Don't Starve

Don't Starve

J20Hawkz 8. sep. 2013 kl. 9.22
●*●*●*● A Solution To Achievements ●*●*●*●
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Likes: +16
Dislikes: -5

Don't Stave Global Rankings!

I was thinking, some of you guys love playing for rewards that everyone can see. In Don't Starve even though we are achieving things in game others are not able to see our progress. To some this is a very big deal and a huge turn off. I for one prefer to play games casually but anything that is non virtual related, I participate in, I am one of the most competitive people you will come across, saying that I was ranking 1st in almost every match I played in Blacklight Retribution a free to play FPS. Look at my screen shots for some proof. Anyway back on topic.

So I thought wouldn't it be a good idea to have a Global Leader Board. Basically each person will be ranked on how many days they survive with a certain character. So there will be tabs for each playable character that you can click on to see who has survived the most number of days.This will give those achievement hunters to aim for that no.1 spot and maintain it.

Think of this as a new mode added through DLC that is basically a harder Adventure/Sandbox mode where instead of rewarding us with playable characters (Wes and Maxwell) we are able to see where our fellow survivors are on a global ranking system, and try to get to that no.1 spot. You could argue that this is still playing for an achievement. But in essence we play Adventure mode for two main reasons, to unlock more playable characters and for that extra challenge. Which are both an achievement for completing. This new mode is the same but obviously much harder and will allow people all over the world to see who has survived the longest.

Obviously I know people use mods. So on the leader board it will flag them as red and we can see the mods these people have installed. It's a rough idea but I think this is one solution to those asking for things the devs don't want in their game. Please read all comments. I know exactly what I want for this but this is a community forum I would like to hear what you guys think and from that I

Please share your thoughts. Any comment that I feel will turn this thread into another of those achievement wanting threads will be immediately deleted. Repeated offenders will be dealt with accordingly for sole purpose of derailing a thread and unnecessary spam.

Sist redigert av J20Hawkz; 29. mai 2014 kl. 2.19
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Viser 115 av 75 kommentarer
T R A I T O R 8. sep. 2013 kl. 10.39 
Make this a pinned topic!

Good idea, finally get the spam to stop.
That Guy 8. sep. 2013 kl. 10.41 
when you get the hang of it its easy to survive for a long time . especially if you dont bother with caves or adventure mode and even with adventure mode and caves there are some things you can abuse to stay alive for aslong as you want . they would have to make some kinda survival mode were each day it gets harder and harder till no mater how good you are 100 days means something not i turtled for 1k days lol
J20Hawkz 8. sep. 2013 kl. 11.42 
Opprinnelig skrevet av No One:
when you get the hang of it its easy to survive for a long time . especially if you dont bother with caves or adventure mode and even with adventure mode and caves there are some things you can abuse to stay alive for aslong as you want . they would have to make some kinda survival mode were each day it gets harder and harder till no mater how good you are 100 days means something not i turtled for 1k days lol

Yeah! Now this is what I was waiting for someone to say. A new mode. Very good point.

A lot of people talk about this game not having achievements so therefore less people will purchase, which is absurd. But people have opinions so I propose a new DLC that includes a new mode that is as challenging as Adventure mode. It can combine all elements or the harder aspects of both sandbox and adventure modes into one.

Just think of it as an arcade sort of survival game mode. You're completing challenges/puzzles/bosses just as we were doing so in sandbox and adventure but this time we are being rewarded by having our names shown to the world on an Official Don’t Starve Survival Leader Board. Obviously this may sound quite simple to some but that's just it. Those who want to be the "best" will fight to stay on top.

Note. This wont be separate to the game. Just as Adventure mode is already in the game where we are rewarded with Wes and Maxwell. This mode will also be part of the game and serve to reward those who want to show off the amount of days they survived in a basically more challenging Adventure mode.
Sist redigert av J20Hawkz; 8. sep. 2013 kl. 13.53
Vigo 8. sep. 2013 kl. 12.58 
Opprinnelig skrevet av J20Hawkz:

Yeah! Now this is what I was waiting for someone to say. A new mode. Very good point. A lot of people talk about this game not having achievements so therefore less people will purchase, which is absurd. But people have opinions so I propose a new DLC that includes a new mode that is as challenging as Adventure mode. It can combine all elements or the harder aspects of both sandbox and adventure modes into one.

Just think of it as an arcade sort of survival game mode. You're completing challenges/puzzles/bosses just as we were doing so in sandbox and adventure but this time we are being rewarded by having our names shown to the world on an Official Don’t Starve Survival Leader Board. Obviously this may sound quite simple to some but that's just it. Those who want to be the "best" will fight to stay on top.

Note. This wont be separate to the game. Just as Adventure mode is already in the game where we are rewarded with Wes and Maxwell. This mode will also be part of the game and serve to reward those who want to show off the amount of days they survived in a basically more challenging Adventure mode.

Make this happen
J20Hawkz 8. sep. 2013 kl. 14.13 
I added a new rating system to the op. +1 or -1. Leave your comments on what you think of this idea then also please leave a rating.

Sist redigert av J20Hawkz; 8. sep. 2013 kl. 14.14
Femboy Nermal 8. sep. 2013 kl. 16.21 
+1, sounds like a good idea, but merely flagging down what mods people use isn't going to stop those who might resort to save editors (which may bypass the mod flagging) to game the system. It's going to be pretty damn hard to make the leaderboards cheat-free.
If the leaderboards ever get implemented, I'd prefer not to see something like this[] for the top 500 players.
Sist redigert av Femboy Nermal; 8. sep. 2013 kl. 16.24
J20Hawkz 9. sep. 2013 kl. 0.05 
Good point.

I'm no game designer, but I know there are ways around this. There could be a system that stops a player from even registering their save file if any form of mods or cheats were used.

The flagging system would prove useful. If a player is flagged for using mods they can be removed by an administrator.

Obviously this are is a bit sketchy, so if anyone would like to see this happen, please leave a comment and a way around any problems.

Sist redigert av J20Hawkz; 9. sep. 2013 kl. 0.22
阿廖沙来下棋 9. sep. 2013 kl. 0.39 
Great idea, yes there is no difficulty for veterans in survival mode now.
阿廖沙来下棋 9. sep. 2013 kl. 0.39 
Savok 9. sep. 2013 kl. 0.43 
And then cheaters get around it and it becomes an arms race taking up time that could be better spent on other things like updates.
J20Hawkz 9. sep. 2013 kl. 5.15 
Opprinnelig skrevet av Savok:
And then cheaters get around it and it becomes an arms race taking up time that could be better spent on other things like updates.

This is it. The concept is good but the question is "how can we have a ranking system that will be cheat free?" I suppose like the link above to one of those 999999 ranks, which are obviously blatant can be removed and the person struck off from entering their days save file. This would deter others as well. What is being suggested isn't anything new. I've seen this global ranking system implemented in many games with no problems. So anyway what's your thoughts?
Sist redigert av J20Hawkz; 9. sep. 2013 kl. 5.16
Savok 9. sep. 2013 kl. 8.00 
My thoughts are it's pointless as leaderboards are always full of cheaters and spend half their time broken anyway. I really don't see why there aren't achievements. I know they've said it's limiting player imagination and so on but really, this isn't Minecraft or any of its clones, the game is finite. There's only so many ways to survive. At some point you're completely self sustaining and so knowledgable you can get through a winter without stockpiles anyway.
J20Hawkz 9. sep. 2013 kl. 11.45 
This mode will not be as easy as you think. Just think your worst day in Don’t Starve and then think this happening every day. Hound attacks become more frequent until hounds come literally every day with no warning. Resources are limited with plenty of hostile mobs.

Winter lasts more and more longer as days survived increases. It rains longer, more lightning strikes, important resources are guarded by guardian pigs blocking your way like in adventure mode. More harsh tentacle mazes. Night become longer, days obviously become shorter until you literally have a few hours to no light the longer you survive.

This will be a challenge like no other. Ranking highest in this will be an achievement trust me. There is always a way round cheaters, obviously we don't have the same knowledge a programmer has. They will know ways to counter it. :lonestar:
Sist redigert av J20Hawkz; 9. sep. 2013 kl. 13.34
J20Hawkz 9. sep. 2013 kl. 11.46 
I also made a copy of this suggestion over at Klei, with a very nice voting system. Please visit it here to put your votes in there as well and here.
Sist redigert av J20Hawkz; 9. sep. 2013 kl. 11.47
Macabre 9. sep. 2013 kl. 13.08 
my thought more or less was have the game check if your using mods, if so you cannot unlock achivements also if mod are tunred one at any time during a game save, then achivement are perm disabled for that game.
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Dato lagt ut: 8. sep. 2013 kl. 9.22
Innlegg: 75