 or 4 tries to work
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115/20 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2013. jan. 2., 19:23
Hozzászólások: 20