Killing Floor

Killing Floor

Mutant  [kehittäjä] 19.6.2015 klo 7.52
Usage of KFTheTestmap2.ini
The latest build of the map is using a different config file 'KFTheTestmap2.ini'.
There are some values missing as they are not needed anymore.
The map generates the file if it has not exited so far.

Location Of KFTheTestmap2.ini:
  • Windows: Inside of KillingFloor/System folder

  • Mac: Inside of Library/Application Support/Killing Floor/System folder (file might be hidden)

  • Linux: Inside of ~/.killingfloor/System folder (folder might be hidden)

  • LoopDetector_MustBeZero: Just ensure that this value is 0 on startup, otherwise the map will go into compatibility mode and won't work properly.

  • PossibleBadMutators: The built in compatibility check adds possible incompatible mutators to this list. You can expand the list manually by adding a new entry in order to avoid a particular mutator from being loaded on the map.
    Example: PossibleBadMutators=Package.Mutator

  • ForceAllowMutators: In case of the built in compatibility check filters out a compatible mutator you can add it to this list to force it being loaded.

  • bUseSummerLayout: Enables the built in summer layout. Only one layout can be used at the same time.

  • bUseHalloweenLayout: Enables the built in halloween layout.

  • bUseXmasLayout: Enables the built in Christmas layout.

  • bUsingServerPerks: Only set this to true if you're using Marco's ServerPerks. This forces to load the ServerPerks trader. Furthermore, you have to replace all testmap perks with the respective ServerPerks version. This, however, disables the free DLC/achievement weapons feature.

  • Perks: Defines the perks that will be available through the testmap GUI tab.

  • ExtraTraderWeapons: Allows the addition of further weapons to the trader (does not work with ServerPerks trader, use ServerPerks.ini instead). CategoryNum defines the perklist to which the weapon will be added.

    Category numbers:
    0: 'Medic' list
    1: 'Support Specialist' list
    2: 'Sharpshooter' list
    3: 'Commando' list
    4: 'Berserker' list
    5: 'Firebug' list
    6: 'Demolitions' list
    7: 'Neutral' list

  • CustomMonsterSets: Allows the addition of custom monster sets.
    - bActivated: Defines whether this set will used ingame or not
    - CrawlerReplacerClass: Replaces all crawler spawns (squad/single spawns and simulator)
    - The other replacer values do the same for their respective monster type
    - If you leave a replacer class empty the map will use its default monster
    - Ingame you find a new entry in the 'Monster Set' dropdown
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Mutant; 22.8.2015 klo 11.32
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