Crusader Kings II

Crusader Kings II

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New DLC for two more years!
Seeing as expansions come out about every 4-6 months were are in for at least 4 more expansions and I can't really think of 4 things that can really be expanded upon in CK2. I was just wondering what kind of expansions people want to see?

I have 3 ideas for possible expansions:

[HRE (possibly any elective monarchy system) redone so that it actually makes sense.]
-Have 7 electors (3 religious, 4 secular) so that dukes with good diplomacy actually stand a chance of becoming the HRE instead of always having it be the Salians
-Make relations much more difficult to maintain as the Emperor of any elective monarchy and make vassals only give like 25% of their levies for offensive wars and a huge opinion penalty while engaged in offensive wars
-Pretty much gimp this country except in a defensive situation until they accomplish a series of events sort of Legacy of Rome (General idea being to keep the AI from blobbing out of control in a country that when it tried to do this historically, would face large domestic uprisings)

[Allowing play as a bishop and creating more option for Catholicism and Orthodoxy and allowing heresies to actually form separate religions]
-After Old Gods Christianity seems super boring so they need some new decisions and events to make them more entertaining.
-Heresies are just annoying right now yet there are so many different types, but essentially all do the same thing and are only used in a gamey way (holy wars against your former friends of the faith). Which is odd since Catholicism started as a heresy from orthodox and so did Miaphysiate(?), this expansion would allow people who convert to heretics to create a totally new religion that is related to the religion it is a heresy from. For Christians obviously this would mean not being able to holy war that heresy anymore and for Muslims it would mean a new caliph could be created

[Playing as a Holy Order or mercenaries]
-This would obviously require a huge revamp but could be done the same way as republics because during this time period mercenaries were more or less standing armies with their own governing bodies.
-People in both of the groups would usually have wives and children that would then enter the unit upon being old enough, in fact several Holy Order position were only allowed to children of that particular Holy Order.
-Gameplay for this would be similar to republics mixed with landless characters. Your houses would generate a bit of gold but mostly men to fill your groups army and you might have 5-6 small houses (the way a republic gets their estates) and then whoever is in charge also gets an extra estate that pools all the men and generates a large number of its own men to be used as the mercenaries or Holy Order which will then bring in cash and the leader would get to decide how fairly it is shared (with penalty modifiers of course)
-The end game as one of these groups would be to take an infidels kingdom and become a regular kingdom (Teutonic Order style) or possible to assisting someone who is invading or has a claim on a kingdom if you are mercenaries in order to get rewards for helping them (Robert of Normandy style)

Please list out some ideas that any of you have for expansions because after Old Gods and Republics I feel like DLC is getting limitless
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από Warlordnipple; 14 Ιουλ 2013, 12:58
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I feel like a good dlc would be a few extra start dates that stretch back into roman times. If the devs for ckII could find enough informaiton about there start dates. As there are no games made by paradox games that go back that far apart from europa universalis rome. Another dlc about colinazation would be nice with a new start date/dates they play after the discovery of the new world and a new event where christopher colombus discovers the new world. so these are my ideas other then that i have nothing.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Warlordnipple-Heresies are just annoying right now yet there are so many different types, but essentially all do the same thing and are only used in a gamey way (holy wars against your former friends of the faith). Which is odd since Catholicism started as a heresy from orthodox and so did Miaphysiate(?), this expansion would allow people who to convert to heretics to create a totally new religion that is related to the religion it is a heresy from. For Christians obviously this would mean not being able to holy war that heresy anymore and for Muslims it would mean a new caliph could be created [/quote:
Catholics would say Orthodox started as a heresy of Catholicism.
I think that the holy order idea sounds great. I mean I've seen the Templars take over Prussia once during I think the 12th Century after being given a barony by Denmark about 50 years earlier and it just gave me goose bumps seeing history actually occur. I don't know about you but I found that especially with the Old Gods, the Russian conversion from paganism never seemed to occur. They all seemed way too powerful and often the Tengri would reform and the area would never convert unless I took action in the area. If the Churches could possibly send holy orders into the area under your insturctions then the pagan churches could eventually fall. I definatly found when playing as the Tengri or Slavic religions that it was very easy to avoid religious persecution as the Christian bodies were often fighting amoung themselves and the Muslim 'Arabian Empire' almost never seperated into the obvious Persian/Seljuk/Fatmid/Moor groups that begin with 1066. (Obviously the Seljuks apear but I noticed that the Arabian empire was so powerful that they could eventually overturn the Seljuks).

What it needs is a way for these bodies to possibly break up with more easy. Yeah the pagans are only allowed gravilkind but Cumania almost always retakes what it's lost after a succesion crisis and then takes over the Byzantium and Hungary, creating a reformed pagan entity. It needs to be more difficult to survive as a pagan.

That's where Theocracies could be interesting.
I think a DLC that you could play as an unlanded character would be cool. Starting as a no-name courier and building up to be full-fledged noble. With events going aganist your common birth and oppouronities to form alliances with mercs, bandits and exiles to push a claim like they have with Host's in ToG.
At vortex 13:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από vortex_13:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Warlordnipple-Heresies are just annoying right now yet there are so many different types, but essentially all do the same thing and are only used in a gamey way (holy wars against your former friends of the faith). Which is odd since Catholicism started as a heresy from orthodox and so did Miaphysiate(?), this expansion would allow people who to convert to heretics to create a totally new religion that is related to the religion it is a heresy from. For Christians obviously this would mean not being able to holy war that heresy anymore and for Muslims it would mean a new caliph could be created [/quote:
Catholics would say Orthodox started as a heresy of Catholicism.

I am Catholic and went to a Catholic High school and msot of my grade school was parochial, so I know a decent amount about Christian history. Before the schism their was no singular head of the Christian Church, most large provinces had bishops that were chosen by the priests to oversee them. That is where Orthodox Church gets the Pentarchs from [Jerusalem, Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, and Rome] they were important because those were generally prestigous because of their relation to Christianity and highly populated. During the time when the Roman Empire still existed this was fine and major decisions could be easly done by having a council of most of the bishops because they were essentially all in one country (Rome). When Rome started to get invaded by the pagan armies and the Islamic conquests the Pentarchs became mroe and more independent since travel was becoming increasingly more difficult. Once the Roman Empire started to abondon the west and the Christians that existed in Italy and France the Western Bishops became desperate for a way to keep people from converting back to paganism (Converting to whatever country conquered your people was pretty standard as most Gods were pretty similar and it would heavily benefit you politically) in order to do that they needed a figurehead that would not abondon them so they made the Pentarch in Rome their leader. The Ecumenical Patriarch in CK2 is the Eastern Christians response to the same problem except from Islam instead of Paganism and to establish a counterpoint to the Pope. Thus the classic version of Christianity is basically what Orthodox people practice during this time period and the Western Christians (Catholics) created the Pope and stopped listening to the four other Eastern Pentarchs which makes Western Christians the heretics,

I use the terms Western Christian and Eastern Christian a lot in this diatribe because those would have been the actual names for the two religions in this time period (Calling Western Christians Catholic came about way later in response to Protestantism and means universal which was a way to elevate its status over the many divergent branches of Protestantism). In fact the first formal split only happened in 1054 so during the time in the Old Gods the Catholic faith would not exist at all and the bishop of Rome would be a pentarch of the orthodoxy faith in the game (although with slightly more power and independence than a regular pentarch).
At Moxa9:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Moxa9:
I think that the holy order idea sounds great. I mean I've seen the Templars take over Prussia once during I think the 12th Century after being given a barony by Denmark about 50 years earlier and it just gave me goose bumps seeing history actually occur. I don't know about you but I found that especially with the Old Gods, the Russian conversion from paganism never seemed to occur. They all seemed way too powerful and often the Tengri would reform and the area would never convert unless I took action in the area. If the Churches could possibly send holy orders into the area under your insturctions then the pagan churches could eventually fall. I definatly found when playing as the Tengri or Slavic religions that it was very easy to avoid religious persecution as the Christian bodies were often fighting amoung themselves and the Muslim 'Arabian Empire' almost never seperated into the obvious Persian/Seljuk/Fatmid/Moor groups that begin with 1066. (Obviously the Seljuks apear but I noticed that the Arabian empire was so powerful that they could eventually overturn the Seljuks).

What it needs is a way for these bodies to possibly break up with more easy. Yeah the pagans are only allowed gravilkind but Cumania almost always retakes what it's lost after a succesion crisis and then takes over the Byzantium and Hungary, creating a reformed pagan entity. It needs to be more difficult to survive as a pagan.

That's where Theocracies could be interesting.

Yea pagans get out of control because the AI doesn't seem to know when to try and convert them. Whenever I play as an organized religion I usually get 3-4 major pagan countries to convert because I jsut check and see if any rulers are cynical or arbitrary and then send missionaries at them (those traits make them more likely to convert and let your missionary stay) or I will just send missionaries to a pagan country and if they capture him i just send a missionary to a different country. I did this strategy as Zorastrian, so that I could get allies and would have more people available for marriage (marry chaste sister and then have 3 lustful concubines for a good way to have happy vassals and non-inbred kids btw) and ended up converting Russia, Sweden, and England as Zorastrians, somewhat historically inaccurate but entertaining all the same.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από irockrmw:
I feel like a good dlc would be a few extra start dates that stretch back into roman times. If the devs for ckII could find enough informaiton about there start dates. As there are no games made by paradox games that go back that far apart from europa universalis rome. Another dlc about colinazation would be nice with a new start date/dates they play after the discovery of the new world and a new event where christopher colombus discovers the new world. so these are my ideas other then that i have nothing.

That's not a bad idea, but the game is called Crusader Kings 2. I think they have already went futher back then they should with the Old Gods as you can't call a Crusade till 1066. Overall, I don't have a real issue with them making earlier start dates but it makes you question why they even put "Crusader" in the title.
i bet that next dlc would surely allow to play theocracies - it is the last type of state which cannot be played for at present
I feel like they've already made enough expansions for this game and they should start thinking about new games to cover new time periods or new parts of the world. Neither the early start in the Old Gods or the inexplicable Aztec invasion in Sunset Invasion really make sense in a game called Crusader Kings. It seems to me that they've run out of ideas relevant to the time period and are having to stretch to find new things to add.

Don't get me wrong I love the game and I wouldn't mind seeing this engine cover new maps or new times but I feel like they have covered the time period and the current world map adequately already so maybe its time for a new game with a new time/region focus. They still could make a DLC for CK2 for playing as a theocracy or a mercenary perhaps if they can come up with interesting enough mechanics to differentiate it from other playables that exist already, but if they don't I don't see it being all that interesting and I think people will just skip it given the number of other dlcs already available. When there's so many to buy people will settle on a few of the best and ignore anything that doesn't make significant new additions to the game.
I think that Crusader Kings moniker could go from Charles Martel to the 1300's since this is the time when major wars were being done because of your religion and even though Charles Martel did not technically go on a crusade he did just about everything that happened in the later Crusades (Attack Muslims who were taking Christian lands and set up a Christian Kingdom to take it back over). That being said I generally just think of Crusader Kings 2 as the time period when castles were around for paradox games so it doesn't really bother me how far the back they go as long as it is not Roman times and castles are still being around.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Warlordnipple:
I think that Crusader Kings moniker could go from Charles Martel to the 1300's since this is the time when major wars were being done because of your religion and even though Charles Martel did not technically go on a crusade he did just about everything that happened in the later Crusades (Attack Muslims who were taking Christian lands and set up a Christian Kingdom to take it back over). That being said I generally just think of Crusader Kings 2 as the time period when castles were around for paradox games so it doesn't really bother me how far the back they go as long as it is not Roman times and castles are still being around.

That's true, you are only able to see the pagan conversions in the late 12th Centruy for a couple of years untill the game ends. Yes the Old gods was great but it was really the conversions to christianity that's really interesting (either form of it). That's why theocracies would be great if they increased the time line (only an extra 100 years)
I don't know about expansions, but I'd like to maybe see something along the lines of Stategic Resources like they did with a Hearts of Iron 3 expansion.

Certain provinces or counties have a stategic resource. Let's say a gold mine somewhere. Whoever owns that county gets a bonus to income.
Or maybe just add the whole map of the Earth and include Japan. Sengoku which is pretty much the same game as CK2 but about Shoguns, Daimyos and Samurais was a complete flop. Maybe if they incorporate it into CK2 I think it would be their highest selling expansion.
The only way that could work is if they expanded on the silk road. Adding the entire world wouldn't really work historically due to the indifferent time periods. You can't have the discovery of the world as the hundred year war is going on. As mentioned earlier it also breaks from the Crusader aspect which the game focuses on. I think they would really need to create a new game with the CK2 idea (like with CK2 games being able to be played on EU2). Then the world could be incorperated. I really would like to see colonialism in the CK2 model but that would really need to be a completely revampe game.
The game may focus on crusading, but it does a rather poor job of making it the focus of your character other than peripherally. I daresay that 95%+ of the games I have played did I even pay attention to the few crusades that were called and felt no consequences for completely ignoring thier existence. The only nice thing about them is I can snake my neighbors territory pretty easy while hes away crusading. Heck, even when I reformed sumoesko (if thats how its spelled) and created a theocracy in Novogorod for it the High Priest would call Crusades against Sweden and Norway pretty regularly (Norse) and that was really nothing more than an opportunity to snake more land for my Finnish republic. Pretty crazy.
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Ημ/νία ανάρτησης: 10 Ιουλ 2013, 19:17
Αναρτήσεις: 38